There's no going back (Unedited)

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--Daniel's POV--
I don't know why I'm always even more and more concern when she's acting that way... Once we got on the plane, I got to make her smile and listen. Forget about what's ruining her life right now. But... just when we try to help her, even for small and easy things, she's taking it the wrong way and tears. I feel like I'm making her cry every time and it's as painful as a stab in the back. I remember when he always made my sister cry... I couldn't stand how disrespectful he was. Hopefully I'm not already like him... I love her way too much to hurt her in any way possible.

What I like about her the most is that I can read her as easily as I can read Ash. When I asked her why, her facial expression switched to guilt and to another kind of sadness. She looked at me the way she does when she feels bad about something and stood there. She handed me her hand. Well, she handed it to me to know exactly where I was and hug me. I just knew it. It wasn't because of me... But I needed to ask.

--Maddy's POV--
She's so... focused on her issues that she doesn't see the best in life. She's in couple with one of the best men on Earth. Why the Hell isn't she smiling and looking happy like I was?! She doesn't even look happy to be around us. She's isolated herself. Again. Like I heard she did. She probably told me too, but I forgot. Why? Why aren't you enjoying what you have instead of what you don't? Life would be so much better, Mili...

--Back to Amy's POV--
I hate myself. To make them think that it's because of them. It isn't, but every time I need them for any easy basic task... I just can't help but cry and I'm crying a lot lately. When Dan asked me... I felt so guilty. I heard pain in his voice and bad experience. Almost as if I knew what happened. My listening sense as already involved a lot. It's like I have new hears. Listening to what's around me does make me more alert, but... it doesn't give me my eyes back. I can't stop thinking about it this way and I... wonder what Thea would say.

"Mili, what's wrong?" As we're waiting for my parents, I'm in tears and I don't want to hurt them again.

"Aim?" Both of them are gathered around me. I can feel their presence.

"Tell us."

"We can read sadness on your face, please. Not knowing will hurt us more."

"I agree."

"They can't see me like that..." I say after I sighed.

"They already know, they didn't care."

"They were just blessed because you are the only one still alive."

My parents are such loving and caring parents. The kind that you get annoyed about when you need space, but appreciate what they gave you all your life when you're gone. Since I moved out of Montreal's South Shore, I learnt how to appreciate what they did for me. Because of our tight schedule, I couldn't talk to them much, but I'm glad they agreed to be there today.

"Je pense qu'ils sont là. (I think that they're over there.)" Oh my God! That's my mom's voice!

"Maman! (Mom!)"

I want to run to her, but Dan stopped me. For one small, tiny, second, I completely forgot...

"Bonjour! (Hello!)" Says Mau when I'm already in my mom's arms.

"Bonjour Maude! (Hello Maddy)" She says holding me tight.

"Allô, maman. (Hi, mom.)" I say in tears. "Je suis désolée... (I'm sorry...)"

"Désolée pour quoi? Ton video est super intéressant. Nous sommes fiers de toi. (Sorry for what? Your video is really interesting. We're proud of you.)"

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