Chapter 16

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"So Cat where are we today?" Ashton asks. "We are shooting good girls." I reply. "And what are you going to be doing?" He asks.

"I will be a girl." I exclaim. "She's a bad girl." He sings. "A total nerd. She also watches Lab Rats all the time." He says. "That doesn't even go." I roll my eyes. "So where is Clifford?" Ashton asks. "I don't know. Probably beating Luke with a pizza box." I answer.

"SMASH TO THE RESCUE!" He shouts. I roll my eyes again. "Dweeb." I mutter.

I get in my costume and tease up my hair. I really wanted to be a nerd but a bad girl it is. I walk into their dressing room and stop suddenly. That's what happened to Michael.

They are dancing around with bullhorns. Luke is rolling around laughing and Ashton is filming. "Good to know I'm the only sane one on this tour." I nod to myself and walk out.

"Hey Clifford 2.0. Ready?" Isaac yells from across the room. I shoot a thumbs up and walk over. Not before getting ambushed and tossed over Luke's shoulder. I let out a squeal of surprise and sigh. "Can you put me down. They sort of need me." I tell him. "NEVER!" He yells. I groan.

"Not until you say Luke is the hottest person ever and I love him more than anything on this planet, even more than Opie." He smirks. "NEVER!" I shout.

"Can you guys knock it off?" Isaac says exasperatedly. "Say it!" Luke sings. "Luke is the hottest person ever and a love him more than anything on this planet, even Lab Rats." I say in a mono tone. He gasps. "MORE THAN LAB RATS!" He exclaims and pulls a victory fist.

I look at him skeptically, as does everyone else. Luke kisses my cheek then pats me on the head. I glare at him and walk over to the set. "Alright hold this and act really mad and disrespectful." Isaac tells me. I nod and hold up the name plate.

I roll my eyes and look as annoyed as I usually get with the guys. "Hey Cat i stole your underwear!" Ashton yells, pointing to his head where he is using my bra as a hat. I flip him off. Michael and Luke frantically tackle him, then I burst out laughing.

"Okay cut. That was perfect! Thanks Cat!" The director exclaims. "Thank you! Let me know when you need me again, because I need to go kill Ashton." I tell him. "Understandable. Then can you drag his dead body out here? We have to start shooting their performance." He laughs.

I nod and take off running. Of course I get ambushed again and Luke throws me over his shoulder again.

"Really? Again? Is that all you've got?" I ask. He holds me upside down now. "I hate you!" I yell.

"You love me!" He yells. I roll my eyes, feeling dizzy after the blood has been in my head.

"LUKE COME HERE!" Isaac shouts.

"Busy!" Luke replies, dropping me and tickling me.

"DON'T MAKE ME CALL LIZ!" Isaac hollers. He goes white and runs to him. I get up and catch my breath.

I decide to watch them from behind the camera. Michael actually looks epic. I can't believe that's my brother. Yet I'm over here showing dogs. Oh well.

Calum starts his solo as a bunch of girls run to the stage at act like superfans.

Luke starts his solo. I watch him intently. That's not supposed to sound creepy. HE'S JUST CUTE OKAY.

My phone bings and I unlock it. There's a video of Moto playing with Michael's dog. He tackles the poodle and barks. I silently laugh my arse off.

The phone starts ringing and I draw myself away from the set. "Hey mom." I smile.

"Hi Cat. How's your day?" She asks. "Good what about you?" I ask.

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