Chapter Twenty-Six

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'PTSD?' Emily questions and Dr Charles nods. 'Isn't that something soldiers get?'

'Not necessarily.' Dr Charles shakes his head. 'Anyone who's been through a traumatic event can get PTSD.'

'But it's been two years.' Emily tells him.

'PTSD can present itself many years after the event.' Dr Charles explains. 'With what you went through, I'd be surprised if you didn't have it.'

'What's the treatment?' Emily questions.

'Therapy.' Dr Charles tells her. 'That's the best way forward.'

'Nothing else?'

'We can put you in a short-term facility for about a month. It will help you deal with the PTSD but I wouldn't recommend it with you only being 19. You'd be the youngest there.' He advises her. Emily sighs deeply. 

'What's the first step?' 

'Telling Kelly and those closest to you.' He tells her. 'Are you still with Lee Henry?'

'Yeah.' Emily nods. 

'Sit down with Kelly and Lee Henry. Tell them together. It may be easier.' Dr Charles suggests.

'OK.' Emily nods. 'Thank you.'

'No problem.' Dr Charles smiles. 'If you need any help telling them, you know where I am.' Emily nods, stands up, thanks him once more and leaves.


Later that night, Emily arranges for Kelly and Sylvie to have dinner with her and Lee Henry. She invites them to their apartment.

When Kelly and Sylvie arrive at the apartment, Lee Henry answers the door. 'Em is just finishing the dinner.' He tells them.

'Do you know what this is about?' Kelly asks as they walk through to the front room.

'No.' Lee Henry shakes his head. 'But she had an appointment with Dr Charles this morning so I'm assuming it's about that.'

A couple of hours go by. Dinner is finished and Lee Henry, Emily, Kelly and Sylvie are sitting in the front room talking. 'So, I had an appointment with Dr Charles this morning. See if he can help me deal with these nightmares.' Emily starts. 'He diagnosed with me PTSD.'

'PTSD?' Kelly questions, making sure he heard right.

'Yeah.' Emily nods. 'He said therapy is the best way forward.'

'And you're going to take that therapy. Right?' Lee Henry asks.

'Of course I am.' Emily reassures him. 'Of course I am.'

A few weeks have gone by. Emily has been going to therapy three times a week. Whether it's talking, music or art, she's gone. Lee Henry or Kelly has been going with her to make sure she's alright and handling it well. News has spread that Emily was diagnosed with PTSD and everyone from 51 and the Herrmann family have rallied around her. To support her and be there as a shoulder to cry on.


A few months pass. It's finals week for those studying theatre arts at Chicago Arts University. Part of that is to perform a musical in front of a large audience, including music producers and musical directors. That musical is Grease. Names were picked out of a hat and Emily was given the role of Sandy. The "exam" is staged at the local theatre due to the university's theatre being too small.


It's the night of the performance. Before it starts, the head examiners calls the whole cast together. 'We have an announcement to make.' One starts.

'The musical directors out there are looking to take on people to join their theatre group. You will travel with them whilst studying for your degree.' The other says. 'They are looking at three people on particular. Harry Lee. Lilly Heames and Emily Severide.'

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