Chapter 5

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I follow him and make a cup of tea. "So, uh." I stutter awkwardly. He walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. Our foreheads are resting together.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks. I nod, my heart beating like a hummingbird's wings.

He gives me a gentle kiss and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Oh my god!" Someone shrieks as a light flicks on.

We jump apart to see a shaking, red in the face Michael. "Oh my god." Is all I can say.

"Luke get out." He snarls. Luke walks away and mouths "Good Luck!".

"What the ---- was that?" Michael asks. "I kissed Luke." I reply. "Did you sneak out with Luke?" He snaps. "Maybe." I reply again, my cold stance not changing.

"You and Luke? You're a nerd." He asks. "Well you know what they say, good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." I state and walk to the bunk room.

I change into pajamas and get into bed. Opie climbs into my bunk and i cuddle him like a teddy bear.

My heart is still racing. I don't even know what to do. I mean, I seriously just had my first kiss with my famous brother's best friend. Hold freaking me!


Luke's POV

I wake up and scream as i see I'm not in bed, but in the lounge. "Alright Hemmings. What was with making a move on my baby sister?" Michael snaps. "I just kissed her! Let it go! She's smart, funny, hot, and caring! I like her!" I defend myself.

"Michael what are you doing to Luke?" Catherine asks. "Help me!" I squeal. Nice Hemmo. You sound like a teenage girl.

She rolls her eyes and walks up to Michael. "So what if I like Luke? I'm still nerdy Catherine, just with a boyfriend." She laughs. "Can i go now?" I ask hopefully. "No." He replies.

"Yes." She tells me. I just stay in place, not sure what to do.

"Michael? What are you doing to Luke?" Cal asks. "I asked the same thing." Cat says.

Everyone is now standing in the room, even the dogs.

"Well, I caught these two rebels making out in the kitchen last night." Michael explains and Catherine jumps up.

"For crying out loud Michael stop overreacting! We went to the dog park, i taught him how to run agility, then we came home and he asked if he could kiss, me. I said yes, so he did. We weren't making out, we weren't carelessly sneaking out to cause trouble, we just went on a date to the dog park because I really like him. Now, I guess I'll call mom and arrange my flight home." Catherine yells and storms away.

"I really only kissed her." I reply and follow her.

"Yeah mom, Luke and I went out last night. Yes, we kissed." Catherine sighs. I can hear the scream coming from the other end of the phone.

"It's very exciting, just that Michael is all angry now, and he won't shut up about how we were making out in the kitchen! No. We weren't making out. Just a kiss." She says.

"Oh i know. Like 2 days into tour, and I'm ready to go home." She groans. "Would you? Thanks mom. I love you too! Bye." She smiles and hangs up.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah. Mom's going to talk to Michael. Sorry for the whole fiasco this morning." She sighs. "It's fine. He can't stay long forever. Our mom's will crack him like Ashton almost cracked his skull falling off the roof that one time." I say and she bursts out laughing.

"How'd that happen?" She asks. "Well he just had his wisdom teeth out, and he thought he could fly. Long story short, nobody was paying attention, and suddenly he was on the roof one second and in the bushes the next!" I exclaim. We both just sit there, having a moment.

"What are you doing?" Ashton asks. "Oh nothing, just hearing about The Adventures of the Super Idiot Irwin!" Catherine laughs through tears.

"The laughing gas is a highly dangerous drug." He pouts. "Anyways, Mike's all upset now because he thinks Catherine is leaving forever. I'll think you should go talk to him." He adds. "Luck Me Wish!" Catherine smirks and walks out.

Cat's POV

"Hi Michael." I say quietly. He holds up a finger and points to his phone. "I know I'm not the dad! That age gap makes me feel like a dad. Okay! I'll let her do it. Alright. Love you too! Bye!" He smiles and hangs up.

"I'm not leaving." I laugh. "Thank god!" He sighs in relief. "We've known we are siblings for almost a week and we already hate each other. What kind of brother am I?" He asks. "Well what kind of sister am I? I went out with your best friend behind your back. Sorry." I sigh.

"A sister in training. And I'm a brother in training." He grins. We shake hands and he calls Luke in. "You can date her." Mikey mumbles. "Yes!" Luke exclaims and suddenly grabs my face in his hands and kisses me.

We all start laughing like a bunch of toddlers. Calum, Ashton, and Liz come in wondering what the commotion is about.

"I'm free to date her!" Luke squeals like a little schoolgirl. The boys start cheering obnoxiously. "Shut the duck up." I murmur.

The cheering stops suddenly. "Um. Honey, your nose is bleeding." Liz says awkwardly. "Oh my god what?" I ask and walk to the bathroom. I put some gauze in my nose and pinch the bridge of my nose to stop the bleeding.

"Are you okay.... Babe?" Luke grins from the door way. "Yeah i just get dosebleeds if something is too exciting or too stressful. I forgot to take by bedicine today." I explain, sounding funny because of all that gauze. "When we get to the venue, that'll help a lot." He nods and sits next to me.


"Hey guys! It's Cat. So, I have some terrible news. I'm in this new location because my Mom got drunk and fell off the roof. We're in the hospital now." I tell my camera. I run a youtube account called swedish_american_australian.

Michael sits next to me waves. "Hey everyone." He smiles. "So you probably have figured out by now, I am indeed not in a hospital room. I'm actually sitting in 5 Seconds of Summer's dressing room, shooting this video with my big brother Michael Gordon Clifford!" I exclaim. "Don't say my middle name!" Mike exclaims. I roll my eyes.

"So this is uh. The sibling tag." Michael smiles. We start reading off the questions when Luke walks in and sits down next to us. "What are you guys doing?" He asks. "Shooting a video." I answer. "It's a brother sister kinda thing, so if you could leave.." Mikey starts.

"Fine. Just kick out little Lukey the penguin." Luke pouts and walks out. "Ugh. Boys." I moan. "I'm sitting right here!" Mikey exclaims.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and we finish shooting.

The boys have to go onstage and I'm left scrolling through instagram. I see Georgia Atimms posted a picture of her and Michael...

"What the?!" I yell at the phone. I start scrolling through the comments and flipping out. Then I see Mikey posted the comment 'What the f--- is this?'. And I notice his crooked, photoshopped arm and I start laughing.

I like Georgia Atimms, but this is a bit ridiculous.

"What are you doing?" Michael asks. I jump about 6 feet in the air and fall off the couch. "Just. Um. Just looking at this halarious picture." I giggle and show him. He starts laughing and tells me they are taking a break for a second because Ashton broke his drum.

Only these boys..

A/N: Wow! I'm seriously at chapter 5! And yeah I included the Georgia and Michael saga because I find it pretty amusing.


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