Chapter Seven

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A few days later, Emily has a check-up at the hospital to check for infection and to change the dressing. As Emily is getting her check-up, Kelly has an over-the-phone meeting with Emily's social worker. 

In the consultation room...

Dr Lyons, the burns specialist, is making sure that the burn hasn't got infected and that it's healing well. 'How's the pain?' He asks. 'Without the pain meds.' 

'Doesn't hurt as much.' Emily tells him. 

'Good.' Dr Lyons nods. 'I'm going to change the dressing. I'll have to clean the burned area as well so it may sting a little. Have you taken any pain meds today?'

'About an hour ago.' Emily nods. 

'Great.' He smiles. 

Meanwhile, Kelly has just finished on the phone with Emily's social worker. He told him about how Emily will be moving to a group home next week, earlier than planned. He sits down, sighs and puts his head in his hands. 

10 minutes later, Emily walks out. 'How'd it go?' Kelly asks her.

'Good.' Emily nods. 'No signs of infection or complications and Dr Lyons changed the dressing. 

'That's great.' Kelly smiles. 'I need to finish off some paperwork at the firehouse. You can come or you can go home if you want to.' 

'I'll come with you.' 


When they arrive at 51, Emily sits in the common room whilst Kelly finishes his paperwork in his quarters and after about two hours, he's finished. He walks back into the common rooms, grabs Sylvie and the walk into the bunk room. 'Is everything OK?' Sylvie asks him. 

'Emily is moving into a group home next week.' Kelly tells her.

'I thought she staying with you for three weeks?' 

'She was, but they found a place for her in a group home sooner than they thought they would.' Kelly explains. 

'And you're not ready.' Sylvie catches on, nodding. 

'I want to foster her.' Kelly blurts out.

'Whatever you decide, I will support you.' Sylvie smiles. They then embrace and Kelly kisses the top of her head. Kelly and Sylvie started dating each other for a few days, but they don't want their relationship known just yet. They then walk back through to the common room. Kelly walks up to Emily and puts one of his hands on her shoulder.

'Emily, are you ready to go?' He asks her. 

'Yeah.' Emily nods as she stands up. They walk out to the car, get in and go home. 


When they get to the apartment, Kelly sits Emily down. 'Emily, your social worker called me earlier and told me that he has found you a place in a group home. 'You're moving there on Monday.' He informs her. 

'OK.' Emily nods. 

'You're OK with that?' Kelly asks.

'I knew I'd be moving into the group home anyway.' Emily shrugs. 'Thank you for letting me stay with you. I don't think I could have hacked staying with a stranger so soon after-'

'Hey-' Kelly cuts her off. 'It's OK.' He smiles. 'Come here.' He says, opening his arms and they hugs.


It's Monday, the day that Emily moves into the group home. All morning, Emily packs up all of her things with the help of Kelly, Sylvie and Stella. At midday, Kelly and Sylvie take her to the group home. 

When they arrive at the group home, Emily's social worker, Jamie, is waiting for her with the head of the house. When they pull up, Emily gets out of the car whilst Kelly and Sylvie takes all her things out of the car and takes them into the house. 'Emily, this is Lucy. She's the head of the house.' Jamie tells Emily. 

'Hi, Emily.' Lucy smiles as she shakes Emily's hand. 'You're going to have to share a room with one of the other young girls.' 

'That's not what we agreed!' Jamie exclaims, angrily. 

'It's fine.' Emily tells Jamie. She then turns to Kelly who is now standing beside her. She reaches into her pocket and takes out the key to Kelly's apartment she was given, just in case. She hands it over. 'Thank you, once again, for letting me stay with you.' Kelly takes the key and smiles.

'If you ever want to talk, you know where I am.' He tells her. 

'Yeah.' Emily nods, she then hugs Kelly and Sylvie.

'Let's go inside.' Lucy says. Jamie and Emily follow Lucy up the path and as they reach the door, Emily turns around, smiles and waves at Kelly and Sylvie and they both wave back. Emily then walks into the house and closes the door. 

'Have you thought more about fostering her?' Sylvie asks.

'Yeah.' Kelly nods. 'I'm gonna leave it a while, the poor girl has been through too much. It will just cause confusion if she's moving between places.' 

'Let's go home.' Sylvie smiles. They get back into the car and leave. 


Who else sees a father/daughter relationship building between Kelly and Emily?

What do you think of Kelly and Sylvie together?

Let me know!!!!

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