Chapter Nine

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'Get a cannula in and push Ativan.' Gabby tells Sylvie. Sylvie nods and gets to work whilst Gabby attaches the defib pads to her chest. Sylvie pushes the Ativan through the cannula and 30 seconds later Emily stops fitting. 'Let's get her in the ambo and blue light her to med.' Gabby says to Sylvie. 'Can you help us get her over to the gurney?' Gabby asks the security guards. They nod and the three security guards help Gabby and Sylvie move Emily from the floor over to the gurney. 'Let's go.' Gabby nods. 

On the way to Med, Emily starts to crash. Sylvie, who is in the back, looks at the screen which now shows asystole. 'Gabby, she's flattened, call ahead!' She shouts before starting chest compressions.


As soon as they pull up in front of Med, the doors to the ambulance open and Dr Choi helps take the gurney down and they wheel Emily into the ED with Sylvie still doing compressions. 'Emily Doherty. 16. Witnessed having a seizure, queried cause. She crashed en route.' Sylvie explains. 'Last set of obs, pulse 150, BP 100/80, SATs 96, GCS 13.' They then wheel her into a treatment room and transfer her over to the bed.

'Keep doing compressions.' Dr Choi tells Sylvie. 'Let's shock.' Dr Choi orders. He then walks to the defib machine. 'Charging to 150. Clear?'

'Clear.' Everyone nods.

'Shocking.' Dr Choi says pushing the button. Emily's body rises with the shock and Sylvie rechecks for a pulse.

'No pulse.' She shakes her head and begins compressions again.

'Right, I'm going to intubate.' Dr Choi says. He then moves round to behind Emily's head and proceeds to intubate. 'Let's shock once more.' He says. He then walks back to the defib machine. 'Charging to 150. Clear?'

'Clear.' Everyone nods.

'Shocking.' Dr Choi says pushing the button. Emily's body rises with the shock and Sylvie rechecks for a pulse.

'She's back.' Sylvie smiles. 'She's in foster care, I'm not sure if her file has been updated yet.'

'Thank you.' Dr Choi nods. Gabby and Sylvie then leave. 'Let's get a head CT, full blood work up and a tox-screen. Call her next of kin.' He tells a nurse. 'I'll call up to ICU, see if they have a bed.' He then walks out and calls the ICU department.


As soon as Gabby and Sylvie arrive back at 51, they see Voight talking to Kelly. 'What's going on?' Gabby asks as they walk over to them. 

'Emily stormed out of school. No one has heard from her since.' Voight explains. 'We had a warrant to arrest the son of a bitch that raped her but he's gone off the radar.'

'The call we were just on, it was to Emily. She had a seizure so we took her to Med. On the way she crashed but we got her back at the hospital.' Sylvie informs him. 'She'll most likely be transferred to ICU. We have no idea how the seizure started.'

'Thank you.' Voight nods.

'No problem.' Sylvie smiles. He then leaves to go to Med.


Voight arrives at Med and walks into the ED and up to Dr Choi who is at the nurse's station. 'Dr Choi, I need to speak to Emily Doherty.' He says.

'I was just about to call you guys. Emily is the fourth person today to come in with the same thing. Prolonged seizure leading to cardiac arrest.' Dr Choi responds. 'All four patients suffer from depression and their medication is supplied by the same manufacturer and they all got them from the same pharmacy. The Mass Spectrometry tests that we ran showed MDMA alongside that antidepressant. Luckily, we have been able to flush their stomachs and we have found pill debris which we've sent for testing.'

'But she's OK?'

'She's not out of the woods yet but she should be fine.' Dr Choi nods. 'She's sedated and intubated so you can't speak to her yet. We're transferring her up to ICU where she'll be monitored overnight. The ICU doctors may want to keep her on the vent and sedated until the morning.' 

'I'll come in the morning.' Voight says before walking out leaving Dr Choi wondering why Voight wants to speak to Emily and why he didn't say anything about the drugs.


Back at 51, Kelly is playing cards with the rest of Squad when he decides to go and speak to Boden. He walks into the bullpen and up to Connie. 'Is Boden free?' He asks her.

'Go ahead Luitenant.' Connie smiles. Kelly nods and walks through into Boden's office.

'Severide, what can I do for you?' Boden questions. 

'I need your input on something, something personal.' Kelly starts and Boden nods for him to continue.

After about 10 minutes of talking with Boden, he walks back out to the Squad table. 'Load up, we're-' He begins to say but he's cut off. 

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, single-vehicle pin in accident, West Webster Avenue.


Arriving at the scene, they see heavy police presence. Kelly and Casey get out of the trucks and walk over to intelligence. 'What's going on?' Casey asks Kim.

'The guy that's trapped in the car, it's the guy that raped Emily Doherty.' Kim informs them. They then walk over to Gabby and Sylvie who are by the car. Gabby is checking for a pulse.

'DOA.' Gabby shakes her head. 'Was there a pulse when you arrived?' Gabby asks Antonio. 

'Yeah.' Antonio nods. 

'He must have been bleeding internally.' Sylvie says. 

'At least he can't hurt Emily anymore.' Kelly adds. 

After half an hour, the accident scene has been cleared up and David has been taken to the mortuary.  Instead of going back to the firehouse, Kelly tells Tony to drive somewhere else; 10 minutes later, they pull up in front of a building of offices. Kelly jumps out of the truck. 'I won't be long.' He tells Capp, Cruz and Tony before slamming the door shut and walking into the building. He walks up the stairs in the building and walks to the office that he needs. He knocks on the office door and walks in.

'Kelly, what can I do for you?' The young man behind the desk asks. 

'I want to foster Emily Doherty.' He states. 

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