Chapter Two

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'What the hell?' Connor exclaims. The nurses get their phones out and puts the torch on so it's a bit brighter. 'We need to shock her before we find out what's going on.' He says, before stopping compressions. 'Charging to 150. Clear?'

'Clear.' Everyone nods.

'Shocking.' Connor says, he then presses the button to deliver shock and looks at the monitor. 'Sinus.' He nods. He gets his phone out and calls up to Ms Goodwin whilst pressing all the buttons in the lift.

'Sharon Goodwin.'

'Miss Goodwin, it's Dr Rhodes. I'm in the lift, we've got a patient with pneumonia and suspected cardiac issues. The lift has stopped, and no buttons are working.'

'We are aware, CFD are on their way. How critical is the patient?'

'We've just got her back from v-fib.'

'We'll be as fast as we can.' Ms Goodwin hangs up.

Firehouse 51 are the house to respond to the trapped lift. When they arrive, they are taken the third floor, the floor that the lift is closest to. Kelly Severide prys open the door. 'Rhodes?!' He shouts down.

'Severide! We're fine but we need to get this patient out, ASAP.' Connor shouts up.

'We're going to get this lift up manually. We'll be as fast as we can.' Casey and Severide then start barking orders. Cruz hands Severide the rope bag, he sets it down, secures it and attaches the rope to his turnout gear. He then abseils down and once he lands on top of the lift, he opens the hatch and sees Connor bagging Emily.

'How's the patient?' Kelly asks.

'SATs are dropping. Before you move this lift I need to intubate.' Connor informs him. 'I need the intubation kit.'

'SATs are 79.' The nurse warns Connor.

'Preferably in the next two minutes.' Connor adds. Kelly nods and radios up for the kit and it is sent down almost straight away. Kelly then lowers it down through the hatch, a new catches it and hands it to Connor. He then sets up the kit and intubates. 'We're good!' Kelly smiles and prepares to wind the lift up.

A minute later, Connor and the nurses are wheeling Emily out of the lift. 'What happened?' Ms Goodwin asks as the nurses take Emily to an ITU room as it's the floor that they're on and Connor has told them to.

'She has pneumonia, her SATs dropped. Also, Dr Halstead mentioned that she sustained a chest injury so my suspicions are that she's gone into cardiogenic shock caused by a cardiac contusion. With any luck, she'll be off the vent by tomorrow afternoon.' Connor explains. 'What exactly happened?'

'We don't know, maintenance is going to investigate.' Sharon frowns. Will then joins them with David.

'Connor, this is Mr David Shakespeare. Emily's mentor.' Will informs him. 

'How is she?' David asks.

'She has pneumonia and I suspect that she has a cardiac contusion. We had to put her on a ventilator but with any luck, she'll be able to come off it by the morning. We're going to run some further tests and start her on some antibiotics for the pneumonia.' Connor exclaims. 'Have her parents been contacted?' 

'That's the thing.' David sighs. 'About a month ago, her parents stopped all contact. They don't want to see or speak to her. They've changed all their details and moved house. I contacted CPD and DCFS. They're trying to get to the bottom of it. In the meantime. I'm the closest thing that she has to family. I used to be friends with her father.'

'Are you her medical advocate?' Sharon questions.

'Yes.' David nods. 

'Is she allergic to anything? It's just so that we don't give her any medication that may cause her to have an allergic reaction.' Connor asks. 

'Not that I know of.' David shakes his head. 


The next day, Emily is taken off the vent. When she wakes up, David and Leigha are sitting beside her. 'Hey.' Leigha smiles. 'I'll go get the doctor.' Leigha then gets up and goes to find Connor. A few minutes later, Leigha and Connor walk in. Leigha sits back down and Connor stands at the side of the bed.

'Emily, how are you feeling?' Connor asks.

'Like I've been hit by a truck.' Emily smiles.

'That will be the drugs.' Connor laughs. 'Now, Dr Halstead, the doctor that treated you in the ED, diagnosed you with pneumonia and we're treating that with antibiotics. You also mentioned to Dr Halstead that you fell into a pool and banged your chest, I ran some tests and you have a cardiac contusion which is fancy for a bruise on your heart and we're treating that.'

'How long will I be in for?' Emily questions. 

'It will be between a week to two weeks and if once you're discharged, the pneumonia hasn't cleared up, you'll have to complete a course of antibiotics.' Connor replies. 'You're obs are looking fine. I'll be back to check up on you later.' He then leaves and closes the door. As he leaves he's called to a patient in the ED.

As he's about to walk into the room, Gabby, who is at the nurse's station, pulls him aside. 'Hey, erm... Kelly was asking about that girl that was trapped in the lift.' 

'She's fine.' Connor nods. 'She's stable and off the vent.' 

'Thanks.' Gabby smiles.

'No problem.' 


As soon as Gabby jumps out of the ambulance at the firehouse, Kelly walks up to her. 'She's fine. She's stable and off the vent.' She tells him and Kelly sighs. 'Why are you so concerned anyway?'

'When I saw her on the trolley in that lift - she looked so fragile.'

'She's been through a lot. Her name is Emily. She goes to CCA.' Gabby responds.

*A few weeks later*

It's been a few weeks. Emily has been discharged from hospital and Kelly can't stop thinking about her. As Emily is taken back to the school in the middle of the school day, she has been allowed to stay in her room.

After about an hour, she hears a knock on her door. She gets up from her bed and opens the door. Standing there is David. 'Mr Shakespeare? What can I do for you?' She asks, surprised. Instead of responding, he pushes her gently back into the room, walks in and closes the door. He walks closer to Emily and once they're standing practically toe to toe, he brushes his fingers through her silky hair. Immediately, she starts to feel uncomfortable.

'You're beautiful, you know that right?' He smiles, looking into her blue eyes.

'I don't feel comfortable with this.' She says. She goes to move his hand but he grabs her wrist with a firm grip.

'There's nothing wrong with saying that you're beautiful, is there?' Without warning, he pushes her onto her bed and she whimpers. He climbs on top of her and grabs her by her neck. Emily's eyes brim with tears. She has a feeling of what's to come next. She becomes paralysed with fear. David takes a syringe out of his pocket, takes the lid off and stabs the needle in her neck. A few seconds later, Emily is unconscious. He pulls down his trousers so that he's in his pants and moves Emily's skirt up. Once he's satisfied, he rapes her. Her worst nightmare was coming true. Again.

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