Chapter Fourteen-Found

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"Please stop! Please!" I plead as I scream, exhaustion making my eyelids heavy and my words slur. Yet every time that electricity shocks me I find myself screaming even louder than before and arching my back as much as my restraints allow. Now, after each shock I'm left to seize slightly on the cold metal, but they don't stop. They will never stop. "It's been too long. Too long." I lose my ability to speak properly, not even making sense anymore.

"No!" My father shouts and huffs in frustration.

"It's been weeks. Weeks." I say weakly, but I receive no sympathy. Not that it surprises me.

"We won't stop until this is done!" He yells and points at the orderly operating the electrical machine. "Again." My father says and my shrieking starts anew. Picture after picture is marched in front of me and I'm asked to identify each of them.

"Who are these people?" I glance at the picture. They liked to show me pictures of the Avenger's, especially Steve. He's the leader so it makes sense, but he's so much more than that to me. At least, I'm pretty sure that's how it was. Everything is confusing now.

"My friends." I convulse and shake on the table, whimpering as they show me more pictures.

"Who is this man?"

"Tony." Stinging pain runs through me and I clench my fists shut to stop the tremors.

"Who is this man?"

"Steve Rogers." An even more intense shock runs through me and I barely feel the wetness of my own tears falling down my face. My father dabs them away as they fall so the electric current isn't diverted.

"Who is this man?"

"Steve Rog-" They interrupt me this time and I squeeze my eyes shut from the pain. I'm hit in the gut to remind me to open my eyes once again. I obey, gasping.

"Who is this man?"

"Steve." I say sadly, holding onto his treasured memory as long as possible. The next shock rocks me to my core and I have to be slapped twice to become coherent again.

"Who is this man?"

"Some...someone. The Captain." I say slowly, words getting jumbled up in my mind. A sob rips its way out of me at the next shock.

"Who is this man?"

"I...I don't know."

"Victoria. Queen. Hey, are you okay?" I hear Tony asking me sweetly.

"Five more minutes, gramps." I mumble sleepily and with a pounding headache. I shove the dream away. I remember the pain well enough, no need to relive it.

"I have Motrin and a glass of water." I hear Nat say. I sit up for that and open my eyes. They're crusty, and I can feel dried tears on my cheeks. I do my best to discreetly wipe them away, but judging by the looks I'm given, I didn't completely succeed. Both of my friends are sitting on the bed with me. Tony is by my side and Natasha is at my feet with her legs tucked under her. Gratefully, I take the medicine and water from her and gulp it down. I look to my right when I hear a creaking and see Steve Rogers sitting there, looking about on the edge of death. Pain enters my head from just looking at him, but the view is worth the pain. Although he is a bit scruffy.

"What's eating at you, Steve?" There's a slight buzz inside my head when I say his name, but otherwise I'm fine. Hope springs to life in his eyes, but there's still a hesitancy to him. Doubt creeps into my heart. "That is your name, right? Steve Rogers?" I affirm and I see the hope deflate within him. He looks down at his hands in his lap, dejected. Instantly, my desire is to get up and comfort him, but that makes no sense. After a moment of hesitation, I lean over and place a light hand on his knee. His head snaps up to face me, making me jump. Tony clears his throat behind me and I notice how much better he looks after some rest. I hope my episode yesterday didn't make Steve disturb him. Tony and Nat stand and walk out of the room, leaving Steve and I alone. I move so that my legs are hanging off the side of the bed and I'm facing Steve. He watches me warily as if I'll disappear at any moment. "Explain yourself to me, Steve. Maybe it'll jog something in my mind." I ask him seriously. With a sigh, Steve leans forward, putting his elbows on his knees. I lean back slightly to give him some space.

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