Chapter Twenty~Two-Moving On

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I turn to Steve and smile softly. "Could you help me sit down?" I ask him. He scoops me up in his arms without a thought and carries me over to the couch. I drag Bucky along with us. He has to let go of my hand to sit, but replaces it with his right hand when we do. We sit in our normal spot and Bucky sits to the left of me, putting him close to Natasha. "I meant walk me over, but that's cool too." I get Steve to laugh and I smile at the sound.

"Thank you for doing that." Bucky says quietly. I turn to look at him and nod once.

"Of course." Is all I say and all that has to be said. I look over at Wanda and her eyes are still glazed over. "Wanda, are you okay?" I ask, concerned. Vision answers for her, not looking at anyone else.

"It seems that whatever she glimpsed in your mind has shocked or frightened her. Perhaps even both." Guilt floods me and I separate from the boys to stand. I wobble and settle for shuffling over instead of walking.

"Can I do anything?" I ask, sad I've caused Wanda distress.

"I-uh, I'm really fine." She answers, clearly not fine. "It's just-did you really go through all that?" She finally asks. I crouch and sit on my heels, keeping myself steady with a hand on her chair. I hesitate before answering.

"Yes, I went through all that." I confirm. She shakes her head.

"And they were your parents?" She asks me another question. I sigh and nod.

"Yes, they are my parents. I'm sorry you had to see that stuff." I apologize, regret and guilt running through me.

"What did you see?" Vision asks gently, but I stiffen.

"They-I mean, you- they tortured you." Wanda says. I glance back over my shoulder at Steve and see his heartbroken face.

"Yes, they did. But that's over." I tell her what I tell myself. "And you just helped someone else find a home and escape the torture of loneliness. So, there's that." I try to change the subject. She nods, slowly.

"That's nice, thanks. I think I'm actually going to go to my room for a while..." She trails off and leaves the room, Vision standing and leaving with her. I sigh and facepalm.

"So, what did she see Victoria?" Steve asks. I turn and look at his pouty face. I get up with help from the chair and walk back to the couch.

"She saw the beginning of me." I say simply, not willing to relive the memories all over again. Steve, of course, can't let it go.

"And what-" He starts, but stops when Bucky shakes his head at him.

"Drop it, Stevie. She doesn't want to talk about it." Bucky defends me and I grin at him. I switch sides of the couch and lean against Bucky instead. I wink at Steve.

"I like this guy." I say as Bucky's arm drops over my shoulders. He chuckles at my comment as Steve shakes his head at the two of us.

"How did I get stuck with two smartasses?" Steve asks and we all makes sounds of shame at him as he rolls his eyes.

"Language, Steve." Natasha says quietly and we all grin. Then, she gets up and walks out, but I don't miss the look she and Bucky share before she leaves. A few moments pass before I clear my throat.

"Uh, you know this would be the best time to go after a certain beautiful red head that enjoys having eye sex with you. Just FYI." I say aloud and make Steve laugh. I look up at Bucky as he rolls his eyes at me. He shoves me at Steve playfully and runs out the door after Natasha. I sigh and snuggle back into Steve's arms.

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