Chapter Eighteen

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A few days go by.  There's still no sign of Emily. Kelly has been throwing himself into work but 51 and the intelligence team have rallied around him. 

At the warehouse, Emily is weak. Weak from all of the torture. The rape. The starvation. She's so weak that she's been sleeping most of the time. Mark, David and Joseph have been torturing Emily every chance they get. They've been taking advantage of her every chance they get. Within the past few days, Emily has lost a lot of weight that it's becoming dangerous for her to lose any more weight.

At 51, everyone is sitting in the common room, eating, when they get a call to a warehouse fire. They all get up, run out to the trucks and they all race to the scene. 


When they arrive at the scene, uniformed officers are already sealing off the scene. They all get out and walk over to them. 'What's going on?' Boden asks.

'We got a tip that Emily Doherty is inside, plus, this was arson. The warehouse is up to code on fire regulations and street cams and the CPD pods spotted three men walking into the building with gasoline.' One of the officers tells them. 

'CAPP, TONY, CRUZ, MASK UP!' Kelly orders. 'We're going in.' 

'Severide! You are NOT going in!' Boden tells him. 'You are too close to this.' 

'Cheif, let me go in! Please! I have to go in!' Kelly protests. 'I need to go in.' 

'Two minutes!' Boden nods. 'I'm not liking the look of that smoke.' He adds. Kelly looks up to the smoke and sees that the smoke is slowly turning dangerously black. 

'Hermann, Otis, we'll search the rest of the warehouse.' Casey tells Truck. Everyone who is going in masks up and goes in. 

'FIRE DEPARTMENT! CALL OUT!' Kelly shouts as he makes his way through the warehouse. 'EMILY !' He then comes across a room. He tries to open it but it's locked. He turns around and kicks the door in. He then walks into the room and sees a figure on the floor, the smoke is only light so he can make out that it's Emily. 'EMILY!' He shouts once more. When she doesn't respond, he walks over to her. He bends down and checks for a pulse. He sighs with relief when he finds one. He picks her up, carries her out of the room and out of the warehouse where Gabby and Sylvie are waiting with the gurney. He places her down on the gurney and takes his mask off. 'She's so-' Kelly despairs, noticing that Emily is basically stick thin.

'Yeah.' Gabby nods, also noticing Emily's figure. 

'Severide, go to the hospital with her.' Boden says to Kelly. Kelly nods, takes off his oxygen tank and puts it down on the floor. 

'She's got a lot of penetrating wounds. We need to move.' Sylvie tells Kelly. Sylvie and Gabby then put Emily in the back of the ambulance. They then do a primary survey, checking her vitals and looking at the other injuries. Gabby then steps out of the ambulance.

'She's gonna need a trauma surgeon.' Gabby tells him. 'Kelly, it's not looking good.' Kelly can feel tear filling in his eyes. 'We need to go.' Kelly nods, gets into the back and closes the doors whilst Gabby gets in the drivers seat and blue lights Emily to Med.


When they arrive at Med, Connor is waiting for them with Will and April. As soon as the ambulance pulls up, Connor opens the doors and helps Sylvie with the gurney. As they rush into the ED, Gabby does the handover. 'Emily Doherty, 17, she's been tortured using various torture tools. She has multiple penetrating wounds to the abdomen. BP is 90 systolic, pulse is 94, GCS is 3 and SATs are 95%.' Gabby tells the doctors and nurses as they wheel Emily into the trauma room.  They all transfer Emily over to the bed and Gabby and Sylvie leave. 'She's in the best hands Kelly.' Gabby nods. A few minutes after being in the treatment room, Connor wheels Emily back out.

'Call the blood bank! I need O-Neg in OR 5! STAT!' Connor demands as he wheels Emily to the the lift.

'What's happening?' Kelly aks Will.

'Her blood pressure tanked. She's bleeding somewhere. Dr Rhodes is taking her into surgery to find the source of the bleeding.' Will exclaims. 'Given how many stab wounds she has, the bleeding could be anywhere.'

'Surgery could take a while. You'll be able to wait on the surgery floor but she'll most likely be put onto ICU.' Will tells him.

'Thanks Will.' Kelly nods. He then heads up to the surgical floor. As he's doing that, intelligence walk into the ED.

'Will!' Jay calls over to Will.

'How's Emily Doherty?' Voight asks as they walk up to him.

'Not good.' Will shakes his head. 'She's is surgery now. The stab wounds caused internal bleeding. That's our priority right now, Dr Rhodes will have a lot at her other injuries after surgery.'

'Will she make it?' Hailey questions.

'Hard to tell.' Will frowns. 'She was still unconscious when she came in. Neuro will review her but I think she's in a coma. The trauma and, potentially starvation, is too much for her body handle.'

'Starvation?' Antonio asks, confused.

'Her weight is visibly low.' Will nods. 'She was probably starving herself before being taken but the people who took her most likely starved her as well.'

'Where's Kelly?' Kim questions.

'Surgical floor,  I think.' Will informs them. 'I told him that he could wait there.' He continues. 'You've gotta catch the bastards that did this to her. The injuries- the injuries are horrific.'

'We will.' Voight nods. 'I'll make sure of it.' Intelligence then head up to the surgical floor to talk to Kelly. They tell him that Joseph, Mark and David are in the wind but every patrol officer in Chicago is out looking for them.


Five hours later, Emily is out of surgery. Connor walks to the relatives room where Kelly is waiting, alongside the rest of 51. When they see him walk in, they all stand up. Kelly walks closer to him. 'Surgery was touch and go. She's stable now and we were able to stop the bleeding.  She's in the ICU. She's having blood transfusions to replace the blood she lost.' Connor starts. 'I had a look at her other injuries, whilst they're severe, they're not life threatening.' He then gets a somber look on his face.

'What's the bad news?' Kelly asks.

'Kelly, Emily is in a coma.' Connor informs him. 'Her body couldn't handle everything. The torture, she was starved. Her body shut itself down so that it can recover properly.' He adds. 'As it's not a medically indeduced coma, we can't control whether she wakes up or not.'

'So you're saying she may never wake up?' Kelly asks.

'I'm so sorry.' Connor sympathises.  'We will monitor her closely.'

'Thank you.' Kelly nods. 'Thank you Connor.' Connor nods and walks out. Kelly collapses into a chair and begins to sob.

'She's a fighter Severide.' Casey reassures him. 'She'll make it.'

'I sure hope so.' Kelly sighs. 'It's her birthday today and alongside those Hamilton tickets do you know what I got her?' Everyone shakes their head. 'Adoption papers.' He tells them. 'She's no longer Emily Doherty. She's Emily Severide.'

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