Chapter Nineteen

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Another few days pass. Whilst Emily's stats are improving, she's still in a coma. Kelly has been by her side the whole time. It's getting closer and closer to Christmas and everyone is hoping that Emily is awake and discharged by then.

Kelly is talking with Connor when Emily finally comes around. They hear Emily stir and walk over to her. 'Emily?' Connor asks. Emily stirs once more and slowly opens her eyes. 'Welcome back Emily.'

'Hey, you had me scared there.' Kelly smiles, taking her hand and sitting down on the edge of the bed.

'How long have I been out for?' She asks, weakly.

'A few days.' Connor tells her. 'Do you remember what happened?' Emily nods, tears collecting in her eyes.

'They- they tortured me with all sorts of things.' Emily responds. 'And they raped me.' She starts crying. 'Over and over and over.'

'Emily, we can do a rape kit. We can nail these guys.' Connor suggests.

'Because it worked last time, right?' Emily scoffs sarcastically. 'When can I get out of hospital?'

'We'll monitor you for the next 24 hours.' Connor tells her. 'If I feel that you're ready to be discharged, I'll discharge you but you'll have to take some medication, antibiotics and pain meds.'

'Can we get this rape kit done before I go?' Emily asks.

'I'll get a trauma nurse to you in an hour.' Connor nods. Emily smiles gratefully and Connor leaves.

'You don't need to tell me exactly what those monsters did but I want you to speak to me. Talk to me when you're scared, when you're upset so I can help you.' Kelly tells her. She smiles and nods and Kelly brings her in for a hug. 'Now, since it was your birthday a few days ago, I've got your presents.'

'I wasn't expecting you to get me anything.' Emily shakes her head.

'Are you kidding?' Kelly smiles. 'You're the best thing that has ever happened to me.' He then picks up two boxes. Both A4 sized. Emily opens one to reveal adoption papers. 

'What's this?' Emily asks.

'Adoption papers. You're now officially my daughter.' Kelly grins. Emily says nothing but leans forward quickly and hugs him. 'Thank you.' She whispers in his ear. 

'Take it easy.' Kelly says, moving her back. Emily then opens the other box to reveal the tickets to see Hamilton.

'This is sold out.' Emily says, shocked.

'I know.' Kelly nods. 'But I was able to get you VIP tickets.'

'How?' Emily asks.

'Well. how about you ask him.' He replies pointing to the door and Lin-Manuel Miranda walks in. Immediately, Emily's face lights up. 'I had already arranged for you to meet him.  I spoke with your friends, Jesse Tyler Ferguson and James Cordon and they spoke to Lin-Manuel who then contacted me and told me he'd come and see you when you were found.'

'Thank you.' Emily smiles.

'Kelly tells me that you have an amazing singing voice.' Lin-Manuel says. Emily blushes. 'Do you know A Whole New World?'

'Who doesn't?' Emily laughs.

'Then let's sing.' Lin-Manuel grins.

'Seriously?!' Emily exclaims.

'Seriously.' Lin-Manuel nods. They then begin to sing A Whole New World. They don't realise that a lot of the nurses and doctors are watching until they hear an applause once they've finished.

'You're the only person I know that has been able to sing straight after coming out of a coma.' Connor laughs as he walks in with a trauma nurse. 'I'm going to have to ask you two to wait outside with me.' Kelly and Lin-Manuel nod and walk out with Connor.

'Thanks for doing this.' Kelly tells him.

'No problem.' Lin-Manuel nods. 'Any friends of Jesse's are friends of mine.' Kelly smiles at this. 'He said that he'll pop by and see Emily later.'

'That's fine.' Kelly nods. 'She needs all the support she can get.'


The next day, Emily is given the all clear to be discharged. Before she's discharged, Connor asks Sarah and Dr Charles to talk to Emily. They walk in just as Emily is finishing getting changed. She sits on the edge of the bed and Dr Charles and Sarah sit in the chairs next to the bed. 'How are you feeling, Emily?' Dr Charles asks.

'Good.' Emily nods. 'I'm just confused as to why my own father would want to hurt me.' She adds. 'I want answers.' She then stops and takes a deep breath. 'I need answers.'

'How did you sleep last night?' Sarah questions. 

'Tossing and turning. Every time I close my eyes I see them. I see what they did to me.' Emily tells them. 'It's like it's stuck on repeat.' 

'OK.' Dr Charles nods. 'Why don't we set up some meetings every few days. You can meet with Dr Reese and just talk about how you've been.' He tells her. 'Whether it's here at the hospital, at a coffee shop, at the firehouse, wherever you feel comfortable.' Emily smiles and nods. 'The best thing for you to do is talk about what happened. Don't bottle it up.' 

'Isn't that what the court's for?' Emily laughs gently.

'Emily, we're being serious.' Sarah says. 'What you've been through- I can't begin to imagine what it was like. But you've got to speak to someone about what happened before this goes to court.' 

'Talk to anyone. Kelly, someone at the firehouse, Sergeant Voight, even if you come to the hospital and say you need to speak to someone, someone will listen.' Dr Charles finishes as he stands up with Sarah. 'For your own sake and for Kelly's, talk to someone.' 

'Yeah.' Emily nods. Thank you.' She smiles. They then walk out and as they do, Kelly walks in with Connor. 

'Right Emily, I've prescribed you some antibiotics and pain meds.' Connor smiles. 'I've given them to Kelly. You'll need to take them regularly. I also recommend that you take at least a week off school. You'll still be in some pain.' 

'Thak you.' Emily says whilst jumping off the bed. 

'Take it easy, Emily.' Connor laughs. Emily then picks up her jacket and puts it on. 'Now, try to stay out of the hospital, we don't want to have to start charging you rent.' 

'I'll try.' Emily laughs. 

'Take care.' Connor laughs back, he then watches as Kelly and Emily leave. 

When they get to the car, they get in and buckle up. 'Everyone at the firehouse wants to see you so we're going to swing by, I also need to fill out some paperwork.' Kelly tells her. 

'OK.' Emily nods. 'Dad.' She smiles. Kelly looks over at her. 'You're my family now.' Emily adds. Kelly puts his hand on her shoulder, smiles and nods, he then starts the drive to the firehouse. 

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