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After biology, I went to digital media and history before I went to lunch. When I entered the cafeteria, I got nervous. "What if his friends are homophobic?" Was my recurring thought throughout the day. Luckily after lunch I only had three more classes before I got to go home. I spotted Jack's green hair so I went over to him. I saw him and Felix sitting there talking. "Hey jack! Hey Felix!" I said as I sat down. "Hey Ethan!" Jack said while giving me a high five. "Sup bro," Felix said while giving me a fist bump. We then got into a discussion about video games. "I like any type of horror game," Felix said. "I like happy wheels!" Jack said. "Wait we talking about video games?" Asked Mark. I turned toward him and gave him a small smile. He returned it with an even bigger smile. Soon there were 2 girls and  3 more guys at the table. "I say we introduce ourselves to Ethan." Said jack. "I'll start," said the blonde hair girl. "Hi! I'll Amy! But my friends call me pebbles! Ok so you next!" She said hitting the girl next to her. "Hey I'm Katherine. I'm dating Amy here so don't get any ideas." I looked at her worn shock. "What?" She asked. Then the whole atmosphere changed. "Ethan... are you... homophobic?" Jack asked me. Him and a few others at the table looked terrified. "Of course not! If I were homophobic then I would hate myself!" I said. Some people laughed at that and others just smiled in relief. "No I'm actually gay myself so don't worry about me being homophobic." "Well let's continue with introductions," Mark said. "Hey I'm Bob." Said one of the guys. "And I'm wade." Said the boy sitting next to Bob. They were both tall and wade was skinny while bob wasn't. "Hey I'm Tyler!" Said the boy with brown curly hair in a grey beanie. "Well nice to meet all of you. Ethan." I said waving. We began to talk about everyone's sexuality. "Me and Bob here are the only straight people, but we're allies." Wade said. "Well as you already know me and Kat are dating, but I'm pansexual." Amy told me. "I'm gay," said Kat. "Jack and I are dating," Felix told me," and I'm bisexual." I turned to Jack to hear what he was going to say. He had a mischievous grin on his before he said, "I'm BOSSexual because o only date people that are BOSS!" Everyone, including me, irrupted into laughter. "But seriously I'm demisexual." He said through giggles. "Well I'm asexual." Tyler said. I turned to mark. "Well I really don't know my sexuality yet, but I know that I like boys, girls, and anything in between." I nodded my head. "Well don't worry about labeling yourself. You do what you do." I told him. He gave me a big smile and a thanks. My heart fluttered at the sight of his beautiful smile. What made it better was that I was the cause of that smile. "Ethan stop it!" I told myself. I didn't want to fall in love again. "Never." "Ethan... Ethan...ETHAN!" I looked up at the person who was yelling. It was mark. "Buddy you ok? You're crying." I touched my face and felt tears. "Oh so I am?" I laughed. I then quickly ran off to the bathroom. "Wait..." I said under my breathe. Am I finally able to use my preferred bathroom or do I have to use the girls? I took a big step towards the girls before making a b line to the boys. When I stepped in, I felt powerful. I was in the boys bathroom. I WAS IN THE BOYS BATHROOM! FINALLY! I quickly washed my face, and went to my locker. When I got there, I saw Mark. "Ethan you ok?" "Yeah." "You sure?" Be put his hand on my shoulder and I tensed. I know he could feel my binder. "Ethan?" He looked at his hand. "Are you...trans?" I don't remember anything else than blacking out.

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