Chapter 13

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"Are you here yet?!" My brother asks into the phone again. "Michael! I swear on a stack of bibles! This is hard enough that Mom and Dad made me bring Opie!" I warn.

He has no idea how hard navigating through the airport in Chicago with Aspergers Syndrome is!

"Can you please just hurry?! Luke won't stop bugging me." He complains. "Okay! I just got to the bag return." I tell them. I get my bags and collect Opie, then I look for the sign that has my name on it.

Someone puts their hands over my eyes. "Guess who?" They ask. "I don't know, but I'm calling the cops!" I squeak.

"Cat!" Luke complains. "Oh what?" I ask, giggling and turning around.

"Can I at least have a hello kiss?" Luke pouts. I smile and give him a kiss on the cheek.

He gives me a blank stare and crashes his lips to mine. Someone clears their throat and Michael stands there with the security guards. "Yeah yeah it's been 2 months." He rolls his eyes. "When did you get your eyebrow pierced?" I ask. "Yesterday." He states.

"Oh come here." I giggle and hug my older brother. "Hey Opie." He grins, rubbing my dog's head.

"So." I say awkwardly. "So." Everyone says as well. We stand there in awkward silence before heading out to the car. Opie keeps darting in and out and yanking on my leash.

I pick him up and carry him like a feed bag. "I'll take your bags." Luke and Michael say in unison. "I've got it." I reply. "You're staggering. Give me your bags." Luke pushes.

"Fine. Thank you." I say and hand him my suitcase. "And your mobile chem lab." Michael says in a blank tone. I roll my eyes and give them the box.

Now i can use both of my arms to carry Opie and we get to the car quickly.

"Alright. First stop, hotel. Then we have to do a show." Michael explains. I nod and lay my head on Luke's shoulder.

When we get to the hotel, there are so many humans i don't know what to do!

I feel myself getting shaky but I manage to get to the room.

"HEY! CAT!" Ashton yells. "Hullo." I grin. I suddenly notice Niall Horan sitting on the couch?!

Opie starts barking and Niall squeals. "HE BIT ME!" He screams. "OPIE! You do not bite famous Irish people!" I shout slapping my dog's rump. I then put him in his cage. "I don't understand. He's a teddy bear." Luke furrows his brows. "Maybe he just doesn't like Irish people." Niall suggests. "But he likes me!" Ashton exclaims.

"For the last time... You aren't half irish!" Michael groans. "You guys are so mean." Ashton pouts. "Now. Is it bleeding?" I ask. "No. I'm fine." Niall says, showing us his hand. "Mr. Horan. Forgive me for my dog's actions." I say, shaking his hand. "Call me Niall! And it isn't the first time!" He laughs. I sigh in relief that he isn't going to sue me.

But it wouldn't be the first time... Don't ask.

"Hey guys!" Zayn Malik exclaims, opening the door. "Is this the sister?" He asks Michael. "I have a name." I reply just as a small dog runs in. "Hatchi!" Niall exclaims. A pretty blonde girl walks in. Wait. Perrie Edwards?!


"Cat? You're kind of staring at the wall." Michael tells me. "Right! Hello. I'm Catherine. The other Clifford dork." I exclaim sticking out my hand. The three strangers shake it. "Who's this?" I ask, kneeling down to the little dog. "This is my dog Hatchi. He's here for the week while I'm visiting." Perrie exclaims.

Hatchi runs over to Opie and starts sniffing him. Opie goes and cowers in the corner of his cage! "Jeez. For someone who just bit Niall, he's certianly calmed down." Calum exclaims.

I shake my head and look for a place to sit. Luke pats the seat next to him and I sit down.

"Wait. Did you pierce your ears?!" Michael asks in alarm. "Is there a problem?" I ask feeling my simple black studs.

"No. I just wouldn't expect it out of you." Michael laughs. "Like I said. I may be a nerd, but this nerd needs a life." I giggle.

"Oh, and this happened too!" I smile, flipping my hair over to show off the new lilac streaks. "You Clifford's are so alike!" Niall laughs. "Well now we match." Michael chuckles.

Somebody knocks and Ashton answers the door. A middle aged man walks in. "Look I hate to be a wet blanket-" "No you don't Preston." Niall cuts him off. Preston gives him a glare. "BUT we need to leave now."

"Hello mini Clifford. I hope you aren't like your brother." He waves. Michael scoffs. Everyone clears out leaving us 5 alone. "So. We should go." I say awkwardly. Ashton nods. I finish off Opie, Then we scramble out of the room.

"So what do you do after the concert?" I ask Luke. "We watch the guys and those three goof off." He explains.

"Cat Cat Cat Kitty Kitty Kitty Caty Caty Caty Caty Catherine Catherine Catherine." Michael says and keeps poking me. "Clifford if you don't knock it off I will rip that piercing out of your face and tell mom about the new tattoos." I hiss. "Well who p*ssed in your Cheerios this morning?" He mutters. "Actually mother nature did." I reply.

"You're not on your-" "Yep! It started this morning!" I beam brightly. He screams in horror and retreats to the corner.

I look on instagram only to see Jonas' most recent post.

"#mcm because bae! 😍"

"Elizabeth Denise Munson." I hiss under my breath. She did not just put a photoshopped picture of herself and LUKE on instagram.

I ignore it and keep scrolling. "Smile!" Luke grins. I look up to see a camera. I smile at his funny face. "Selfies? Without me?!" Ashton whines, sitting between us. I roll my eyes. "Vlog anyone?" I ask. They all agree. "Hey guys, what's up Catherine here. And guess who I'm with?" I ask, just as Ashton steals my camera. "Hello!" He chirps.

I let the boys do their thing until they start fighting over it. "Guys! You're going to break it!" I complain, trying to nab it from them. I warn the driver what I'm about to do next, then wolf whistle. They freeze and moan in pain.

"Thank you." I giggle, taking the camera from Ashton. "Anyways, Lucifer, tell the nice people where we are."

"We're in Chicago doing a show!" He replies quickly, his face turning 50 shades of pink. "It's been an entertaining day so far... Niall got bit by Opie, Opie got terrified by Hatchi, Hatchi licked Ashton, Ashton tried to murder my camera, my camera is almost out of bat-mmmphhhp." I say through Michael's hand. "Once again, I will rip that piece of metal right out of your face and sell it for scrap." I threaten.

"Luke. Control your girlfriend." Michael pouts. "Don't look at me! She's your sister!" Luke exclaims.


"So guys, the boys are about to ambush one direction." I whisper to my camera. The 1D boys are singing Midnight Memories and jumping around. Calum walks up with 2 cans of whipped cream and sticks his tongue out at the camera.

"I could be like Katy Perry!" Ashton exclaims, putting the cans on his chest and striking a pose. "Please don't." I reply.

"What would you say about this Clifford?" I ask my brother. "This is your revenge Styles." Michael grins evilly and they run onstage.

This is going to get weird!

Hewoo... I hope you had a good Christmas! Comment below what you got! I got the 5SOS Book, a new bedding set, the 5SOS Calendar, ITUNES!!, a speaker, and like 10 pounds of Mrs. Pastures!

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