Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It's been a few days since the production of Grease. Emily doesn't have anymore lectures until the new semester but Lee Henry does so Emily is hanging out at 51. As she's watching the TV with Mouch, she gets a phone call. She stands up, walks into the conference room and answers the call. A few minutes later, she walks out of the conference room and out to the squad table. 'Hey, what's up?' Kelly asks her.

'I just got a call from the music director from the Chicago Theatre Company.' Emily starts as she sits down in the chair next to him. 'They were at m exam.' She continues. 'They want to take me on!'

'That's great news!' Kelly smiles as he puts his hand on her shoulder. 'What's your first production?'

'They said it's going to be Joseph.' Emily tells him. 'They want me to be the narrator.'

'Isn't that like the biggest role besides Joseph?' Tony questions.

'Yeah.' Emily nods. 'They said that I have a strong voice.'

'That's amazing!' Cruz exclaims. 'Way to go!'

'Thanks.' Emily beams.


Later that day, everybody heads to Molly's to celebrate Emily's good news. Herrmann hasn't closed Molly's for the celebration since Emily has gotten to know all the regulars. Dr Charles and Sarah walk into Molly's. When they see Emily sitting at a table talking to Lee Henry, they walk over to them. 'Dr Charles?' Emily smiles. 'What can I do for you?'

'We just wanted to convey our congratulations.' Sarah smiles.

'Thanks.' Emily nods.

'I also wanted to see how you were getting on with therapy.' Dr Charles adds.

'It's going good.' Emily nods.

'Has it helped?' Dr Charles asks.

'Yeah.' Emily nods. 'It has.' She then turns to Lee Henry. 'I'll be back in a minute.' They kiss and she walks to the restroom. She looks at herself in the mirror. She lied. Therapy isn't working - it's making her worse. She sees tears starting to fill her eyes and roll down her cheeks. She takes a paper towel from the dispenser and wipes the tears. She's still been  having the nightmares. She's still been zoning out. She hasn't been able to stop thinking about what happened to her. Right at that moment, Natalie walks in. Emily quickly acts like she's washing her hands.

'Hey Emily.' Natalie smiles. 'She then notices that Emily has been crying. 'Are you OK?' She asks, walking beside her.

'Yeah.' Emily nods. 'I'm fine. It's just- I'm still in shock.'

'Well you deserve it.' Natalie smiles.

'Thanks.' Emily smiles slightly. She then walks back out to Lee Henry. She picks up her coat and bag. 'I'm going to head home. Are you going to come?'

'I promised dad that I'd help close up.' Lee Henry tells her.

'Do you want the car?' Emily asks him.

'No, I'll get dad to drop me off.' Lee Henry replies.

'OK, I'll see you later.' Emily then kisses Lee Henry and walks up to Kelly. 'I'm heading home. I'm not feeling well.'

'I'll drive you.' Kelly says going to get up but Emily stops him.

'I'll be fine. Lee Henry is going to get Chris to drop him home.' Emily informs him. She hugs him and leaves. 


As soon as she walks into the apartment, she slides down the door and breaks down crying. She's interrupted by a knock at the door. She stands up and looks through the peep hole. She sees that it's Connor. She composes herself and opens the door. 'Dr Rhodes?' She smiles.

'Emily? I didn't realise you lived here.' Connor says.

'Yeah. Lee Henry and myself signed a lease.' Emily tells him. 'What can I do for you?'

'I was coming to introduce myself.' Connor laughs gently. 'I'm getting some work done at my apartment so I've rented an apartment here whilst that's being done.' He explains. Like Natalie, he notices that she's been crying. 'What's wrong?'

'Nothing.' She shakes her head. Connor raises an eyebrow. 'Bad memories.'

'Well I'm just next door.' Connor tells her. 'If you ever need to talk, knock on my door.'

'Thank you, Dr Rhodes.' Emily nods, grateful.

'It's Connor.' He smiles. 'I'll let you get back to whatever it is you were doing.' He then walks away and into his apartment.


As Connor walks into his apartment, he calls Sarah.

'Hello?' Sarah answers.

'Hey, Sarah, it's Connor.'

'What can I do for you?'

'I've just seen Emily Severide. She looked really upset. Have you talked to her recently?'

'Yeah.' Sarah tells him. 'I saw her in Molly's about an hour ago.'

'How was she then?'

'She said that therapy is working but I don't think it is.'

'Therapy?' Connor questions, confused.

'She was diagnosed with PTSD about four months ago.' Sarah tells him. 'Where'd you see her?'

'I'm living in the apartment next to her whilst I get some work done at my place.'

'Keep an eye on her. Make sure she's alright.'

'I will.' Connor assures her. 'When I'm not on shift.'

'Thanks Connor.' Sarah thanks him.

'No problem.' Connor responds. He then hangs up and collapses onto the sofa. Doctors are advised to not get too close to a patient but Emily is different. Her story is different. Connor stares into space thinking about Emily and how he can help her but he also can't help but wonder, does she want my help?

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