Chapter Sixteen

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The intelligence unit arrives at the theatre. 'Kelly.' Hank nods. 'What's happened?' 

'Emily has gone missing.' Kelly tells him. 'She was performing in her first show with Chicago Arts High School. She was playing the lead role, at the end of the show I came back here to congratulate her but she wasn't here. I asked the teacher who asked Leigha, one of Emily's friends, she transferred to the school from CCA shortly after Emily left. Leigha said that she saw Emily outside 'round back arguing with a man and that when they saw her, they quietened down.' 

'Halstead, Upton, go to the security office and see if there are any camera's around back.' Hank instructs. Jay and Hailey nod and go to the security office. 

'Halstead mentioned what happened between Emily and David Shakespeare a few weeks back.' Hank tells Kelly.

'Wait, what?!' Kelly exclaims. 'What happened?' 

'She didn't tell you?' Ruzek questions and Kelly shakes his head. 

'Jay heard some sort of distress coming from an alley whilst running an errand. He asked if everything was OK, someone shouted that it was but he wasn't convinced.' Atwater begins. 'He drew his gun and turned the corner. He saw David Shakespeare pinning Emily against the wall. He made a bolt for it. Jay went to chase after him but Emily stopped him. She told him not to tell you. He assumed that Emily would tell you.'

'She did say that she thought she saw him but then she mentioned he had a twin so we thought nothing of it, but now-' Kelly sighs.

'Don't beat yourself up, Severide.' Voight reassures him. 'The tech that helped David fake his death has been arrested.' He informs him. Kelly sighs, this time, with relief.

'Do you know anyone else who would want to cause Emily harm?' Alvin asks.

'I don't know.' Kelly shakes his head. 'She's been bottling things up recently.' Jay and Hailey then return.

'Sarge.' Jay starts. 'There is security footage.' 

'It's too dark to see who the man is. However, the footage does show the man pulling out a knife and stabbing Emily multiple times. She falls to the ground. A car pulls up into the alley, no plates. David picks her up, that's when her wig and microphone fall to the ground, and he puts her in the back seat. He also gets in the back and the car speeds away.' Hailey explains. 'It's being sent over to the district right now.' Voight looks at Kelly.

'Kelly, we're going to find her.' Voight reassures him, putting his hand on Kelly's shoulder.

'It's her birthday in a few days.' Kelly starts, tears filling in his eyes. 'I got her- I got her tickets to see Hamilton. She's always singing it.' He then smiles. 'I even arranged for her to meet with Lin-Manuel Miranda.'

'Why don't you go home and get some rest. Th FBI has been contacted and they will be at your place in half an hour.' Olinsky suggests. 'Burgess and Dawson will also meet you there.' Kelly nods. 'Do you want someone to take you?' 

'No.' Kelly shakes his head. 'I'll be fine. I'll make my own way.' 

'Are you sure?' Kevin asks. 'I can drop you off. It's no problem.'

'I'll be fine.' Kelly nods. He then leaves and makes his way back to his apartment.


Emily wakes up in a dark room. Both of her hands are handcuffed around a mental pole I'm the middle of the room. As she's lying down, she sits up and as she does, she winces in pain. She looks down and sees her blood stained clothes. She feels something run down her face. It's warm and sticky and that's when she realises that it's blood. She looks around the room. One door and one small window. She hears someone walking towards the door and she gets scared. The footsteps stop and she hears the door unlocking. The door swings open, the light blinding her. Someone asks in and crouches down in front of her. 'Good.' They say. 'You're awake.'

'Dad?' Emily gasps.

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