Chapter Forteen

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At the end of the school day, Emily is about to leave the school to get the bus when Leigha catches up with her. 'You didn't answer my question earlier.' Leigha says. 'Emily, why'd you shut me out?'

'Things happened.' Emily replies.

'Emily, it's me. Talk to me. We used to tell each other everything.' Leigha frowns. 'When you wouldn't return my calls or texts and blocked my number, I was really confused.'

'Why don't we go for a coffee?' Emily suggests. 'I'll explain what happened.'

'Sure.' Leigha nods. They leave the school and make their way to the nearest Starbucks.


When they arrive at Starbucks, Leigha orders a coffee to go but Emily doesn't. They then go for a walk and sit on a bench in Millennium Park. 'So, what's been going on?' Leigha asks Emily.

'When I left CCA I stayed with this Squad Lieutenant until they could find me a place in a group home. Whilst I was at the group home, I had to attend a different school, I got into a fight, the headmaster defended the other girl because she was his daughter. She started this fight. I stormed out and well... I overdosed. That's when this Squad Lieutenant decided to foster me and that's how I ended up at Chicago Arts.' Emily explains.

'Why'd you leave CCA?' Leigha questions. She then sees that Emily is upset. 'Em, it's me. Whatever you tell me is between me and you.'

'For a while, David- Mr Shakespeare, raped me. Every other day, when you weren't in the room, he'd come in and rape me. It went on for 6 months, when my parents first cut off all contact. The day you went to police worried about me, he raped me that day.' Emily tells her. By now, she's crying.

'Emily, I'm so sorry that that happened to you. I take it I'm one of the few people that know?' Leigha says, comforting her and she nods.

'My mental health has dipped, I can't handle anything anymore. Kelly's gonna not want me anymore. I mean- who wants to foster a child who might end up killing themself anyway.'

'I'm assuming Kelly's the guy that fostered you?' Leigha asks and Emily nods. 'If he really wants you, if he cares about you, he'll want to protect you. He'll want to make sure that you're safe and comfortable with living with him.'

'I know but-' Emily starts wiping her tears, but someone interrupts.

'Emily?' They ask. 'Emily looks up to see Lee Henry Herrmann. 'You OK?'

'Yeah.' Emily nods. 'Where you off to?'

'The firehouse, dad needs to speak to me.' Lee Henry tells her.

'I'll come with you. I need to speak to Kelly about a couple of things.' Emily replies whilst standing up.  'Leigha, do you want to come with?'

'No.' Leigha shakes her head. 'I gotta get home. I'll see you tomorrow.' Emily nods and walks away with Lee Henry.


When they walk into the firehouse, they walk through to the common room. As everyone is out on a call, they sit on the sofa with their legs crossed. 'Are you sure you're okay?' Lee Henry asks.

'Yeah.' Emily nods. 'Everything's just piling up.' Right at that moment, everyone walks in.

'Lee Henry, with me.' Herrmann says as he walks past his eldest son.

'Good luck.' Emily jokes. Lee Henry gets up and follows Herrmann. When Kelly walks in, he is surprised to see Emily.

'Emily, what are you doing here?' Kelly queries.

'I need to speak to you.' Emily responds.

'Okay.' Kelly nods. 'Let's go through to the conference room. Emily gets up and they walk through to the conference room. 'Have you been crying?' He asks, noticing that her eyes are red and still has tears collecting. Instead of responding, she starts crying again. 'What's happened? You know you can tell me anything.' Emily slowly stops crying.

'I saw Leigha, one of my old friends from CCA. She goes to Chicago Arts now. I told her what happened and all the things that happened came flooding back.' She tells him. Kelly then catches a glimpse at the cuts on Emily's wrist, she notices that he's seen them and pulls her sleeve back down over them. 'I tried. I tried not to cut, I really did but everything- with everything that's happened, I-' She cries.

'It's OK.' Kelly tells her bringing her in for a hug. 'It's OK.' He whispers once more as Emily cries into her chest. 'You can always talk to me. About anything. Big or small.' He tells her. 'I come off shift in about an hour, I'll ask Chief if I clock off early, we'll go home, get takeout and watch whatever movie or musical or whatever you want.' He says. 'We'll even buy some ice-cream.' He adds, whispering. Emily pulls away from him, laughs gently and nods. She wipes her tears and walks with Kelly to Boden's office.


'Severide. What can I do for you?' Boden asks him as Kelly walks into his office.

'I was wondering if I could clock off early. Something has happened with Emily and I don't like the idea of leaving her on her own.' Kelly asks. Boden looks out of his office window and sees Emily waiting for Kelly.

'Then you better get out of here before a call comes in. I'll fill in for you.' Boden smiles.

'Thanks Chief.' Kelly nods. He then walks out, goes to get changed and takes Emily home.

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