Chapter Three-Queen

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Although the way I fell asleep may have been peaceful, the sleeping was not. I wake up covered in a cold sweat with a scream on the tip of my tongue. Once my eyes snap open I survey the room, immediately recognizing it as not mine. This room is bigger and decorated with much more personal items. Maroon and gold decorate most of the room and as I move the covers slightly and get a whiff of scent, I realize it's Tony's room. Finally, I look just to my right and see him reclining in a leather arm chair. He's already awake and watching me with a concerned expression on his face. Most likely from my nightmare, or from my episode yesterday.

"Ah, shit." Are the first words to slip out of my mouth. Tony laughs and I realize it's the first time I've ever made him laugh. Instantly I realize I want to do it again.

"Don't worry, Shifty. We didn't sleep together, if that's what you're worried about." Tony assures me and I roll my eyes at him.

"That isn't what I'm worried about, but thanks for that." My thank you is slightly sarcastic, but he doesn't seem to mind. "Why am I in your room anyway?" I ask while uncovering myself and scooting over to the edge of the bed towards him. He shuts the reclining part of the seat and sits normally as well, shrugging.

"Well, after yesterday, I wanted to keep an eye on you." Tony says cautiously. I can tell he's afraid I want to forget about everything and that things will go to the way they were before. I'm tempted, I admit. Looking at his face though, I can't bring myself to keep him away. Especially, after his kindness. I nod slowly.

"You wanted to make sure I wouldn't run away?" I question him with a little bite, but it's just a test. Tony's eyes soften as he leans towards me a bit more.

"No, I was concerned about you. After what happened and the nightmares I could tell you were having, I didn't want to leave you to yourself. Speaking of, do you want to tell me what yesterday was about?" He answers honestly and I feel my heart squeeze. I can't remember the last time someone showed this kind of concern about me. I stare at him and purse my lips in thought.

"Um, physical touch has never been used to show affection, to me anyway. Whenever I was touched, it was in the form of a fist or an open palm to slap. You threw me off, that's all." I explain with difficulty. I've never told anyone anything about my past before. Tony stares at me intensely as I tell him this and grabs my hand when I'm done. I jump, but his grip just tightens.

"Look, you don't have to worry about that here. No one is going to hurt you, unless you're sparring, and even then, you can tap out at any time. We aren't like them, Shifty. You can trust this team, you can trust me." Tony assures me all the while holding my hand. I listen and do my best to believe and absorb his words, but it's going to take a while. I stare at his dark, shining eyes and nod at him. I heave a breath before saying what I say next.

"Victoria." I say quietly. Tony looks confused for only a moment, then his face clears and his eyebrows pop up in shock. I nod a little as I say it. "My name is Victoria. Now, don't go looking up shit about me or anything, I'll tell you when I'm ready to tell you. And you can't tell the rest of the team. But when we're alone, you can call me Victoria." I give him a little piece of myself in return for his care. I have nothing else to give, so it'll have to be enough for now. It's worth it because after it sinks in he smiles brightly and whispers my name quietly to himself.

"Okay, Victoria." His smile gets a bit wider when he says my name and I find myself shaking my head at him, but I'm smiling too. "How about some breakfast, Queen?" I furrow my brows at queen, but nod.

"Get it? Like Queen Victoria? She was young like you, a spitfire like you, and she had an advisor that believed in her. Just like us." Tony explains as I stand and straighten my clothes. I nod along to what he's saying, and feel my smile grow a bit as he tells me he believes in me. We walk towards the door and Tony throws his arm around me, this time I don't shrug it off.

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