The date pt.2 (marks P.O.V)

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Ethan and I were walking down the street. I could tell he was excited! I was holding his hand as we walked. I watched as he looked around trying to figure out where we were going. I looked at his face and noticed his nose was scrunched up. It was so cute. "You look really cute when you're deep in thought," I said taking him out of his thoughts. I saw him blush a bit and he laughed. "That was random." He said. I smiled at him. "Well your nose gets all scrunched up and it's soooooooo adorable."I said watching him blush"You're even cuter when you blush." I said as he  playfully hit me in my chest. I let go of his hand and placed it on my chest. I then gasped and fell over onto the grass. He busted out laughing. I then joined in soon enough. I got up and took his hand again. "You're such a drama queen." he said as we continued to walk. "Did you just assume my royal status!" I said offendedly. "DId yOU JusT ASsumE mY RoYaL STatUs?" he mocked back like the spongebob chicken meme. We started to laugh again. "Wow how did I get so lucky?" I asked. "Oh stop it you doof." He said disregarding what i said. "No I'm being for real. Like, you're this amazing person that I fortunately get to love and hold. It's incredible!" I said smiling, meaning every word. "I think I got luckier with you. I mean, you still wanted to date me even when you found out I'm trans. I mean you know the story with Justin. I thought that no one would love m because of being trans, but then I meet you. And you completely destroyed that fear of mine." He looked over at me and saw that I was staring at him.I hated that he had to go through what he did. It wasn't far to such a sweet and amazing guy.  I smiled at him and captured his lips in a sweet kiss. When we pulled away, we started walking again. We were held in a comfortable silence until we reached the beach which he  figured out was where the carnival was. "Yay the carnival!" he said looking around. God he was so adorable. I looked around and say a lot of rides and games until i saw the test your strength game.I decided that would be the first game we played. I started to pull him over to the carnival game. "Well someone wants to show off," he said as i picked up the comically large mallet. There were 10 levels. They ranged from baby to macho man. I picked up the mallet and slammed it into the target. The little meter went up to the 7th level which was buffy. "Alright you're turn," I said handing Ethan the mallet. He lined up the target and mallet and brought it down with all his force. It barely went past baby. I started to bust out laughing as he chuckled a little. I started to look around for more games to play. That's when i noticed the ring toss. Those games were rigged and I wasn't going to go to it, until i noticed the carney playing and winning. I watched him and saw he was throwing them to the 3rd bottle on the left. I then decided that i was going to win Ethan that large Panda. "Hey ethan," I said turning him around. "Yeah?" he asked. I grabbed his hand and lead him to a booth that had the ring toss. "Mark, you know that these are rigged so you can't win," he said as I gave the guy 3 bucks. "Trust me," I stated, "I got this." and I did. I got all three on the same bottle. "Now pick a prize," The carney said a little angrily i might add. I got the huge stuffed panda and gave it to him. "There you are kind sir," I said in a posh accent. He just laughed. We continued throughout some of the day playing games, eating greasy carnival food, and riding rides. It was around 5 when I decided to take him to the next place, the coffee shop.

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