Chapter Four-The Past

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Steve crouches and we begin. We dance a bit, but the stalling doesn't last for long. I dive under and through his legs and punch him twice in the ribs before rolling away out of his reach. I take a breath and wait for Steve to retaliate. He strikes out with his foot and I widen my stance so he misses my leg. Unfortunately, that leaves me vulnerable for when he slides his leg over, knocking me to the ground. Next, Cap throws his fist down at me. I dodge, but roll back and grab his arm while planting a foot on his chest. I lift him just enough with my leg to set him off balance and slam him down beside me on the mat, crawling on top of him. I hear the others make noises and glance at them for a moment. That was the wrong decision. My mind instantly snaps back to when I was younger and looking out of a cage at a group of people.

"Kill him, Victoria." My grip tightens on his neck, but I don't snap his larynx like I could. I look up at the man closest to the bars of my cage, although he is still shrouded in shadow.

"Why? What has he done?" I ask innocently. My voice is young and still has a twinge of hope within it. For now. Everyone around the man suddenly starts whispering and I hear the hum of electricity before feeling it burn and sting my body. My back arches, but I don't cry out. I'd stopped doing that at this voltage a while ago. The unconscious body beneath me reverberates with the shock as well, but I doubt he cares. He's in so much pain already I doubt he notices much more. My gaze holds on the man in the shadows, but when the shock stops I'm gasping.

"It is not your place to question us, Victoria. Kill him, or we'll up the voltage." I look down at the metal cuffs on my feet. I lift a foot and hear them clang against where they're snapped around the bottom of the cage. I glance at the blisters already appearing on the soles and take a breath to steady myself. I look back at the man outside the cage and shake my head.

"No." I tell him. The whispers behind him grow louder and more constant at my defiance. The man, instead of looking worried, smiles. Then my body is rocked to the core with electricity. I feel the blisters on my feet pop and scream when the raw skin touches the cage. Finally, it stops, but tears are streaming down my face and my hands are shaking from the intake of so much energy.

"Do not defy me. Kill him, Victoria." The man says once more and steps into the light. His familiar face sends a sort of calmness through me, but it's wrong, all wrong. I get the distinct feeling of the wrongness, but turn back to the man at my feet. I snap his neck without a thought and kneel in front of the man just outside my cage.

"Yes, sir." The words echo in my head as hands suddenly push me onto my back, slamming the breath out of me. My eyes meet Cap's and I realize where I am, what I'm doing. I shake my head. "I'm out Cap. Let me up." Immediately, his hands leave my shoulders and he stands, taking a few steps back.

"Did I hurt you?" He asks with concern lacing every word. I shut my eyes and shake my head after I stand up.

"No, Steve. You're fine, really. I just...I just need a break."

"Victoria." Tony's whisper is hushed and full of relief. "I was worried about you, kiddo." He scolds me lightly while briskly walking towards me. Before I'm fully aware of what's happening, he's wrapped me in his arms, tight. I'm stiff from the memories, but after breathing in Tony's scent for a while, I relax.

"Sorry." I mumble into his t-shirt. "I needed the space." I whisper clearly as we separate, but Tony keeps a firm arm around me.

"What happened back there? One second you were kicking Cap's ass, then you were limp and conceding." Tony asks anxiously and recants the tale for me. I nod along with him.

"Yeah, I know, I know. Look, I came here to kind of collect myself. Is that alright? I didn't mean to-" I'm silenced by his finger over my lips.

"It's fine, kid. You can always come in here and always come to me. It isn't a problem. Just tell me what happened." Tony says gently, but his eyes hold an intensity I can't contend with. He must really care. He sits us down on the one step that leads to the balcony. I take a deep breath while looking in his dark eyes.

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