The date pt.4 (Ethan's P.O.V)

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We said goodbye to our friends before we left hand in hand to the next place. I was so happy that this date was going well so far. "Hey, Mark," "Yeah?" "You think this time I could get a hint to where we're going?" I asked. Mark chuckled a bit before answering, "We are going someplace personal, but before that, we have to go get somethings." "Mark I swear to god I'm not having sex with you." When I said that, Mark busted out laughing. I soon joined is because his laugh is very contagious. And beautiful but that's not the point. "Ethan, I'm not gonna fuck you because I know you're very uncomfortable with the fucking." He explained. "With the sex times," I joked back. "With the frickle frackle in the sheets." I once again busted out laughing. We continued to joke around until we arrived at a flower shop. "What are we doing here?" I asked. I knew we were heading somewhere "personal" after this, but what place is he taking me to that involves flowers? "I need to pick up some. Wanna help?" I nodded and started to look around. I kept looking around until my eyes landed on a beautiful marigold, Rose, and daisy boutique. There were some gorgeous yellow and orange marigolds paired with some orange roses with some white Daisy's scattered in. I grabbed them and brought them to Mark. "What about these?" I asked. He looked at them and smiled. "Those are perfect," he said going to check them out. Once purchased, we continued on our way till we can up to a... graveyard. We started to walk through when we stopped at a grave near the back. "I realized that we don't know a lot about each other, Ethan. I know your story, but I haven't been so open about mine. So, I want to tell you about it. Growing up, my mother father fought a lot around my brother and I. They never would physically fight, but they would argue and yell. Thomas and I could tell that they weren't happy together. Soon, they got a divorce. I wasn't sad about the divorce, I was sad that my father caved in. He got remarried to a girl named Dee. I like her because she gave me a PlayStation, and because she makes my dad very happy. But two years ago, my dad was diagnosed with advanced stage cancer. Last year, he died at home. It didn't make sense to me why he had to die. It wasn't fair. He was so happy, and I didn't understand why any higher power would do this. I struggled with understanding why this happened to him, and I still am, it got so bad that I ended up falling into a deep depression. I didn't eat, or sleep, or do anything really. I was like a mindless zombie walking around. I ended up talking to the school consular after Tyler talked me into it. After a while, I got out of that deep depression, but sometimes I slip back into it because I still have yet to handle the fact that my dad is really gone. Ethan, I know that the past years haven't been great for you, but I want you to know that you're really not alone. So Ethan I want to ask you something. Ethan, will you be my boyfriend?" My heart skipped a beat. I smiled wide at him and nodded. He smiled and pulled me into a kiss. "Mark, I'm so glad I met you," I admitted. He smiled and responded," I'm glad I met you too." We interlocked hands as he walked me home. When we got there, Aunt Cas was sitting on the porch typing on her computer. When she noticed us, she smiled and said hello. Mark gave me a peck on the cheek before going home. I told aunt Cas what happened today and she fangirled with me. I didn't know how tired I was until I fell asleep talking to aunt Cas. The next morning, I woke up to Mark and Jack texting me.

Jackspedicey: So imma guess the date when really well then.
I laughed at his texts and texted him back.

Ethan: omg jack 😂
I then read the texts from Mark.

Markimoo❤️: don't freak out but I told Jack. I hope that's ok.
Markimoo❤️: he shouldn't tell anyone unless he gets the ok from you.
Markimoo❤️: anyway, I guess good morning! 😂 Sorry to wake you up at 9 on a Sunday.
Ethan: 😂 good morning. And it's fine. I think Jack is more excited that we're dating than we are.
Markimoo❤️: I think he's been shopping us since the beginning.
Ethan: tru
Markimoo❤️: anyway, I gtg. I'm heading to work out so ttyl. 💖
Ethan: ttyl💗

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