Chapter Twenty-No F***ing Civil War

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Just like the last time we shopped, robots greet us in front of the garage and take all our bags up to my room. I hope they don't frighten Steve and Bucky. I'd been trying the whole car ride what to tell Tony, but can't think of the right words. He parks the car in the garage and hops out, I follow. Instinctively I return to his side and he throws an arm around me, but doesn't start walking. I break out of my thoughts and look up at him. His dark eyes consider me, then he releases me and leans against the back of the car.

"Did Cap tell you?" He asks me with a sigh. My brows furrow as I face him. I shake my head.

"Tell me what?" I ask. He looks down and crosses his arms like a petulant child.

"You've been quieter than usual and I can tell you're thinking about something. Look, I know you care about him. About both of us, but some things I can't forgive. At least not instantly." He tells me honestly. I put my hands on his shoulders so he'll look at me.

"Hey, Tony. Tell me what happened." I plead, wanting to understand. He looks up at me, eyes full of regret and sadness. I place a hand on his cheek and he takes that hand in his, kissing it.

"Cap came back to the living room after walking you to bed. He asked if we could have some time alone and the guys left." He hesitates, struggling with sharing. "To get to the point, he told me my parents...they didn't die in a car crash. They were killed. The accident was staged by Hydra." Tony's voice breaks on the word killed and my hearts breaks with it.

"Tony...god, I'm so sorry." I desperately try to empathize with him as he stares up at me with teary eyes. I press my lips to his cheek, trying to comfort him even though there is no comfort from this. When I feel one of his tears fall from his eye and roll onto my cheek, I wrap my arms around him, holding him to me as tightly as I can without breaking him. "But listen, it'll be okay. We'll figure this all out, I mean, that's what family does. Everything will be fine. You hearing me, Tony? Everything will be fine." My voice is shakier than it should be, but Tony just nods. I put a hand on the back of his head and brush his curly black hair with it, trying to ignore the fact that it's shaking. I know everything about Bucky. There were reports about the Winter Soldier and the various kills he had made over the's possible that I have befriended the killer of Tony's parents. I shake my head imperceptibly and close my eyes. Even if it was, it wasn't him. He wasn't in control of himself. Bucky is Bucky and the Winter Soldier is the Winter Soldier. They're different. Tony pushes me away by my waist and I let him. He sniffs and stands, shaking himself rid of the emotions.

"You're right. We'll work it out, we always do. Come on, let's go talk it out." He grabs my hand and heads towards the elevator. I can't help but hope Steve has kept Bucky in my room. For the love of all that is good let him still be hidden.

* * * * * *

The minute the elevator stops on my floor I tell Tony I'll get Steve and meet him in his room. He nods and walks away, although it makes me sad to see him walk away by himself, it's necessary. Once he rounds the corner I fling my bedroom door open and slam it shut behind me. I look around my room and thankfully, see Steve and Bucky sitting on the floor outside on the balcony. I sigh in relief and they both look up at me. Steve's face falls easily into a sweet smile and Bucky smiles charmingly at me. I can't help but smile back at the idiots. I lock the door and head over to my grinning boys.

"Hey, Ria." Steve greets me as I sit beside the two of them. I sigh and put my head in my hands, my fingers diving into my hair.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asks. I lift my head back up and look at Steve.

"Were you planning on telling me what you told Tony last night?" I ask him harshly. His smile melts and is replaced by a look of regret, just like Tony's. Bucky stays silent, looking between Steve and I with unease.

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