Chapter Seven-Swing

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I frown a bit at getting off the bike and sacrificing Steve's and I's proximity, but smile again when I see Steve's wide smile.

"Where are we?" I ask his giddy face. I hand him my helmet and fix my hair as he sets it on his bike and begins tugging me towards the door of what looks like some club. Swing 46 is the name and I immediately see why after we enter. Fun, upbeat music blasts through speakers in the dimly lit, but very large room. I see a stage in the near distance complete with a small band. Tables are scattered throughout the room, but most are empty because all the people are standing up by the band. Well, I say standing, I should say dancing! There's jumping and swaying and spinning, but not at all like any modern club I've ever been to. Cap seems to notice my confusion and bends down to whisper to me.

"It's a 40's club. This is the kind of dancing I'm used to, although I've never been very good." His breath tickles my ear as he whispers. I watch the people dance as Steve leads us to the bar. We sit beside each other, close, on bar stools. Whatever dance they're dancing, I love watching it, but if Steve expects me to dance like that then he's in for a grim surprise. I jump a little as I feel Steve's lips skim the top of my ear. Whether he did it on purpose or by accident, I don't know. "They're dancing the jitterbug. This song is 'In the Mood' by Glenn Miller. A little fast for me, but it's a heck of a lot of fun to watch." He whispers. I nod in agreement, but notice Steve doesn't move away. He stays close to me, his lips by my ear so he can talk to me at any time. His arm wraps itself around my shoulders as if to anchor him near me. I don't mind. I smile happily as I look at the dancers. I understand why Steve comes here. In addition to being reminiscent of his past, everyone here is smiling, the music is upbeat, you can practically feel your cares rolling away being in this place. Although for me, Steve's presence probably helps with that too. Slowly, the music fades and another song comes on. Steve instantly whispers the song's name as well as the artist. "This is 'Moonlight Serenade, also by Glenn Miller." I grin at his knowledge. I had no clue he liked music this much. I look away from the dancers as Steve stands. He offers me his hand, asking me to dance. I must look like a deer in headlights because he smiles and leans towards me to whisper in my ear once again. "It's okay if you're no good. Neither am I." He comforts me. Once again, he steps away and offers me his hand. Hesitantly, I take it, making his face light up. We walk to the dance floor together and begin dancing, slowly. I watch other women dancing, mostly older women, but after watching them for a while I do my best to imitate them. I shake my hips like they do and when Steve swings me out I lift my hand in the air before returning to his arms. Judging by Steve's laughter, I'm butchering it, but it's fun so I don't mind making a fool of myself. He doesn't seem to mind that I'm horrible either, he just looks like he's having fun. I laugh more than I've ever laughed in my life while dancing with Steve. I tire about halfway through the song and just settle for regular dancing with Steve.

"I'm sorry for being such a bad dancer." I apologize to Steve for my dance moves. He shakes his head and laughs.

"Oh, no please don't feel bad. I don't think I've laughed like that in a long time. Plus, I liked seeing you smile and laugh. Seemed like you really let go." Steve observes. I press my lips together and resituate my hand on his shoulder.

"Well, yeah." I shrug, then consider his blue eyes. "You're surprisingly easy to be comfortable around, Captain." I comment. Steve looks away and lets out a low chuckle.

"Do I not seem easy to be around?" He asks, joking. I roll my eyes.

"That isn't what I meant. I meant for me, personally. I'm not usually this comfortable with someone this quickly." I explain myself. Steve just smiles down at me. We continue to sway along with the song, lost in each other's eyes and in the midst of all the people. Two superhumans playing human for the night.

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