Chapter Eighteen-Steve Has a Girlfriend?!

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"It was good of you to do that." Steve tells me, almost completely sober. I shrug, nonchalantly.

"Of course. Someone has to make sure Tony takes care of himself. I'm just glad Rhodes is there to make sure he follows through." I say simply.

"Yeah well, I'm glad he actually listens to you." He says, his face now a little downcast. I stop us in front of Grant's room and frame Steve's face with my hands.

"Listen to me, Steven Rogers." I start, fighting through the slight heaviness of my thoughts. "I've read everyone's files. And I think that there's one thing kind of in the way of really connecting you and Tony." Steve stares at me with concerned, but curious eyes. Wondering what I know. "First, you need to realize he isn't Howard Stark. I know he was your friend and you cared for him, but he isn't Tony. You have to see Tony as his own person. And Tony, well Tony has to see you as your own person. Not the man that his father idolized. If the two of you can do that, then maybe you'll have a real relationship. Besides, I can tell there's something else there that you won't share with him. It's unlike you to avoid being extra friendly with your teammates." I finish and massage his cheek with my thumb before releasing him. He just stares at me, eyes sparkling happily.

"You know, you're pretty wise for a drunk person." He tells me and I giggle.

"Buzzed. Not drunk. Hold on, I have to check on Grant before I can get any sleep. Wait here for me?" I ask him. He nods immediately and opens the door for me. I smile at him and slip inside the dark room. I change my eyes so they can see in the dark and approach the bed silently. Grant's small form is swaddled in at least ten blankets with only a few brown curls sticking out from under them. Tenderly, I move the blankets a little lower on his face, under his nose so he can breathe better. His hand whips out from under the blankets and grabs my wrist, his eyes open and shock me with their shining yellow color.

"Hey, Grant. It's alright. It's just Victory." I tell him and his grip relaxes, then releases me. I sit on his bed as he sighs.

"Sorry. I'm not used to this place yet." He mumbles. I shake my head at him.

"Don't apologize, it's okay. I just wanted to check on you before I went to bed. My room is right next door." I point to the wall my room is behind and he nods.

"Thanks. The truth is, as much as I like it here, it's just not normal. I haven't ever had a room, a bed." He whispers. I nod at him, understanding.

"I get it. Just give it some time. You'll get used to it." I tell him quietly, running a hand over his curls.

"I don't want to get used to it. I always want to remember what I have here. I just don't want to lose it." He admits to me, his luminescent eyes shining even brighter with the presence of tears. I sigh at him sadly.

"Listen, Grant. No one is going to take this from you." I assure him. "I, all of us, we're you're family now. We'll protect you and one day, maybe you'll even fight with us. Don't worry. You're safe here." I finish and kiss his head of curls, so much like my own. He nods, and smiles, I think. I can only see his eyes crinkle while his mouth is hidden on blankets.

"Thanks, Victory. I appreciate it." He responds and I smile at him.

"So, if you need anything, or have a can come see me alright? You aren't a bother. Uh, uncle Tony is in the other room, so you're extra safe here. Bother either of us anytime." I try to reassure him as well as I can. He just nods. "Okay. Night, Grant." I say and stand. I walk to the door and I'm about to open it when I hear his little voice again.

"Night, Victory." He says, barely above a whisper. I smile and nod at him, then step out. Steve's leaning against the wall, but he stands upright when I come out. He takes my hand and we walk the little distance there is between Grant and I's doors.

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