Why is he here?!

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TW: mentions of panic attacks, self harm

Ethan's P.O.V
I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up to see that it was Tyler. "The bell rang. You need to head to second period." Tyler said as I got up and got my stuff. He helped me pack up my things before I had to run to my next class. I was just about into the door when I saw him. I instantly felt nauseous. I then threw my backpack into the classroom and ran to the bathroom. I made it in time to puke out my guts. I was shaking. I was terrified! Why was he here!? This doesn't make sense! Did he find me? Is he going to...rape me again? My thoughts were racing and so was my heart. My breathing became shallow and quick.
I was having a panic attack. It felt like something was sitting on my chest. My heart beat was so loud. It was all I could hear. My vision was blurry and slowly turning black. I couldn't feel anything except for the ancient pain of my self harm scars. I was itching to make new cuts. I began to involuntarily scratch at my arms. I couldn't see, breathe, hear, or feel anything except for the pain. I began to feel nauseous. I didn't like this. I felt something on my chest. I didn't know what it was. I began to hit and kick at what was in front of me. I felt them grab my arms. I began to thrash around again. I didn't want them on me. They needed to let me go! I heard silent whispers in my ear. It was barely audible. "Ethan! It's ok! I'm here!" MARK! I launched myself at him. I felt him grab me and hold me. I began to hear his voice. He was saying calming things to me. Slowly my vision came back and my breathing slowed down. I looked at Mark and wrapped him in a hug. "M-Mark!" I screamed and continued to cry. "Ethan what's wrong?" He asked. "H-h-he's h-h-h-here! H-h-he's b-b-back!" I said slightly panicked and scared. "Who Ethan?" He asked. I never told him about Justin. "HIM!" I screamed. He picked me up and took me to the office. They called my aunt and she rushed over to the school. When she got there, Mark put me in her car. When she was about to pull out, I saw him and screamed. Ain't Cas turned to look at me, but my head was tucked into my knees while I cried. I heard the door open and close. I heard mumbling then two doors opening. I felt arms around me, and I saw Mark hugging me. I held onto him again. My aunt gave me a worried look before speeding home. When we got there, she gave me my panic attack medicine, and within 30 panicked minutes I began to get drowsy. Mark took me to my room. He laid me down, but before he left I grabbed his hand. "M-Mark stay. I'm sc-scared." I said. Mark sat by me till I went to sleep. When I woke up, he was still sitting there, but he was asleep. I waited till he awoke. "Ethan, who is him?" Mark asked. That's when I explained to him what happened between Justin and I. When I finished, Mark was furious. He threatened to kill Justin, but I told him not to for fear of my secret coming out. He tried to convince me to tell, but I kept disagreeing. He finally agreed to leave him alone. He stayed with me till night. He said that this weekend we would have our date. I smiled. When he left, I went to see aunt Cas. I explained to her what had happened. She held me close and said that she was going to talk to the school about changing my schedule. I smiled at that. I was worn out and went to my room. I put my phone on the charger. I noticed I had a text from an unknown number. I read it and dropped my phone before running to aunt Cas crying.
Unknown: The secrets coming out...Elizabeth.

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