Chapter Six

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Emily is watching TV in her hospital room when there's a knock at the door and the door opens. In walks in Jay and Hailey. Emily turns the TV off and tries to prop herself up more but she winces in pain. 'Hey, take it easy.' Jay tells her as he helps her sit up. 'Emily, I'm Detective Jay Halstead, this is Detective Hailey Upton, we need to speak to you about your parents but before we do that, we're going to take a statement from you.' Emily nods and Jay sits on the end of the bed, on the edge, whilst Hailey sits in the chair next to the bed.

Half an hour later...

'Even if we do find your parents, you won't be placed back into their care, you will be placed into a foster home. DCFS will sort everything out, but, even though David has been arrested,  you won't be going back to that school.' Hailey tells her. There's then another knock at the door and Kelly walks in.

'Sorry, I can come back.' He apologises. 

'It's OK, we're just finishing up.' Jay tells him as he stands up. 'We'll be in touch, Emily.' He then walks out with Hailey.

'Hey, so I have some good news. DCFS has agreed to let you stay with me a few weeks and my boss has allowed me to have a few weeks off.' Kelly smiles.

'That's great!' Emily grins. 

'Just a heads up, I do have a housemate, but she will be at work half the week, we work together.' Kelly tells her. 

'Cool.' Emily nods. 


It's been a week. It's the day that Emily is being discharged. All of her belongings have been packed up and they are sitting in Kelly's other spare room. In the past week, Leigha and Emily have started to drift apart, mainly because Emily has shut her out. Kelly takes a jumper, some leggings and trainers to the hospital for Emily to wear. He walks into her hospital room and sees her getting out of the bed. 'Hey, what are you up to?' He asks.

'I'm just gonna have a quick wash and do my hair, it's like a bird's nest.' She laughs. 

'Well be careful.' He tells her. 

'Yeah.' She nods. 

'Here, you might as well get changed as well.' He says, handing over the bag of clothes. She takes the bag and smiles. 

'Thanks.' She then walks into the en suite, gets washed, brushes her teeth and hair and puts her in a ponytail before getting changed. As she's getting changed, she looks at her body in the mirror. She knows that she's going have difficulty dealing with the fact that she will potentially have scarred skin from the burns. She has body dysmorphia, which is why she became anorexic. She finishes getting changed and walks back into the hospital room.

'I've got to finish my shift, I've only got a few hours left so we will head there first. You can meet everyone that I work with.' Kelly informs her.

'Cool.' Emily nods and smiles causing Kelly to giggle. 'Yeah- I should have warned you.' Emily laughs. 'I say "cool" a lot.'

'Not to worry.' Kelly smiles. 'The doc said he'll sort out your medication and then you can be discharged.'

'Cool.' Emily nods once more and they both laugh.


Kelly pulls up in front of 51 and he walks into the firehouse with Emily. Boden is waiting on the apparatus floor for them. 'Cheif.' Kelly nods. 'Emily, he is Cheif Boden. He's our Cheif.'

'Yeah. I recognise you.' Emily nods as she shakes Boden's hand. He then takes her to the Squad table and introduces everyone to her. They then go through to the common room he introduces Truck to her. She already knows Gabby, Sylvie and Matt. Kelly tells her that she can sit in the common room. She sits at the table and gets her phone out along with her earphones. Sitting next to her is Gabby.

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