Chapter 6

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"There is definetly going to be a filter on this video. Where are we going Luke?" Ashton asks. "Sweden. We're very tired, but also very excited!" Luke says rubbing his eyes. "Hey can you guys do that again? I think I messed up." Calum asks and I laugh.

Michael is taking selfies with a pouty face. I join in and we start giggling at our ridiculousness. I feel horrible since Opie has to ride in the cargo and not with me. I have Moto though because he his too small to ride in the cargo.

"I don't have Opie." I say to my camera and stick my bottom lip out really far. "We just have Motorboy. Opie has to ride in cargo." Mikey fake sobs. "We aren't going to see him for hours!" Luke exclaims, fake sobbing with us. We all dramatically fake sob and Luke kisses me. "Eeew! Ew! Ew!" Calum shrieks. Ashton starts laughing like a chipmunk.

I press the end button on my camera and screw around with the audio. I changed it so now Cal sounds like a little tiny baby chipmunk. Then I upload it to keek and instagram because everyone needs to see our stupidity.

"Flight 7022 to Stockholm, Sweden is now boarding." The flight attendant says. We gather all of our things and race to the gate.


"So we've just arrived in Sweden, Stockholm, and I met this babe." Calum says, turning the camera to Ashton. Ash starts talking about how he's originally from Sweden.

"You sound like you're from Australia..." Luke laughs. "I'm the Swedish one here!" I exclaim. "No, actually you've just LIVED in Sweden!" Ashton fires back.

I decide to call my friends because they are huge 5SOS fans, and when the boys are on stage, I get very lonely. *insert sad face here*

"Oh my god Catherine! It's been forever!" Sally exclaims. "Yes, Hi. Is Sam with you?" I ask. "She's right here." Sam laughs.

"Anyways, you still like 5SOS right?" I ask. "Who are you talking to Cat?" Luke asks. "Who was that?" Sally asks. "That was uh.. my boyfriend.. Duke!" I lie and Luke looks at me funny.

"Anways, Are you going to the concert?" I smile. "Yes." The girls squeal. "Cool. Meet me backstage after the concert and we can break into the boys dressing room." I grin. "Oh my gosh Cathy! That is so risky! They could call the cops on us!" Sally yells.

"The most they can do is just call security to escort us out of there, but I doubt it." I reply. "How do you know?" Sam asks. "Believe me. I know. They are just 4 talentless lugs." I tell them. Ashton scoffs and Michael looks like he's ready to slap me. "Let's do it. So I can walk right up to Luke and tell him that you hate him." Sally giggles. She hates it when I say I don't like them.

"Cool. Later." I say and hang up. "Excuse me?" Michael asks. "Relax! I'm only pranking them. They are giant fans and I think it might be funny to see the look on their faces." I laugh to myself. "Shall we do a huge dramatic event and call security and the police and anyone above them?" Luke asks.

"I don't care, something to scare them witless, then we can watch a movie or something." I giggle. "That sounds fair." Michael smirks. "Let's do it!" I say and high five them.


"WE LOVE YOU SWEDEN!" Luke yells into the microphone.

They have one song left before I meet the girls backstage. I'm in total bad arse attire, like eyeliner and a fake lip piercing. I would never do something like that for real.. EVER!

That would just murder my professional carrier as an orthodontist or a neurosurgeon!

They start singing Try Hard and jumping around having a blast.

After they get off stage, I high five them and they run to their places like we rehearsed.

I go meet my very good friends in front of the dressing room. "Hey guys." I smirk. "Who are you and what have you done with good little Catherine?" Sam laughs. We open the dressing room door and walk in. "Holy God!" Ashton screams when he sees us.

"Call security!" Mike exclaims. "No! What? We just- SHE DID IT!" I scream pointing to Sally.

"She has a weapon and was planning to hurt you!" I squeal. "What? You're the one that hates Luke!" Sally snaps. The security guards come in and I just can't keep it up anymore. Sally is crying and Sam is shaking.

"Guys. Just chill! Relax!" I exclaim. "We were pranking you!" Michael laughs. Ashton is laughing his arse off on the couch but quickly gets up and hugs Sally. "These aren't tears of fear anymore!" She whimpers. "Tears of joy?" He asks hopefully. "Yes." She grins.

Calum hugs Sam, leaving Michael, Luke, and I awkwardly standing there. "Eh. Group hug?" I ask. The three of us hug each other and I give Luke a kiss on the cheek.

"So are you kicking us out?" Sammie asks. "Why would I kick my little sister and her friends out?" Mikey asks.

"He's your brother?!" Sally asks with huge eyes. "Yeah." I reply. Luke kisses me right in front of them. "He's your BOYFRIEND?!" Sam asks. "Yeah." I reply in the same shy tone.

We all just stand there looking at each other. "So.. Movie?!" I ask hopefully. "Sure! What movie?" Luke asks. "DON'T LET HER PICK AGAIN!" Michael squeaks. "Let's watch umm... The Shining!" I smirk. "No!" Everyone yells.

"God! Fine! Let's do all the things that YOU wanna do." I say, impersonating Jim Carrey. "Titanic?" Sam asks. "That movie is depressing." I reply. "17 Again?" Ashton asks. "Not as good as The Shining, but whatever works." I mumble. "Let's watch Ace Ventura!" I exclaim.

"Sounds okay. I don't think I've seen it." Luke says.

I roll my eyes and take out the DVD.

We sit down and peacefully start watching the movie.

Just Kidding. Ashton and Luke started fighting over who gets to sit on the couch next to the girls. "Guys, i have a perfect solution to this." I smile.

"What?" They both ask. I sit down in the spot they were fighting over. "Good?" I ask. "No! Now we can't sit together!" Luke says with sad eyes.

No. Not the wrath of the big blue eyes. No. Must not.. AGH!

"Fine. We'll sit on the love-seat over there." I snap. "Yay!" Ashton says and giddily laughs.

My phone starts blaring Mikey's demo vocal of SLSP. "You have your brother as your ringtone? That's not weird.." Calum chuckles. "Hey. You call it weird, I call it being supportive of the talented sibling. Because I don't sing and I don't dance, Even though I've read Singing and Dancing for dummies 6 times." I shrug and answer my phone.

"Hi mom." I grin. "Yeah everything's fine." I chuckle. She starts asking all of these nosy questions about Luke and I. "Uh. Mom, Everyone is looking at me. Just text me." I say awkwardly and hang up.



JK, it's me. Anywho, I have a show this weekend!

This is completely off topic, but when do I not need to be in the looney bin, SOOOO check out my Lab Rats fan fiction There's Another Bionic?!? +There's Another Bionic 2: Here We Go Again!



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