Chapter Ten-The New Victoria

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*Steve Rogers's POV*

The second she jumps off the roof I'm at the edge looking over at her. I think of calling out to her, but know it won't do any good. She changes into an eagle, a bald eagle just for me, before she disappears from my sight. I shut my eyes after she's gone, struggling to accept her absence. After a couple deep breaths, I open my eyes and run back inside. Just because she wants to do this alone, doesn't mean I'm going to let her. I go to the lab to find Tony fiddling with some weird piece of technology. He glances up at me when I enter the room and drops the thingy-ma-bob in surprise.

"So?" He asks me and walks over. "Did you talk her down? As a figure of speech of course." He jokes. He's always joking.

"No." I say. "She left." I mutter, then clear my throat to get rid of the thickness there. Tony, however, looks like he's had a slight stroke.

"You mean for a couple hours, right? Because I know you didn't just let our girl go out there alone." Tony stops joking and asks me a question he already knows the answer to. Guilt washes over me, but I frown at him.

"It isn't like I wanted to, Stark. She jumped off the tower, then shifted." I explain and Tony goes back to his monitor.

"What shape? I can probably track her..." Tony goes on, but I'm already shaking my head.

"She probably already changed into something else so you couldn't do just that." I shoot down his idea and he sends me a scathing glare.

"Then what, Cap? How are we supposed to find her?" Tony asks, his voice rising. I look at him with frustration, but I understand his anger. I'm angry too.

"Maybe she'll come back to us first." I hope aloud, not really believing it. Tony scoffs and shakes his head at me. He continues messing around with his tech as I walk out. "We'll get the team in on it. We'll find her. She can't have gotten too far, right?" Tony scoffs again and I glance at him and his upset face. At this moment, I'm surprised he doesn't rip my head off. "Could you have stopped her from doing something she really wanted to do?" I ask him and he sobers slightly, his anger dissipating. I continue walking out, but pause at the door and turn my head to the side, "She said to tell you that she'll miss you." I tell him, then walk out. I'll leave him to his own devices. I march through the hallways alone, replaying Victoria's words in my head over and over again. 'I loved dancing with you, Steve.' I keep marching and whisper the words I said to her to myself.

"We'll dance again, Ria. I swear, I won't stop until I find you. I won't stop." And I won't stop.

* * * * * * One month later * * * * * *

I run a hand through my hair then feel the scruff on my face as I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror. Even to me, I look rough. I haven't shaved in a couple weeks. Personal grooming doesn't seem to matter when someone important to you is missing. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom, heading to the room I always have in the past month. I stop just outside the doors and glance left and right before gently knocking. In my mind, I see her opening the door with a small, nervous smile. Just like she did the night of our first date. I see her bright eyes, her long, curly hair, her curvy figure, everything. But just like every day this month, no one comes to the door. I reach for the handle and let myself in. Leaving the door open, I take a couple steps inside, but stop when I see the top of someone's head in the armchair beside her bed.

"Vic-" I start, but am interrupted by a familiar voice.

"I'm not her, Cap." Tony says as he slowly turns the chair to face me. I feel my shoulders droop with disappointment, but nod at Tony in greeting. Tony examines me from his spot in his chair. "You should shave your facial hair so it's like mine. She'd think that it was funny." He references her and I chuckle without humor.

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