Chapter Two-Training

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I sleep a few hours, but then I'm up and ready to work. I sprint down to the training rooms and into the sparring room. Surprisingly, Cap has beaten me here and is hitting a punching bag with a vengeance. He sees me and I see surprise on his face.

"Who are you?" He asks. I look down at myself and remember he doesn't know that this is me. It takes me seconds to change back into the raven-haired beauty, and I see recognition appear in in his eyes. Steve shakes his head, then gestures for me to come over. I jog over, noticing Stark sitting in the corner of the room. He shrugs at me and I find myself fighting a smile. I like that Tony challenges me, not many people do. I guess I'm here to find out if Cap can do the same. Physically, anyway. I reach the punching bag and look up at Cap.

"Alright. We'll wrap your hands, then you'll show me what you can do." He steadies the bag for me, then steps away towards a bag with white bandages in it.

"Captain, how old do you think I am?" I ask him impatiently. He pauses and turns back towards me as he unwraps his hands. He stops and his eyebrows go up. After glancing at Tony he sizes me up and shrugs slightly.

"Eighteen?" Cap says with trepidation. I roll my eyes and hear a slight chuckle from Tony.

"I'm twenty, Captain. Let me assure you that wrapping my knuckles isn't necessary." I assure Steve. He makes no move to indicate that he heard me. I shake my head and take my stance in front of the punching bag. I raise my arms and flex my muscles before punching the bag. I see Steve's surprised face, but he makes no move to stop me. He seems to be surprised easily. After a couple punches the bag flies off its hanger and falls to the ground. I relax my stance and look at Steve. "Next." I say, itching for something else. He looks from me to the bag with a slightly impressed face. Tony, however, giggles gleefully in the corner.

"Okay. Now let's see your knuckles." He asks. I hold out my hands and peel my gloves off. My knuckles are raw, but not bleeding. As Steve watches I heal myself. The zebrafish has the ability to grow cells on command, so that's the ability I'm utilizing. Skin stretches over the wounds and soon my hands are perfect, except for the faint glimmer that always happens after healing. I look at Steve when I'm done to gauge his reaction.

"I'm not a rookie, Captain. I've seen some major bullshit,"

"Language!" Tony yells and earns an eyeroll from Cap and a glare from me. I continue,

"and been through worse bullshit. I'm not some clueless teen you need to guide, that you need to supervise. I've been on the streets since I was eighteen. I've been able to shift since I was five. I ask that you treat me like the adult that I am and not like a kid. My age is the least important thing about me, Captain." I end my small speech and put my gloves back on, waiting for his retort. His shock seems to keep him frozen for a bit, but he eventually recovers. And I think I may see a bit of admiration in his eyes.

"While all of that may be true, you're the youngest and newest member of the team. Meaning; if we get a mission you stay here until we all know we can trust you, you go through the drills I set up for you," I open my mouth to protest everything he just said, but he stops me. "And, you follow my orders." My mouth shuts and I huff. I think for a moment and purse my lips in thought.

"How about a deal, Cap?" I ask and he looks at me with disdain, but I can see the spark of interest in his eyes. "I'll agree to everything you just said if you can beat me in a weaponless fight." I back up so I'm on the sparring platform and wait for his answer. Steve looks down, then smiles at the floor. A smile tugs on my lips at the sight. He walks up on the platform with me and we both crouch into a fighting stance.

"My money is on Shifty!" Tony shouts and I roll my eyes. Steve chooses that moment to swing his fist towards my stomach. He'd rather knock the wind out of me than knock my teeth out. Sweet. I jump back and slap the back of his head as I move out of the way. He spins to face me and readies himself again. I swing first this time, but feint and feel my open palm connect with Steve's face. The minute it does I grab onto his head and flip so that I'm perched on top of him. I put a hand on his jaw and the other on his shoulder and turn his head slightly, as if I'm cracking his neck. He stills and I jump off. I put my hands on my hips and sigh in front of him.

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