Chapter 2:

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About 3 days later, I decided to drop the bomb on my mom.

"Mom. I met some people a few days ago." I say slowly. "Well who?" She asks. "I met a boy named Michael Clifford we look really alike and he said he had a little sister called Catherine." I tell her.

She swallows hard. "Go on." She sighs.

"But she was kidnapped and they thought she was dead. Is there some chance my name is Catherine Olivia Clifford?" I ask, my voice growing louder.

"Honey. I- I- Yes! Okay? Your name is Catherine Olivia Clifford. I never had a child, so when i saw you at the hospital, your mom had left you unattended, so I took you. Honey! Can you ever forgive me?" She asks.

"Mom. I really don't like you right now, but I'm really glad You told me, and that you weren't rude about it. Even if it was the worst mistake to you, it was the best mistake you ever could have made to me. I love you. Thank you for raising me right." I smile and hug her. "I love you too. Don't call me mom. Call me Kelly. Your mother deserves that title." She smiles. "Go find your brother. I'm sure he's waiting." She pats my back.

I give her a nod and walk up to my room. I slip on a pair of jeans, a red and white checked shirt, a grey hoodie, beanie, and red converse.

Mom- i mean, Kelly smiles at me as I walk out the door.

Mikey told me he was with the boys at his house.

I knock on the door and wait for someone to open it. "Hello?" A blonde woman asks. My mom! "Hi." I wave. "Mike! I think your girlfriend's here or something!" She yells. Michael comes to the door and stops. "Oh hey Catherine!" He smiles, running a hand through his like brown and red hair. "Hey.. Big Bro." I smirk. "Are you serious?!" He exclaims and hugs me. "I have a sister! I have a baby sister!" He giggles like a school girl on a sugar rush and races into the house, dragging me.

"Mom! You'll never guess who I found." He exclaims. She walks over to me and looks me over. "Hint.. Baby Sister. My name is Catherine Olivia Clifford." I smile. "No.. There's no way. She died 15 years ago." She sighs. Then she grabs my wrist quickly and turns it over, revealing my heart shaped birthmark.

"Oh my god! Oh MY GOD!" She screams and clutches her chest. I look around wildly for Mikey but he's disappeared. She falls to the ground, out cold. "Michael? I think we killed her!" I yell. He runs in with the rest of the boys. I still have the same terrified look on my face. "Shoot! Check her pulse!" He exclaims. I do so and it is racing.

"She just went into shock. She should be completely fine in about 10 to 20 minutes." I tell him. That's right! I know a ton about anything medical. This includes animals as well. I even know how to genetically clone an animal!

He picks her up and takes her upstairs. "Like OMG Cat. You like totally killed her." Ashton says in a girly teenager voice. "I didn't mean to. I mean, it's not my fault I'm the long lost kidnapped sister." I cry. They all stop and look at me suddenly. "By the way, I'm the long lost kidnapped sister." I say quickly.

"NOOOOOOO!" Luke exclaims. "Well, that's the plot twist of the century." Calum giggles. "I'm going to just go see if she's okay." I sigh and follow Mike's path.

He's sitting next to Mom on a bed. "She's not alive! She died 15 years ago!" She exclaims. "She is real or my middle name isn't Gordon... As much as I hate my middle name." He tells her. "Hello!" I smile. She jumps.

"My guardian Kelly, who kidnapped me, she just wanted a child, so she took me. She is probably the most gentle person I've ever met." I say calmly. "I can't believe it's you!" She hugs me.

"I can't either!" I laugh. "I'll go make some tea and I can get to know you a little." She grins. "I'd like that. Mom!" I beam.

"I need to go lay down some rules. Do what you like I guess." Mike says and walks away. I follow him as he walks to where the boys are standing.

"Listen up mates! My little sister Catherine, you can do what you want around her, just uh, No kissing, No flirting, and absolutely no-" "We get it!" Calum shrieks, his eyes as large as saucers. Luke has a sad little look on his face. "I was going to say dating." Michael says, looking at Calum.

"Anyways, let's talk about tour. What's new?" Luke asks. "Well, if it's alright with my Mom, you guys, and our managers, I kinda want Cat to come with us so we can get to know her better." Mikey smiles. "YES! BRING HER WITH!" Luke says too quickly.

"Why Lucas, so you can break every rule Mikey has set?" Ashton teases. "Uh. Um no." Luke stutters, his face flushing. I decide to walk in there.

"Are you teasing Luke again?" I ask. "No! Okay yes." Ashton admits. "Well don't do anything you wouldn't want to be teased about. Would you want to be teased about your best friend's little sister who's off limits?" I ask and sit down next to Luke. "No." Ashton gives me a pouty face.

"Anyways, what's on TV?" Cal asks. Mikey starts listing off the shows on now. "Dude! Slender is being played right now!" I squeal.

Mike looks at me skeptically and turns it on. "R-Right. It's just a stupid movie."

*15 minutes later*

I was now snuggled up against a very tense Luke, laughing to myself at how scared the boys were. "I have never been so scared in my life!" Michael squeaks.

Haha! My sides are splitting!

If you want to know why I'm not phased, I've worked behind the scenes of horror movies before. When you get sprayed with fake blood enough times, you start to accept the fact it isn't going to get you!

I slide my phone out of my pocket, and take a picture of poor little Luke.

'Watching Slender with @luke_is_a_penguin, @michaelgclifford, @calumhood, and @ashtonirwin. 👻 I really didn't think that I'd be the only brave one!😂😂'

I then add all the hashtags i usually make.

Oh my god! My phone is going to explode!

"Catherine! Come out here!" Mom yells. I grumble to myself. "Yes?"

"Let's play 20 questions!" She smiles. "Okay." I reply.

"What's your favorite color, your favorite food, your favorite animal, and your celebrity crush?" She asks.

"Purple, pizza, a penguin, and well.. Uh. Um." I trail off, blushing. "Let me guess. Luke Hemmings?" She says in a knowing manner. I nod, my face on fire!

"Mikey's known I'm his sister for an hour and I'm already not allowed to flirt, kiss, or date any of them." I sigh. "I give you permisson." She smiles. "Thanks mom." I hug her.

"Anyways, moving on, tell me about you." I laugh.

Luke's POV

I don't know if it was the horror movie getting to me, but I think I just heard Cat say she likes me!

I manage to pry myself from the couch to walk out there and ask her. But I can't. I am shaking so hard right now!

"Hey! Where'd my horror movie snuggle buddy go?" I ask with a pouty face. "Uh. Playing 20 questions with her mom who she's never known a day in her life." She laughs. Oh god! That laugh!

"You can join in if you want! I'll go get some snacks." Karen winks at Catherine and walks to the kitchen. "So. I heard you like penguins." I say awkwardly.

She buries her face in her arms and starts breathing deeply.

This may take a while!

A/N: I don't know what to say other than Hi and Bye!


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