Chapter Six-Date Night

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I wake up in the morning and immediately smile. I have a date today. Although, I have absolutely no clue when Steve is going to show up to get me. I roll out of bed and slip a sports bra on, tossing my bed shirt aside. I grab some comfortable shorts and slip them on before going out the door and heading to the training rooms. I slip into the pool area unnoticed and put on one of the plain black bikinis Tony has in the closet. After jumping in the pool, I shift myself so I once again have gills. Looking down at my legs, I smirk. In front of my eyes I shift my legs into one large tail, a teal color simply because it seems appropriate. Then, I start swimming laps underwater. Back and forth, over and over, at least until I see the smallest disturbance on the surface of the water by someone putting their feet in. I shift my gills away and go to the surface near the person's feet. I pop up and see that smile I like so much.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." Steve says and moves his feet around in the water. I swim closer and lean against the side on his right since he's sitting in a corner. My tail keeps me afloat with a couple lazy flicks every once and a while. The glimmer of the scales catches Steve's eye and he scans the tail in amazement. "It's looked like some sort of fairy tale come to life." He chuckles.

I laugh dryly at his compliment. "I'm no fairy tale, Steve." I slowly shift the tail back into my legs and heave myself up onto the smooth concrete surrounding the pool. Steve's eyes reflexively scan my bikini-clad body, then return to my eyes and stay there. I resist laughing at how polite he is. "So, have you come to fetch me to go out, or are we going out tonight?" I ask him, making him smile. His eyes light up at the mere mention of our date.

"We leave here at five." He tells me, but that's all. I lean forward a bit so he knows I'm listening, but he doesn't continue.

"Is that all you're going to tell me?" I inquire while trying to suppress my smile at the mystery.

"Yep, that's it. Be ready at five." He tells me, then stands and walks towards the gym. I'm left sitting by the pool, wondering what on earth I'm in for.

*     *     *     *     *

Hours later, I'm sitting in front of the mirror in my bathroom wearing only my nude and black lingerie that Tony bought me. Splayed out on the counter in front of me are dozens of pieces of make-up that I have absolutely no idea how to put on. I groan and put my head down on the marble counter. I jump when I hear a knock on the door and hurry to grab the robe that's hanging on the back of the bathroom door.

"Who is it?" I ask, glancing at the clock. It's four so I know it isn't Steve.

"It's me!" I hear Tony respond. I roll my eyes and open the door. Tony comes in and drags Clint in as well by his arm. I stare at the both of them, surprised and confused. Tony's face gets happy as he sees my true face for the first time. "Real face?" He asks, excited. I nod and open my mouth to ask what's going on, but Tony surprises me by kissing my cheek. "You're gorgeous, Queen. Wow." Tony compliments me, causing me to forget my question for a moment. Only a moment.

"Thanks. What is going on?" I ask Tony, but he's already dragging Clint to the bathroom and Clint is sorting through all the make-up. Stark comes back and grabs me, taking me and sitting me back down on the stool in my bathroom. Then, he leans against the doorway as Clint examines my face. I glare at Tony, waiting for an answer.

"I brought Clint to do your make-up. He was undercover for a while in a Sephora store, so he has all the knowledge." Tony finally explains. I watch Clint as he looks through the make-up on the counter.

"Brows. Lashes. Lips. The key is to frame the face." Clint whispers as he goes to work on my face. I hear Tony fidget every once and a while, but can't look at him.

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