Chapter Ten

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It's been a few days. Emily has been given the news about David and she's been given the news about Kelly wanting to foster her and she couldn't be more happier. A chance at a family. A proper family. Even if it's just her and Kelly. Intelligence has taken over the drugs case from narcotics as they have been getting nowhere, and with the high arrest rates in intelligence, the commander and chief decided to transfer the case. 

It's the day that Emily is being discharged from the hospital. She's picked up by her social worker who takes her back to the group home. When they arrive Kelly is outside waiting with Lucy. 'What's going on?' Emily asks Kelly.

'You're moving in with Kelly today.' Jamie replies.

Emily smiles. 'I thought I wasn't moving in for another two weeks?' She asks.

'We wanted you to get settled as soon as possible.' Jamie grins. 'You seem happy.'

'I am.' Emily nods.  'When I stayed with him, it felt like I had a father again. I felt like I had a family again.'

'You never told me that. If you told me that, I wouldn't have put you in the group home.' Jamie tells her. They then get out of the car and walk over to Kelly and Lucy.

'Hey.' Kelly smiles. 'How you feeling?'

'Good.'  Emily nods. 'Now I know that that son of a bitch is dead.'

'Kelly's come to help you to pack up.' Lucy tells Emily.

'Cool.' Emily grins. They all then walk into the house and up to Emily's room. They pack up all of her things into cardboard boxes and take them all down to Kelly's car. Once they're done, they go down to the office to fill out all of the paperwork. After all that's done, Kelly and Emily leave, but before they can,  Jamie pulls Kelly aside.

'Emily, go wait by the car, I'll be out in a minute.' Kelly tells Emily who nods and does as she's told. 'What's up?' He asks Jamie.

'I know that you know this already but bimonthly going to say it anyway. You can't let her down, she's been through enough as it is and also, she may go through some sort of personality change phase. You have to be prepared to deal with that. I'll be a phone call away to support you.  Emily also has my number if she ever needs to talk. You'll have to go to Sharon Goodwin at Med and get her primary next of kin contact changed from  me to you.' Jamie informs him.

'I've already sorted everything out with Ms Goodwin and I will always be there to support her. No matter what.' Kelly nods. 'I promise.'

'Don't promise me, promise Emily.' Jamie raises an eyebrow. Kelly thanks Jamie and walks out to Emily. 

'Ready to go?' He asks her as he unlocks his car. 

'Yeah.' Emily nods. They get into the car and Kelly drives to his apartment. 


When they walk into the apartment, Emily sees that all are firehouse 51 are there. 'What's going on?' She asks.

'We're here to help you unpack and settle in.' Matt tells her. 

'And you're family now kiddo.' Herrmann smiles. This causes tears to roll down Emily's cheeks. 

'Everything OK?' Kelly asks her.

'Yeah.' Emily nods. 'It's just, it's been a while since somebody has said that to me.' Kelly brings her in for a hug.

'Let's get to unpacking then, shall we?' He smiles. They all go down to the car, bringing up all of Emily's boxes and putting then in the room that Emily stayed in before as Kelly had kept it exactly the same. One they've all finished, everyone leaves so that Kelly and Emily can get to know each other. 'So, what'd you like doing?'  He asks her.

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