Chapter Seventeen

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'Dad?' Emily gasps.

'Hi sweetie.' Joseph, Emily's dad, smiles.

'What's going on?' Emily asks.

'We,  you wouldn't come with Mark so he stabbed you.' Joseph begins to say.

'What?!' Emily exclaims.

'Don't worry. I know a doctor. He stitched you up.' Joseph tells her. 'About the cut on your head, that was all David.'

'Why am I here?' Emily questions. 'Tied up to a pole, being held prisoner?'

'You've ruined a lot of lives, Emily.' Joseph smirks. 'I'm very disappointed in you.'

'They did that to themselves. I can't be held accountable for what they did to themselves.' Emily protests. Joseph then leans into her but she kicks him away.

'You shouldn't have done that.' Joseph laughs as he stands up.  He then walks out of the room where David and Mark are. 'She's all yours.' He smiles. With that, David and Mark walk in with a bag that contains an electric cattle prod amongst other torture tools. Mark closes the door and minutes later, Emily's screams fill the warehouse she's being kept in.

On the other side of the warehouse, Joseph and Caitlin, Emily's mom, are talking when they hear the screams. 'Joe, what's going on?' Caitlin asks.

'Some payback.' Joseph smirks.

'She's our DAUGHTER!' Caitlin exclaims.

'We talked about this. She's ruined lives. She deserves it.' Joseph replies.

'What are they doing to her?' Caitlin asks.

'It's best you don't know.' Joseph shakes his head.

'OK, when she arrived here, what did you do to her?' Caitlin questions. Joseph just smirks. 'You didn't?' Caitlin asks and Joseph nods. 'You RAPED our DAUGHTER?!' She shouts. 'She didn't deserve THAT!'

'She doesn't know, she was asleep, and she never will know.' Joseph reassures Caitlin. Unknown to him, Emily was awake. She knows what her father did to her.

'You crossed a line! I'm done!' Caitlin shouts.

'What do you mean, you're done?' Joseph challenges.

'I'm going to turn myself in!'

'Springfield PD won't know who you are or what you've done.' Joseph scoffs.

'Which is why I'm going to drive to Chicago and turn myself in there.'


Three and a half hours later, Caitlin pulls up in front of district 21. She composes herself before getting out of the car and walking into the district and up to the desk. 'My name is Caitlin Doherty. I'm here to turn myself in.' Trudy looks up at her shocked. 'I'm aware you've been looking for me for months.'

'Yes. We have.' Trudy nods. 'Come with me.' She then walks 'round and takes Caitlin by the arm. She then takes her up to intelligence. 'Halstead, can you take Mrs Doherty into the interrogation room. She's handed herself in.' 

'Sure.' Jay nods. He stands up, takes Caitlin from Trudy and takes her to the interrogation room. Trudy then walks to Voight's office, knocks on the door and walks in. 

'You're  gonna love this.' Trudy begins. 'Caitlin Doherty is in the interrogation room. She handed herself in.' 

'Her husband?' Voight asks. 

'No.' Trudy shakes her head. 

'Right, thank you.' Voight nods. He stands up and heads to the interrogation room whilst Trudy returns to the front desk. 

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