Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next few days go by quickly. Peter is surprised that Arnold hasn't called Emily yet. The jury and judge have decided that they have enough so Sanford sends the jury away for deliberation. Within the hour, the jury has a verdict. Peter and Anna are talking to Emily and Kelly when the clerk walks out and tells them. 'I want to be in the room for the verdict.' Emily states.

'Em. I don't think that's a good idea.' Kelly tells her.

'I need to.' Emily protests. 'For closure.' Kelly looks at Anna and Peter.

'I don't have a problem with it.' Anna shakes her head.

'Me either.' Peter smiles. 'You guys can sit behind us.' They then walk back into the courtroom and sit down. The judge walks in, they stand once more until they are told to sit back down.

'Has the jury reached a verdict?' Sanford questions. The head juror nods and Sanford motions for the her to stand up. The clerk walks over to her.

'On the count of rape, do you find the defendant, Joseph Doherty guilty or not guilty?' The clerk asks,


'On the count of rape. do you find the defendant, Mark Lowe, guilty or not guilty?'


'On the count of rape, do you find the defendant, David Shakespeare, guilty or not guilty?'


'On the count of abduction. do you find the defendant, Mark Lowe, guilty or not guilty?'


'On the count of conspiracy to abduction, do you find the defendant, David Shakespeare, guilty or not guilty?'


'On the count of conspiracy to abduction, do you find the defendant, Joseph Doherty, guilty or not guilty?'


'On the count of torture, do you find the defendant, Mark Lowe, guilty or not guilty?'


'On the count of torture, do you find the defendant, Joseph Doherty, guilty or not guilty?'


'On the count of torture, do you find the defendant, David Shakespeare, guilty or not guilty?'


There are sighs of relief throughout the room. Everyone is glad to see these monsters, as the press described them, be put behind bars.

'Each defendant is to sign the sex offenders register for 5 years and serve 10 years in Cook County with no parole. Joseph Doherty is awaiting another trial for mass murder alongside his wife, Caitlin Doherty. Mr Doherty will start his sentence and the sentence, if found guilty, will be added to this sentence.' Sanford declares. 'Dismissed.' He then bangs his gavel down and everyone starts to leave, whilst officers handcuff Joseph, Mark and David ready for transport. Peter and Anna turn around and see Emily crying into Kelly's chest. She looks up and wipes her tears with a tissue. She then stands.

'Thank you, Mr Stone.' She smiles.

'All part of the job.' Peter nods. 'We've got to prepare for our next trial. You can tell Kelly what the deal was.' He says. 'Take care.' He then walks away with Anna.

'Miss Severide, can I have a word?' Sanford calls over to her. He is now standing in front of the bench. Emily nods, wipes the rest of her tears and walks over to him.

'Judge Sanford, what can I do for you?' Emily asks.

'Call me Emmet.' Sanford smiles. 'Mr Stone mentioned how you like to act and sing and that you're amazing at it.'

'I wouldn't say I'm amazing. I just forget about everyone around me. It's just me and that character.' Emily shakes her head.

'Your school says otherwise.' Sanford laughs.

'Sorry?' Emily asks confused.

'Here,' Sanford hands over an envelope. Emily takes the envelope, looks at him confused and opens it. She takes out what's in it. 'Every year I award a scholarship, the Eloise Sanford, to a young person that's involved with a trial that I'm the judge of. If I don't have one, another judge gives it out. This year, I'm awarding it to you. It's to the Chicago Arts University. I'm assuming that's where you were looking to go?'

'Yeah.' Emily nods. 'It is.'

'The scholarship is named after my daughter.' Sanford starts. 'She was so brutally raped that she died of the injuries.' He frowns. 'I applaud your bravery.'

'Thank you Emmet.' Emily smiles. 'I'm sorry about your daughter.'

'If she was still here, she'd be applauding your bravery too.' Sanford nods. 'Now go be with your family.' Emily smiles, thanks him once more and walks back to Kelly.


As it's evening, Kelly and Emily decides to go for a drink. When they walk in, everyone from the ED, including Connor and Sharon, intelligence and firehouse 51 are there. Everything goes silent.

'So?' Gabby questions, hopeful.

'Guilty on all charges.' Emily smiles. '5 years on the sex offenders register and 10 years in Cook County.'

'That's great news!' Gabby exclaims. Everyone claps and Gabby hugs Emily. After speaking with almost everyone, Emily and Kelly sit at a table with their drinks.

'What was the deal that Peter was on about?' Kelly asks her.

'He made a deal with my mom, she gives up everything that she did with Joseph and his gang and she gets a different type of sentence.' Emily explains.

'What kind of sentence?' Kelly asks,

'7 years in a prison, in Texas.' Emily replies. 'She went at the start of the trial.' She then takes a sip of her drink. 'Let's not talk about that anymore.'

'What did Judge Sanford give you?' Kelly queries.

'A scholarship to Chicago Arts University.' Emily smiles. 'Mr Stone said something to him about my singing and acting.' She continues. 'He only gives it out once a year.'

'That's great news!' Kelly exclaims.

'I'm just glad everything is behind me.' Emily replies. She then notices that Kelly is staring at Sylvie. 'Whatever happened to you two?'

'I pushed her away.' Kelly sighs. 'I wish I hadn't now.'

'Then what are you waiting for?!' Emily exclaims.

'I need to focus on making sure you're alright for the moment.' Kelly tries to change the subject but Emily is having none of it.

'You can do that with her by your side.' Emily smile gently. Kelly looks back over at Sylvie, thinking about what Emily has just said.

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