Chapter Fifteen

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When Emily and Kelly arrive home, they get changed into some comfy clothes, order pizza and sit down on the sofa. 'So.' Kelly starts. 'What do you want to watch?' 

'I'm thinking Grease.' Emily smiles, holding up the DVD case. 

'Good choice.' Kelly nods. He takes the DVD case, takes the disc out and puts it into the player. There's then a knock at the door so Emily gets up answers it. She opens the door and sees it's the pizza delivery man. He hands over the two boxes of pizza.

'Thank you.' Emily smiles before closing the door. She walks back over to the sofa and puts the pizzas on the coffee table. She walks through to the kitchen and gets a beer for Kelly and a soda for herself. She returns to the sofa and sits down next to Kelly. She hands him his beer and they start watching the film. 


By the time the film is over, Emily is asleep with her head resting on his shoulder. Stella walks into the apartment just as the end credits start to roll. He looks over and waves. 'Hey.' Stella smiles.

'Shush.' Kelly whispers. 'Emily's asleep.' He tells her. 'I need to speak to you.' He gently gets up, moves Emily so that she's lying down and puts a cushion under her head. He then walks into the hallway with Stella. 'I've been thinking- what if you were to have this place to yourself?'

'What do you mean?' Stella asks.

'I'm going to go looking for a house or apartment at the weekend.' Kelly tells her. 'Once I've found one, I'll sign the lease over to you.'

'How are you going to find the money?' Stella questions. 

'I'll find a way.' Kelly tells her.


It's been a few weeks, Kelly hasn't been able to find a house yet so they are still living in the apartment. It's the opening night of Little Shop of Horrors. Emily is getting ready backstage. She's positioning her microphone, looking in the mirror when Mark appears behind her. Emily sees him and turns around quickly. 'What are you doing here?' 

'I came to see you perform. My daughter's never going to be able to do what you're doing.' He tells her. 'And I'm going to make your life hell because of it.' He whispers. 

'Places everyone!' Nikki announces. She then waks over to Emily and Mark. 'Sir, can you take your seat please?' 

'With pleasure, ma'am.' Mark smiles and nods.  He walks away and goes to sit in his seat. 

'Are you ready Emily?' Nikki asks the young girl. Emily doesn't answer. 'Emily?' Emily snaps back to reality. 

'Yeah.' Emily nods. 

'Break a leg.' Nikki grins. 


At the end of the show, Kelly walks backstage to see Emily, but he can't find her so he goes to Nikki. 'Kelly.' Nikki smiles. 'Emily did amazingly well.' 

'That she did.' He grins. 'Do you know where she is?'

'Can you not find her?' Nikki asks and Kelly shakes his head. 'Right.' She sighs. 'Has anyone seen Emily?' She shouts and everyone falls silent.

'I've just seen her outside 'round back, she was arguing with some man.' Leigha replies. 'When they noticed me, they quietened down a bit.' Kelly immediately gets concerned and rushes outside followed by Nikki and Leigha. When they get outside, Kelly sees Emily's microphone and wig on the floor. 

'Call PD. She's been taken.' Kelly sighs.



This is gonna be my last update on this story for a while so I'm leaving it on a cliffhanger!

Stay tuned!

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