Chapter Twenty-One

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When Emily is close to where she needs to be, she gets off the bus and walks the shirt distance. She looks up at the building in front of her.


She takes a deep breath, walks in and walks to the main desk. She walks to the main desk, hands in the paper and is told to wait. A few minutes later, ASA Peter Stone walks out from an office behind the desk and walks up to Emily who is standing with her back against the wall and her hands in her pockets. 'Emily Severide?' Peter asks. 'I'm ASA Peter Stone, I'll be the prosecutor in your case.'

'Right, by my mom had nothing to do with what happened.' Emily replies. 'She didn't lay a finger on me.'

'She's an accessory to abduction.' Peter tells her. 'I'm here to make a deal with your mom.'

Meanwhile, Sarah is waiting for Emily. She looks at her watch and sees that she is half an hour late. She gets her phone out and calls Emily. When there's no answer, she calls Kelly.

'Hello?' She hears Kelly say.

'Kelly, it's Sarah Reese.' Sarah says. 'Is Emily there?'

'She left over an hour ago.' Kelly tells her. 'Isn't she with you?'

'No.' Sarah responds. 'Wait.' She suddenly realises something. 'She's been talking about her mom a lot.'

'She's gone to see her mom.' Kelly sighs.

'I'll meet you at Cook County.' Sarah tells him. She then hangs up, runs to her car and drives to the jail.

Back at the jail, Peter and Emily are sitting at a table with Caitlin. 'Mom just take the deal!' Emily tells her.

'And throw my husband under the bus?!' Caitlin exclaims. 'Honey, he made me do a lot of things that I didn't want to do. He's manipulative. If he finds out I made this deal, as soon as I get out of here he will either kill me himself or send someone to kill me.'

'Mom. We're talking about the man who raped me. Who tortured me. You're going to let him get away with that?' Emily asks, tears dripping down her cheeks. 'He is not my father anymore.'

'Surely you don't mean that?' Caitlin asks.

'Mrs Doherty, taking the deal will give Emily some peace of mind. It will give Mr Severide, Emily's dad, peace of mind.' Peter tells her. 

'Mr Severide?' Caitlin questions.

'Yeah.' Emily nods. 'The man who has been there for me through thick and thin. He adopted me.'

'So you're abandoning you're family?' Emily asks.

'You abandoned me.' Emily snarls. 'Don't forget that.' She adds. 'Take a good look at me. It you don't take this deal, you won't see me again.'

'Sweetie.' Caitlin sighs.

'Don't.' Emily shakes her head. She then gets up and walks out.

As she walks out of the building, Kelly and Sarah are walking towards. 'Don't bite my head off.' She tells them. 'Not now.'

'You're not in trouble.' Kelly tells her. 'I just wish that you had told me.' Emily then breaks down crying.

'I just wanted to see her before Christmas.' Emily sobs.

Peter then walks out of the jail and joins them. 'Lieutenant Severide.' He smiles as he shakes Kelly's hand. 'I'll be the prosecutor on Emily's case.' He then turns to Emily. 'She's taking the deal.' He tells her.

'What deal?' Kelly asks.

'I can't disclose that information. Emily can't tell you either.' Peter frowns. 'I'll be in touch.' He then walks away.

'Emily, if you wanted to see your mom you could have told me.' Kelly says. 'I would've taken you.'

'I know.' Emily nods. 'But I needed to do it alone.' Peter then runs back up to them.

'Intelligence have picked up Joseph Doherty, Mark Lowe and David Shakespeare.' He informs them.

'I want to go.' Emily states.

'Emily, this could set you back. It-' Sarah starts but Emily cuts her off.

'I'm going to have to see them in court anyway.' Emily tells her. 'It's best to see them now then to see them in court and have a breakdown.'

'Sergeant Voight does want her to go in to identify them.' Peter says. 'It's procedure.' Emily looks at Kelly.

'I'll meet you there.' Kelly nods.

'Emily, come with me.' Peter smiles but Emily freezes up.

'Em, it's okay. He's not going to do anything to you. He's a friend.' Kelly reassures her. Emily smiles, nods and follows Peter to his car. They get in and make their way to district 21 with Kelly and Sarah following close behind.


When they arrive at the district, Peter parks in the parking lot and takes Emily up into intelligence and to the line-up room where Voight and Antonio are waiting for them. They explain the procedure and after 15 minutes, Joseph, Mark and David have been identified. As they have not confessed, a trial has been set and the state's attorney has served a subpoena to Emily so she has to testify and give evidence in court. She's been told she can do it behind a screen or via video link but she wants to do it in person. No screen. No video. She stands in the hallway as Mark, David and Joseph are escorted to holding. She stares at them as the walk past. Joseph stalls a little bit and smirks at her.

'MOVE!' Jay orders as he nudges Joseph forward.

'We've got them.' Kelly smiles at her. 'They're not going to hurt you again.'

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