Chapter Seventeen-Surprise!

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I'm woken up by the loud noise of the jet door opening. I jump awake, but am instantly calmed by a gentle squeeze from Steve. I sigh and put two fingers on the bridge of my nose. I look up immediately when I hear Grant.

"Hey, Victory?" He addresses me, sort of. I gaze up at his shining, young face and a smile comes easily. I don't correct him.

"Hey, Grant. How's the arm?" I ask, swallowing my guilt. He shrugs.

"It's healed already. The doc made a splint, and after a little while it had healed!" He nods like it's the coolest. My smile falters slightly in concern, but I shake it off.

"That's great, Grant." I tell him and feel Steve let go of my hand to run his down my back. My smile becomes more genuine knowing he's there for me.

"Hey, bud. You ready to see your room?" Tony comes up behind Grant and lays a hand on his shoulder. I stare at him, surprised. Grant nods and they head out of the jet side by side.

"I've been replaced. Wow." I say, standing. Steve chuckles beside me and shrugs.

"I just hope they stay out of trouble for a little while." He whispers and I grin. After glancing around and finding everyone already gone, Steve and I exit the jet. As soon as we hit the platform I look to my right and see my parents on a lower platform, being escorted inside and to a cage. Apparently, I stiffen because once again Steve runs his hand up and down the small of my back to relax me. "It'll be okay, Ria. They can't hurt you or Grant or anyone else." He assures me.

"That isn't what I'm afraid of." I say simply and feel his eyes on me, but he doesn't push. I feel like he already knows what I'm thinking. I turn away towards the doors and find Nick already there. His black coat flaps in the wind and I resist rolling my eyes. It's become a bit redundant. Steve's hand rests on my waist and this time, he doesn't pull away when we're in front of Nick.

"Are you ready?" He asks me when we reach him. After taking a deep breath, I nod. We follow Nick inside and go straight to the elevator. All the way down is the cage I was kept in, and where my parents are now. The room is almost cavernous. My footsteps echo a little when I go in and I almost laugh at how ironic this is. I'm now on the outside, looking in. I take a breath and near the cage. My parents are in the middle of the far wall, leaning against the glass. I'm a few feet away when I realize they can't see out. "Ready?" Nick asks again, his hand hovering over the switch that opens the cage. I look at Steve with nerves churning in my stomach and nod. I walk to the entrance and Fury hits the button. I slip inside as soon as the door opens and feel my heart start pumping faster at the sight of them so close, and within this room. I'm relieved when the mirrors disappear and just glass takes their place. I look out at Steve at the control board and give him a shaky smile. He nods at me, confident.

"Victoria?" My mother says as she stands, my father helping her. "What are you doing here?" She asks, looking shakier than I've ever seen her look. I glance at my father and find his face stern, like always, but his arm around my mother is shaking slightly. I stare at them for a minute, maybe even two, and really wonder, what am I doing here? I step forward a little and they both cower. Instead of making me feel powerful, I just feel sad. I get no pleasure from subjugation. I stay where I am and take a breath to prepare myself.

"I'm here to show you who I've become." I tell them calmly, not a hint of anger in my voice. "Now, let's start. Who is Nick Fury? He's the annoying guy that took me out for breakfast once. Who is Vision? He's the man I have personally shaken hands with and eaten dinner with. Who is Wanda Maximoff? She's the young woman who stood up for my brother and who has the best accent I've ever heard. Who is James Rhodes? He's the guy who looks after my knucklehead of a best friend and who is just as sassy. Who is Sam Wilson? He's the guy who admired my wings and talks about birds all the time. Who is Clint Barton? He's the guy that teases me and makes Nat smile. Who is Natasha Romanoff? She's the girl who has become my sister and who braided my hair. Who is Tony Stark? He's the guy I've fallen asleep on at least twice and who made me this suit. Who is Steve Rogers?" I ask and look out at his smiling face. I point at him and look back at my parents. "He's the man I love and who loves me." I lower my hand and smile. "Now, finally...who am I?" I ask them, rhetorically. I look at their faces individually. My mom's is concerned, maybe even a little frightened. My father's is stern, calm, and worried. I sigh and shake my head at the two of them. I've seen their faces outside every cage, above every table I've been laid out on, in every nightmare. Now they're in front of me, harmless and afraid. I can't even be angry at them anymore, but even better, I'm not afraid of them anymore. "I'm the woman that you could never break." I finish and turn towards the door. It opens and I walk out, right into Steve's arms.

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