Chapter Four

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The whole of intelligence and Leigha all run over to the other side of the road. As they do, Alvin calls for CFD. Within minutes, Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25 pull up. 'What happened?' Boden asks as he walks up to Hank and the team with Casey and Severide. 

'We have no idea, there was just an explosion.' Hank shakes his head. 'There are probably two people in there, maybe more. We saw a 16-year-old girl walk in.' 

'I'll take Capp and Cruz and search the building. It's not too involved.' Severide says. Severide walks away, gets Capp and Cruz, they mask up and walk in. 

'Go ahead.' Boden nods.

'I'll take Herrmann and Otis and help.' Casey adds. Once again, Boden nods. Casey then follows the same pattern as Severide. 

'FIRE DEPARTMENT! CALL OUT!' Kelly shouts. He then notices someone underneath the rubble, he reaches down and checks for a pulse. 'DOA.' He shakes his head at Capp and Cruz. They then continue to search the building with Casey, Herrmann and Otis. 

Meanwhile, outside, the rest of 51 are waiting to hear news on what is going on. Boden looks up and sees Emily on the roof. 'We have a problem.' Boden says to Gabby whilst still looking up. Gabby also looks up. Boden turns around to Hank. 'That girl that you saw walk into the shop, is that her?' He asks, pointing up to Emily. 

'Yeah.' Hank nods. 'She's got depression. You've got to get someone up there to get her down.' 

'Has she tried to kill herself before?' Boden asks and Hank nods. Boden then grabs his radio and speaks into it. 'Casey, Severide, what's going on in there?' 

'One person was trapped under the rubble. DOA.' Severide radios back.

'We can't find anyone.' Casey adds.

'Get up to the roof, there is a young girl up there. Voight is concerned that she's going to jump. She's got a history of attempted suicide.' Boden tells them. 'Capp, Cruz, Herrmann, Otis, make your way out, we don't want t to scare her.' Capp, Cruz, Herrmann and Otis make their way out of the shop whilst Severide and Casey make their way to the roof. By the time they reach the roof,  they have taken their masks off. They place their breathing apparatus' on the floor and walk towards her. As soon as Emily feels their presence, she turns around. Her eyes are still puffy and tears are falling down her cheeks. She has a wound to the side of the head that is slowly bleeding.

'Please, just- just leave me alone.' She sighs. 'Just let them kill me.'

'Let who kill you?' Severide asks.

'The Martians.' Emily replies. Severide and Casey can see that she is clearly agitated. 'They've come to kill us all!'

'How about you tell us your name?' Kelly asks, walking closer.

'Emily.' Emily sighs. 'Why does my name matter? It won't matter when I'm dead!'

'Emily, I'm Kelly and this is Matt. We're not going to let you die.'

'The Martians will find a way! They will kill us all!' Emily exclaims.

'We'll protect you. We will protect everyone. No one is going to die. Just come down and we'll help you.' Kelly desperately tries to talk Emily down.  Emily nods and steps off the ledge back onto the roof. Kelly and Casey walk over to her and the both stand by her side, Kelly on the left, Casey on the right, and they help her get down the stairs.

Once they walk out of the shop, they hand Emily over to Gabby and Sylvie. 'I think she's had a psychotic break. She was on about Martians and how they're going to kill us all.' Casey tells Gabby.

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