Chapter 3

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Luke's POV

How much of that did you hear?" She grumbles. "All of it." I say bluntly. "Fine. I think you are really cute and you have amazing eyes" She flushes like a tomato and heaves a long sigh. "I think you are really cute too." I grin.

She's just too smart for her own good and she wears those adorkable glasses and UGH! I just love her!

Her phone starts blaring and she picks it up and walks outside. "Wha- About what?! JONAS! Stop yelling! HEY I'M ONLY YELLING BECAUSE YOU'RE YELLING! I WILL CALL YOU BACK WHEN LUKE HEMMINGS ISN'T INTERESTED IN NERDY OLD ME! Yeah see you later! I lava you!" She screams and comes back.

"Well now that that's settled." I say sarcastically. She rolls her eyes and sits next to me. "Would you like to go on a date with me behind Michael's back?" I ask. "I have been waiting for someone to ask me such a rebellious thing my whole life!" She grins.

I hug her and run back to the living room just as a shrill scream pierces through the house. "Aw seriously mate? Your sister's in the house!" I laugh at Michael. He rolls his eyes and walks out of the room.

"Uh. Should I change the channel?" I ask. Ashton slowly nods.

I press a random series of buttons and a techno theme song blares out of the TV. "SHUT UP MICHAEL I HEAR LAB RATS!" Cat shouts and runs in. "I'm not done with my lecture now Missy!" Mike yells after her. "Ah ah ah! Billy Unger's in a mission suit!" She concludes and jumps on the couch.

I feel a singe of jealousy course through me, but I shake it off. She likes me more. Right?

Catherine's POV

"Opie! I'm home!" I yell. My huge puppy comes flying into the room and knocks me over. I let out a muffled groan as he keeps licking me.

"Is that you Catie?" Kelly asks. "Yes it is! Don't worry! You're off the ho- OH MY GOD ITS A POLICE OFFICER!" I yell. "She's going to jail for kidnapping you." Is all he says and leads my dear adoptive mom out the door.

"No she's not." I growl. "Honey don't bother trying." Kelly sighs. "Let her go." I snap. "Out of my way portholes!" The officer nudges me. "I said Let. Her. Go." I hiss angrily. "I have a taser in my pocket, and unless you want to get zapped, i suggest you leave." He says calmly.

"Go for it. I'd take a bullet for someone that I love." I reply cooly. "Catherine Olivia Castro-Clifford. Please leave. I love you so much. Be a good, brave girl for me. Also take care of Moto." She smiles. I nod, fighting back tears, as they lead her away.

I scream and punch the wall sobbing. Why does my life have to be so screwed up?

Opie lays next to me and whines. "What do you want?" I snap. He picks up a frisbee and gives me the sad eyes. "Fine. Moto! Here boy!" I call.

Kelly's little Corgi saunters into the room. I clip their leashes on and walk outside. This would be fun if i wasn't in crisis!


"Tour's restarting on Friday. Are you coming with us or not?" Michael asks. "I'll come with. I could always go visit my Swedish buddies." I sigh and stroke Moto.

"You may want to pack. I know you and your dogs have a lot of stuff." He smiles. "Oh really Mikey. No. I was actually just planning on hopping on a tour bus, with no form of educational material, and I was just going to borrow Luke's clothes for like 4 months." I say sarcastically. "Luke's clothes?" He asks. "Hey. I don't think my butt would fit into yours or Cal's clothes, and Ash doesn't seem to own a shirt that doesn't make it look as though he's just had a run in with an angry alligator!" I snark.

"My butt isn't that big.." Mike says, looking in the mirror. "Uh. I have better things to do that sit here and watch you look at yourself like a common white girl who just found out how many calories was in her Venti Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappachino with 3 pumps of sugar free raspberry syrup, and extra java chips from Starbucks, so I'm going to leave." I say awkwardly and walk to my room.

I start laying out my outfits, when there's a knock on my door. "Ermahgerd. Like Starbucks anyone?" Jonas giggles. I open my door and she hands me a drink.

"Will you help me pack?" I ask. "Of course." She smiles.

She starts digging through my closet, throwing things at me. "Try that on." She exclaims. I do as she says and study the outfit.

"Your point is?" I ask and tug on the crop top. "It's cute!" She squeals. "It needs a different top. I don't wear anything short." I retort.

"You are so picky! Moving on!" She sighs. "Let's just pack now and ask questions later." I sigh. "Fine. I'll pack your clothes, you pack the dog things." She smiles.

"No. Help me do Opie's nails, and I'll let you pick out 5 outfits." I smirk. "You've got to be kidding me." Her face screams anger. "Alright I'll do it." She whimpers. "Thank you." I laugh.

I retrieve my dog from Mike's room and i pin him to the ground. Opie starts screaming his head off and acting like he's going to die. He starts alligator rolling, so I stradle him. Jonas swoops in with the nail trimmer and starts clipping the nails.

"Cat? Is everything alright in there?" Dad asks. "Yeah Dad! Everything's Fine!" I yell, just as Opie scratches me on the arm, making me mutter a few profanities. "Open the door now!" He exclaims. "I can't right now! Kinda in the middle of something. JONAS! IF THE DOG BITES ME ONE MORE TIME, I SWEAR TO GOD! Hurry Up!" I shout. The door flies open.

"What in the world?" Dad yells. "Opie hates his nails done." I tell him. "Okay. Would you like some help, Such as a muzzle and another hand?" He asks. "Sounds good!" I exclaim.


"SIMMER DOWN SIMMER DOWN THEY SAY WE'RE TOO YOUNG NOW TO AMOUNT TO ANYTHING ELSE! C'mon Cat! Join in! You lava Luke don't you?" Jonas teases. "No Elizabeth. I have to read this whole book and post my report tonight or I automatically fail." I groan.

"I'm sorry. Can you just get out of my grill?" She asks. "Seriously?" I ask. "I DIDN'T INVITE YOU TO MY BARBECUE SO WHY YOU ALL UP IN MY GRILL? JUST ADMIT YOU LIKE HIM AND I'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE." She yells.

"I already told him." I mumble. "Oh did you?" She says sarcastically. "Yes I did. You can ask him." I hiss. "Oh really?" She asks. I scream in rage and run out the door with my book.

I walk to the park and sit in a tree.

"Chapter 5: Emil "Jay" Freireich. 'How Jay Did it, I don't know.'" I read out loud. 4 chapters left. Yay!

"This way." I hear a familiar voice says. "Helloo!" "Hiiiiii" "We just got off of band practice and now we are going to run around the park like idiots!" Ashton laughs. "C'mon Luke!" He yells.

"Oh my god no!" I hiss to myself. "Hey! Is someone in that tree?" Luke asks. "We just found a tree hobo! A rare, rare sight to see." Ashton says dramatically. "Yes, and this tree hobo needs to finish 4 really long, small print, chapters of David and Goliath, and do a book report tonight so she doesn't get a nice Lovely F tonight." I exclaim.

Someone starts climbing, and a crop of blonde hair comes into view. "Hey Catherine." Luke smiles. "Hi." I reply and try to focus on my book. "Is everything okay?" He asks, eyeing my dog bite hand. "Oh yeah. I was just trying to do Opie's nails and he bit me. I also got a lovely scratch." I smile and point to my cheek.

"That's nice?" He says awkwardly. "I'm going to get back to work now. Cheers." I smile. "What are you doing?" Ashton asks. "Pushing you both out of the tree." I reply. "Wha-" He starts but is cut short as i push both of them to the ground. The tree is only like 5 feet up.

"OKAY! YOU'RE ON THE LIST CUPCAKE!" Ashton yells. "Goodbye." I reply and put my ear-buds in.

This is going to be a long night.

A/N: I am really bad at these things, so enjoy this chapter!



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