Chapter 9

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2 weeks later, we're back DOWN UNDER!

So now, the boys are doing their last show of their "No Place Like Home Tour." Which, was sold out! I'M SO PROUD OF THEM.


Anyways, I'm currently at home grooming Opie for a dog show. "OPIE NO!" I shout as he decides to jump out of the tub covered in water. I run through the house, sopping wet, trying to grab my dog. He runs up the stairs, then back down. I slip on the wet stairs and fall down in a heap.

I yell out a good string of profanities and grip my ankle. "Catherine? Cat! Are you okay?" Mom yells frantically. "I don't mean to be rude, but, DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY?!" I screech.

"Let's get you to the the hospital." She sighs.

I nod and she helps me to the car. "I'd text Mikey but he's in an interview." I tell her. "Yes, Don't bother him." Mom says.

I say no more, but try to not cry because my ankle hurts so bad.

About 15 minutes later, we get to the ER. Then, after a 2 and a half hour wait, we finally get into a room.

I sit on the table, listening to what the doctor has to say. When she starts examining, I start complaining. "Excuse me, could you not beat on my ank- OW THAT F-" I start before Mom cuts me off.

"Let's get an xray." She states. She leaves and I start mocking her. "Catherine..." Mom says in a warning tone.

I roll my eyes as they take me to the X-ray room in a wheelchair.


"Catherine. It looks like you just have a really bad sprain." The Dr. Tells me. "Are you kidding?! I can still run agility right?!" I yell.

"No running, or straining physical activity for at least 2 weeks. What color would you like your splint?" She asks.

"Why you little-" I start to go off on him but Mom holds me back. "Black." I hiss.

She nods and walks to the other side of the room.

"Who's gonna do the trials tomorrow? This one qualifies him for the nationals!" I exclaim. "Jonas?" Mom asks. "I'll ask her." I reply.


Once we get back in the car, I slam my headphones on and start blasting Greenday. "I can hear that." Mom says.

I turn it down one.

@Clifford2.0: Stuck in this son of a bosh for 2 weeks. If you can run agility let me know! pic.twitter/l235sad

My phone starts blowing up in text spams.


Mike-Ro-Wave😝: Did You break it?

Penguin boy💕: I'm almost to your house now.

Calum: Are you Ok?

Dr. Hatchi Mobile: Hello! We got the clomicalm in for Opie. He is due for his vaccines in a week.

Oh right. That last one you weren't supposed to see.


Anyways, we got home where Luke and Michael popped out of nowhere. "We came as soon as we heard!" Luke pants. "Can you two relax? I just sprained it and now I can't run the biggest trial of my life tomorrow!" I reassure them. "Jonas can't for you?" Michael asks. "No. She's attending a funeral." I start. "Aw. That's too bad." Luke sighs.

"For her sister's goldfish/squirrel hybrid. Apparently it's really important." I finish, smirking at their horrified looks.

"Wait. So the handler can be different, just the dog qualifies?" Michael asks. I nod. "Luke you should do it! I'm sure your family would love watching you do that!" Mikey exclaims. "Wait. WHAT?!" Luke and I yell in unison.

"Luke you don't have to if you don't want to." I start. "No. I don't want to." He frowns. "I'd love to!"

"OH MY GOD THANK YOU I LOVE YOU! WE'RE SAVED OPIE! WE'RE SAVED!" I shout at the top of my lungs. "I'll take care of everything. All you have to do is take the dog. If you don't, I'll put a brace on and toughen up." I tell him. "I won't let you down." He smiles, making me want to melt.

"Okay now get out both of you. You have a show to do!" I exclaim and hug them both.


"Like OMG. Did you see the 5 Es Oh Es concert last night? Chelsea made me go last night. They were horrible. That blonde one's voice kept cracking. One direction is so much better." A blonde girl says to her friend while snapping on her gum.

I'm taking the bus to the park where Luke's doing trials. Michael's still asleep and coming soon, Dad has to work, and Mom has to go grocery shopping. Luke's already there with Opie, but of course he walked out of the house without the dog treats. So I had to go into town, and buy a whole package of them.

"Yeah. And I totally heard that Luke, the blonde one, is taking his girlfriend's dog to a dog show since she sprained her ankle. She's such and ugly klutz. She probably like tripped over her own feet." Another blonde girl cackles.

"Yeah and like the Ugly Klutz is like sitting next to you." I snap. They turn to look at me. "No wonder she's so ugly. She's related to that creepy emo." One of them whispers.

"That Creepy Emo is my brother and I love him. As for the Bad Singing Blonde, He had a sore throat." I growl. They just stare at me.

"Oh and by the way, I sprained my ankle in a freak accident with my dog. Luke's only showing it because this is one of the biggest trials in Australia." I hiss. "Sorry." They reply then turn back to their phones.

The bus gets to the stop and I run off, not before "accidentally" stepping on both of the girls' thong clad feet.

I see Luke and Opie chilling out under the pine trees with a security guard.

"Hey Lukey." I smile and sit down. "Hi." He replies, leaning his head on my shoulder. "How's it going?" I ask. "Pretty good. I haven't been mobbed yet." He laughs, knocking on the tree. "You?"

"I just got called an Ugly Klutz by some haters. I had to defend you guys too. You've gotta watch them blondes." I chuckle. "Hey!" He whines. Michael all of a sudden sits by us. "Why hello... Strange boy." I say awkwardly. "I'm your brother!" He pouts.

"Attention all exhibitors, the show will start in about 10 minutes." The loudspeaker says. We all moan in agony.

"Do you know the course?" I ask Luke. He recites it to me. "You know, 6 months ago I never would've thought I'd just finished our first world headlining tour with my 3 best mates and I'd be spending my day off with my little sister." Michael grins.

"I never thought I'd have a big brother, let alone, an amazing boyfriend." I smile. "Oh. That reminds me... Catherine Olivia Clifford, will you be my girlfriend?" Luke asks. "Of course Luke." I smile, kissing his cheek.

Michael clears his throat. "Would you guys just get married already?" He chuckles.

"I'll think about it." Luke laughs holding me closer.

"Let's go see when you go." I say, getting up.

The lady at the gate is probably satan in disguise. "You have 100 trips before you should come over here." The lady tells us.

This is going to be the longest day EVER.




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