Valentine's day Special

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A/N: Happy Valentine's Day guys gals and non binary pals! To celebrate this holiday I will be giving you guys a Valentine's Day special chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it!

Ethan's P.O.V
BEEP BEEP BEE- I turned of my alarm clock and jumped out of bed. Today was Valentine's Day and Mark said he had some special things planned for today. I was so excited! I got dressed in my pink jumper and some white skinny jeans. I grabbed my present for aunt Cas before heading downstairs. I walked in on her making heart shaped pancakes. "Happy Valentine's Day aunt Cas!" I said hugging her from behind. "Happy Valentine's Day," she said back continuing to make pancakes. I set the table as she put the finished pancakes on a plate. Once she sat down, I gave her her gift. I had given her a journal, some paints, some sketching pencils, some chocolate, a thank you card, a perfume, some new pens, a few white roses with some food coloring, and a long written letter. I knew she liked to make white roses different colors. She unwrapped and gasped in surprise. "Did you get this all for me?" She asked with tears in her eyes. I smiled and nodded. She went around the table and gave me a big hug. "Thank you so much! I love it," she said sitting back down. "But you know you didn't have to get me all this. A simple card would have done." She stated as she began to read the letter. "How could I boy give you these things? You've done so much for me! You took me in, provided me with a binder and testosterone, gave me food, and treated me like your son. This was the least I could do to say thanks." She began to let some tested of joy slip from her eyes. "How did you get the money for this?" She asked. "Well Jack got you the journal and the pens to say thanks for the autographed book and hug. Dan got you the perfume and chocolate to say thanks for letting him come over all the time. Mark got you the paints and pencils to say thanks for letting him take me on dates. And I got you the white roses and food coloring as well as the thank you card to show you how much I appreciate you for what you did." As I finished, her smile was wide. "I'm going to make some cookies for you to give to your friends. Go finish getting ready while I cook." I nodded as I finally finished my pancakes. I ran up stairs to take my testosterone and get my shoes on. I packed my backpack and got the presents for my friends and Mark. I went back downstairs and aunt Cas presented me with a plate full of heart shaped frosted sugar cookies. I smiled. "Alright let's get you to school," she said pushing me towards the door. I was excited to see what Mark had gotten me for today. As we pulled up to the school, I noticed that Jack was waiting there with Felix. I got out the car and Jack made an immediate run to me and my aunt. "Hey Ethan! Hey Ms.Nestor!" He said giving me a hug. "Hello there. Thank you for the gifts," my aunt said to Jack. "It's no problem! I hope you liked them." Jack said a bit shyly. "I loved them," my aunt said causing Jack to blush a bit. "Bye Ethan. Bye Jack." My aunt said driving away. Both Jack and I smiled at her and waved goodbye. "Careful Jack. If you keep your mouth wide open like that you'll catch flies." Jack laughed at my statement before we  started walking back to Felix. "Hey Felix," I said giving him a fist pump. "What's that?" He said referring to my bag and plate of cookies. "Well the cookies are what my aunt made for me to give to my friends and to say thanks for the gifts they gave her. The bag has my Valentine's gifts for you guys." As soon as I said that, Felix and Jack got a cookie. "What'd you get for us?" Felix asked. I dug in my bag and got out their presents. I had gotten Jack my aunts newest attachment to her book series. It's was a book about the history of the place and the full background stories of the characters. I had gotten Felix a frog plushie that looked like his deceased frog Slippy. I gave Jack his present first. I laughed as I heard him squeal and Felix whine. "Wait your turn Felix," Jack joked. Jack quickly unwrapped the present. "A book." Jack said. "Read the title." He flipped the book to the front and read the title. I saw his jaw drop. "THIS ISNT SUPPOSE TO COME OUT UNTIL TWO MONTHS FROM NOW!" Jack screamed. "My aunt wanted to make sure her biggest fan got the first copy." I watched Jack's face turn from shock to a huge smile. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" He repeated while giving me a bone crushing huge. When he pulled away, I gave Felix his. He started to unwrap the present then stopped. "Is this..?" He said pulling out the stuffed animal. "I got you a plushie that looked like slippy and sewed his name on his stomach." I said as he looked at the stuffed toad. He looked at me and smiled with a tear in his eye. "Thanks Ethan. I..I love it." He also gave me a bone crushing hug. "I know you were bummed when you found out he died so I got you this as a reminder I him." Felix pulled away and smiled. "Well Jack and I also got you something." Felix said digging through his backpack. I was surprised that they had gotten me something, but was appreciative of whatever they got me. Felix had presented me with a medium sized present. I unwrapped it to find a grey beanie, a blue flower crown, and a light blue hoodie. I smiled at the gifts and gave them a big hug. "I remember you had said something about wanting a new hoodie and beanie. And Felix thought to get you the flower crown to match your pastel attire you wear." I smiled at them and thanked them. The bell rung signaling the school doors were opening. I followed Jack and Felix towards the school. Jack suddenly stopped and nudged Felix. "Oh Ethan can you come with me for a bit?" Felix stated. I looked at him suspiciously before nodding. I followed him as he went toward the auditorium as Jack went the opposite direction. Felix abruptly turned around. "I need you to do two things real quick." I nodded. "first, put on the flower crown," I looked at him quizzically. "It suits your outfit," he stated. I nodded and put it on. "Second thing is I'm going to have to blind fold you." I thought for a bit and nodded my head a bit suspicious. He came behind me and put it on me. He then grabbed my hand and led me to what i assumed to be the auditorium. I heard a door open and guessed we where there. "Ok take off your blind fold in 3....2....1." I took off my blind fold to see the auditorium full of heart shaped balloons, red, pink, and white streamers, rose petals on the ground, and there was some soft music. I followed the rose petals to a dark corner of the the room. Suddenly, the lights turned on and I gasped at what I saw. Mark was standing there, in a tux, with a dozen red roses, a huge ass teddy bear, and I noticed two wrapped presents behind him. Tears sprang to my eyes. "Happy Valentine's Day Ethan," he said putting down the things and walking over to me. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms. "Oh my gosh Mark!" I held him in a hug as he picked me up and spun me around. I giggled. When he put me down, he went to go get the two wrapped presents. One was sorta small and the other one was medium sized. He handed me the medium one first. I opened it to see a scrapbook. I opened the book to see pictures of Mark and I plus ones of our friends. There were letters from Mark in there, letters from our friends, and even some drawings mark had drawn of me. I began to cry. "Oh baby are you ok?" Mark asked concerned. "Y-yeah. I'm just s-so h-happy." He gave me a hug before handing me the last gift. I opened it to see...a dog collar? "I talked to your aunt," Mark started,"and she allowed me to get you...a dog." I immediately looked up at Mark in shock. He had a smirk on his face. "Are you serious?" I asked. He nodded. I jumped back into his arms repeatedly saying thank you. He laughed pulling me away and giving me a kiss. I pulled away and went to get him his present. I handed it to him as he began to open it. I watched as he pulled out the gift. "Oh my...Ethan...Thank you!" i had gotten him a circular locket that can hold 5 pictures. I put a picture of me in there, Felix, Jack, of him, and one of his dad. We hugged one more time before the bell rung to signal class was starting soon. I took my presents, gave Mark a quick kiss, and headed to first period.

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