Chapter Twenty

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As soon as Emily and Kelly walk into the firehouse, Emily gets bombarded with hugs from everyone. 'Guys! Let her breathe!' Kelly shouts over all the commotion. Everyone parts from her.

'We need to get some food in you!' Joe tells her. He then looks at Kelly who is shaking his head. 'Sorry Emily.' He apologises.

'Hey, no worries.' Emily smiles. 'It had to be said. I'm just glad it was someone that I know.' She adds. 'But now that you mention it, I'm starving! That hospital junk is rank.' Everyone laughs.


A few weeks have gone by. Emily has gotten better, physically, but mentally? She's still working on that. Kelly and Stella are woken up by screams coming from Emily's room. They quickly jump out of bed, put on their bathrobes and run to her room. Kelly is the first to run into her room, turning the light on as he does. Emily is tossing and turning in her bed, screaming.

'Emily.' Kelly shakes Emily awake. Emily shoots up, panting, making Kelly jump. She's sweating and her breathing is fast. 'It's OK.' He comforts her. 'You're safe.' He then brings her in for a hug.

'I'm scared.' Emily whispers. 

'I know you are.' Kelly nods. He then pulls away from her. 'Have you been talking to Dr Reese about these episodes?' 

'Yeah.' Emily nods. 'She said it's normal after traumatic events.' She adds. 'I'm meeting with her tomorrow.' She lies. 

'What time?' Kelly adds. 

'8 am. We're going for breakfast.' Emily replies. Kelly looks at the clock on Emily's wall. 

'There's no point in you going back to bed, you won't be asleep that long. It's 5 am.' Kelly says. 

'Well.' Stella starts, yawning. 'You's can say up but I'm going back to bed.' Stella then walks back to her room. 

'Coffee?' Kelly offers. 

'Yeah.' Emily nods. Kelly stands up and walks out of the room and to the kitchen. Emily sits in bed for a few minutes before getting out of her bed, putting her bathrobe and slipper boots on and heading out of her room and to the kitchen. She sits down at the table just as Kelly is placing the coffee in front of her. 'Thanks.' Emily smiles. Kelly then sits opposite her. 

'I've been doing some research.' Kelly starts. 'I'm going to stop by a pharmacy, get some sleep remedy things for you. It might help you have a more peaceful sleep.' 

'I appreciate that.' Emily nods. For the next hour, they sit talking about random things. Movies. Music. Christmas. Emily is finally going to meet Benny Severide on Christmas Eve. She's also going to be meeting Katie Nolan. It gets to 6 am, Emily decided it's time for her to get ready. She washes up her mug and walks through to her room. She grabs a couple of towels and heads into the bathroom. She undresses and gets into the shower. Once she's out the shower, she wraps a towel around her body and hair. She then brushes her teeth and does her usual skincare routine on her face. After she has done that, she heads back to her room and sits out of her dresser. She takes her hairdryer and hair straighteners out and plugs them in. She lets her hair straighteners heat up whilst she drys her hair. Once her hair is dry, she straightens in before doing her makeup. She then gets changed into an oversized sweater, some black jeggings and some black Chelsea boots. It's half-seven by the time she's ready. She puts her coat on and puts her phone, keys and purse into the pockets. She then picks up a sheet of paper off her desk. She looks at it before folding it up and putting it in her pocket alongside her phone, keys and purse. She walks out of her room, turning the light off and closing the door behind her. Kelly is sitting on the sofa watching TV. He had also got dressed, despite him having the next few days off. 

'I'm going to go.' Emily tells him. 'I'll text you once I'm finished.' She then hugs him and kisses him on the cheek. 

'Be safe.' Kelly tells her. 

'I will.' Emily nods. She then walks out and heads to the nearest bus stop. She gets on and pays for her fare. She sits at the back and gets the sheet of paper out of her pocket. She opens it and reads it.  





This book is going to be finished in about 10 chapters or so. :(

I was wondering: would you like to see another Severide's daughter fanfiction? 

Let me know in the comments!

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