Chapter One-Not a Hero

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(Me, Myself, and I by G-Eazy x Babe Rexha)

"You do know you aren't supposed to be up here, right?" I hear a deep voice remind me and I roll my eyes. I look down at my feet as they dangle off the edge of the roof and sigh.

"That's what makes it fun, Nick. Do you remember fun? It's that thing that happens when you forget yourself and just live." I tease him, but have a hint of sincerity in my voice. I don't think Nick has experienced fun in recent years; if ever.

"Oh, well, sorry if I've been busy protecting the world to" He says the word fun with almost disgust. I scoff and hop up from my seat. I turn towards Nick and sigh at him. As always, he's wearing all black, including an eyepatch as well as the color of his skin.

              "You know, I'd kill to see you in a Hawaiian shirt." I tell his serious face. It doesn't faze me. I don't think I've ever seen Nick Fury smile anyway. I jump off my little ledge and walk over to Nick so we can talk face to face. "I'm guessing you're here to try and recruit me? Again?" I ask him patiently. I believe this is the fifth-time Nick Fury has come calling. Each and every time I have turned him down, but eventually he comes back and proposes the same thing.

              "No, I'm here to see if you'd like some girl scout cookies. The Samoa's are selling really well this year." Nick sasses while giving me his signature glare. I smirk. He's a sarcastic jerk, but he is funny.

"Oh, well in that case..." I start and trail off, knowing it'll make him even more frustrated. He huffs and my smirk grows.

"Victoria..." Nick starts, but I cut him off with a scathing stare. Surprisingly, he shuts his mouth.

"That isn't my name. And no, Nick. My answer is no. Just like the last four times. Will you ever stop asking?" I finish, exasperated with S.H.E.I.L.D. bothering me.

"I might, but there are agents that will come after me." He pauses, probably for dramatic effect. "And they may not ask as nicely." Nick finishes ominously. I roll my eyes at him again. Always with the drama, but I know that part of what he's saying is true. He wouldn't be around to ask me this question forever. And other agents wouldn't know me like he does. They wouldn't keep trying like Nick does and I hate to admit it, but I'm scared of that. I consider Nick as he watches me, ever the spy.

"Why do you want me so bad?" I ask, honestly wanting to know. I watch Nick as he sighs deeply and clasps his hands in front of him.

"Your skill set is equal to the best that we have. You would be an invaluable part of the team." He explains, but he knows that isn't what I mean. We stare at each other for a moment before he sighs again. "Your history only makes you more of an impressive subject." He continues and I groan.

"Could you be human for a few minutes, Nick?" I ask him impatiently. He was being the Agent, the Director. He should know by now that I only respond to Nick Fury, the man. Nick hesitates only a second before he starts to speak again.

"With everything that happened with your parents...well, I would think that you would be one of the first in line to see that criminals get put away. Especially if those criminals are superpowered. Or even worse, from another planet. You could be a force to stop people who think they're above the law, stop the oppressors, stop the torturers, the murderers." I can't help but laugh when he says murderers.

"Right, because no one in S.H.E.I.L.D. does any of those things." I say sarcastically. Fury looks at me with disdain.

"The point is that you would help put an end to what happened to you, on a global scale." He says, not denying what I suggested. I like that about Fury. "Think about it, Shifter." Nick drops a folder on the concrete and starts to walk back to the exit of the roof. "You know where to go!" He shouts back at me and disappears through the door. As soon as he's gone, my eyes immediately go to the folder that he left. I can read it from here. It reads, 'The Avenger's Initiative'. I huff and look up at the sky instead of at the irritating folder. I watch the smoggy sky as my mind wanders. I knew Fury wanted me to be an Avenger. He had mentioned it the very first time we had met. I just didn't know if I wanted to be an Avenger. Everything Nick had said was true. The thing is, I'm not hero material. That's not who I am, that's not what I'm supposed to do, that isn't what I was made for. I laugh humorlessly at myself, then sober. One line of Nick's does keep repeating itself in my head, 'The point is that you would help put an end to what happened to you, on a global scale.' I look back down at the folder and press my lips together in thought. Then, I walk over and pick it up before heading back to the ledge and sitting back where I was before. I flip through the folder lazily, barely skimming the papers, but I know all of the names already. Once I've gone through most of it I stop and toss it in the dust behind me. Reading it was useless. I wasn't made to be any sort of hero. Then, I jump off the building and am gone.

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