Chapter Twenty~Three-Finally Content

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I stretch my arms out in front of me and snuggle deeper into my pillow. I sigh happily as I feel Steve's lips kiss the small of my back, then travel up and kiss between my shoulder blades.

"Hey, don't start something you aren't willing to finish." I mumble sleepily and get a quiet laugh from Steve. His finger replaces his lips and draws swirls on my bare back.

"Better?" He asks and I can hear the smirk in his voice. I open my eyes and see his head resting on his hand. He stares at me, smiling.

"Hmm. Well, that depends." I say playfully.

"On?" He prompts and now I smirk.

"On what you do with them now." I respond, lifting myself up while keeping the sheets around my front. He leans over and presses his lips against mine, hard, but it's far too brief. We part and I shake my head. I wrap a hand around his neck and pull him back to me. I kiss him harder, sucking on his bottom lip before he gently bites mine. I groan and pull away, shoving my face in my pillow. Steve chuckles and presses his lips against my shoulder.

"Now Ria, don't you start something you aren't willing to finish." He repeats my words back at me and splays his hand across my back, sliding it up and down. I moan and arch into his hand, unable to help myself. He laughs and I roll over and off the bed. I groan from the impact as Steve chortles. I smirk and keep rolling, taking all the covers away from him. "Hey!" He exclaims when his nakedness is out for all the world to see. I giggle from inside my burrito as Steve covers himself with a pillow.

"Mr. Rogers, Mr. Stark is on his way to see you." Friday says over the intercom and Steve and I look at each other like deer in headlights. I jump up and grab my clothes from the floor, putting them on as fast as I can. I laugh at Steve when he falls on his lily white ass while putting on his pants, but earn a playful scowl for it. Once I'm dressed I hear one harsh knock on the door. I take a breath and look at Steve to see if he's ready. He's tying the drawstring on his sweatpants, but that isn't the thing I'm distracted by. I gasp and put a hand over my mouth in shock. He looks up at me and looks just as surprised, but he smirks instead of gasping.

"Steve! You have bruises all over you!" I whisper at him. He shrugs and walks over to the door with an arm around me.

"Well, just remember this. First, it's your fault. Second, you have way more." He grins and opens the door before I have time to hit him upside the head. I smile the best I can at Tony's surprised face after the door opens and he finds a disheveled and bruised Steve and me. His eyes look between Steve and I, then he rubs his eyes with a hand.

"This is going to be so very hard to unsee." He whispers, but when he looks up at us again he's smirking. "I hope you" He asks and both Steve and I turn scarlet.

"We were, Tony. Did you want to talk about something?" Steve replies. Tony nods and slips by me into Steve's room. He stops once he's inside to look at the sheets and pillows all around the room, then looks back at us.

"I'm so disturbed, but proud at the same time." He fake chokes up and I shake my head at his silly antics. "Anyway, I just wanted to talk. I didn't get the chance to talk to you much yesterday, Cap." Tony speaks directly to Steve and my heart warms.

"Well, I'll let you two talk." I walk over to Tony and kiss his cheek, then walk to Steve. His eyes are still burning passionately and although our kiss seems perfectly chaste, Steve runs his tongue along my bottom lip before we part. I shake my head at him and walk out, shutting the door behind me. I grin like a fool and head for the stairs, wanting to go to the kitchen everyone else goes to. I run up the stairs to burn off some of the longing Steve left on my lips and stop once I reach my floor. I slip out and jog to the kitchen, exhilarated from last night, but slightly sad I can't announce it to everyone. That might be a little strange. I enter and find the room to be relatively full. Grant stands next to the T.V. flipping through the library of DVDs Tony has. Sam and Clint have taken over the entire couch, legs fighting for space. Rhodes sits at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee in his hands, Vision and Wanda sitting across from him. I have to blink a couple times to make sure it isn't a mirage, but it's real. Natasha and Bucky are sitting in a chair together, Nat snuggled up happily in his lap. Bucky sports a few bruises on his neck too, making me feel a little better about my own appearance. I need to find a mirror soon. When I walk in all eyes turn to me, then jaws drop. I feel my cheeks heat up instantly and head into the kitchen to hide behind the counter.

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