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*Christmas Eve Night*

I roll over in Steve's bed when I hear the door open. Bucky stands just inside the door, looking at me without surprise. I sleep in here more than my own anyways, my room is more of an art studio for me now. He walks over silently and crouches beside the bed.

"...can I..I mean...would it be okay if..." Bucky whispers and struggles to get his words out. I blink a couple of times to wake myself up a little more before addressing him.

"Bucky, you don't have to ask. Just get in." I croak as quietly as I can to avoid waking up Steve. Steve and I were on one side of the bed huddled together, leaving the other side open. This wasn't the first time this had happened, not in the least. In fact, it almost always happened when Natasha was out on a mission. Bucky hadn't been cleared to work yet, so he had to stay behind. Ever since it had turned cold Bucky had gotten more fidgety than usual. The cold reminded him of his past. He would find either Steve or me and stay with us during the night. More often than not it was with both of us. Neither of us minded at all. Bucky's a heater. I'd even woken up with my arms wrapped around his metal arm to keep me cool between the two men.

"Are you sure? Would Steve-"

"Buck. Shut the hell up and get in the bed." Steve tells him firmly. Even in the dark I can see Bucky's white smile. He climbs in and gets under the covers, letting in a cold breeze that isn't welcome. Steve's arms tighten around me when I shiver, but as soon as Bucky settles I'm warm again. We all fall asleep again easily with each other for company.

I wake up in the morning to Steve getting out of bed, jostling Bucky and I in the process. We both groan and I move closer to Bucky, now lacking warmth on one side. We curl together, keeping the warmth between us. Steve chuckles and I hear him moving around the room as he changes.

"You two should get up too. It's time for our run." He tells us quietly. Bucky and I both groan at him, making Steve chuckle again. I open my eyes and sigh at the morning. I pat Bucky's chest and his arms open, like pressing a button for the elevator. I roll out of bed and am greeted with a kiss on the lips from Steve. Despite myself I smile at the trouble maker. I head to the top drawer of Steve's dresser, my work out clothes were kept in here. I rarely work out without Steve anyway, so it just made sense to keep them here. I change, not worrying about Bucky getting up and seeing me. He was always the last to get up. Besides, Bucky's like my brother. I really wouldn't care if he saw me butt naked, it wouldn't matter. I finish changing as Steve tugs Bucky out of bed, like always. "Come on, Buck. Sam's going to be here any minute." Steve plays on Sam and Bucky's playful rivalry to get him up.

"Already here." Sam says, leaning against the door frame. "Late as always, I see. Am I the only gentleman on this team?" He teases. I walk over and punch his shoulder for the comment, but he just laughs. Bucky's up in a second after hearing Sam, and is ready in less than a minute after changing in the bathroom.

"It's the only time you're first at anything, so I'd say to cherish our lateness." Bucky quips, grinning and suddenly wide awake. Sam rolls his eyes and walks out. We all follow him, Steve and I in the back, stretching, and Bucky and Sam in the lead, arguing. When we reach the door that leads outside I groan.

"Does anyone else understand how crazy and I don't know...CRAZY it is for us to run in New York city, in the winter, when it's icy and snowy?" I ask, staring out at the winter wonderland in front of us. I love winter, I really do. But I love the warm fires, the snuggling, the sweaters, the hot chocolate, and the occasional snow ball fight. I'm not a fan of freezing my ass off at seven in the morning from running with two assholes. Two assholes who run ahead, and Sam who I willingly stay beside. Sam whispers yes under his breath but Steve and Bucky are grinning, excited for the competition that's about to start. Sam drops back beside me and lets Steve take his place next to Bucky as the doors open. Instantly, they both take off, both trying to outrun the other. Sam and I both sigh and start jogging leisurely. We follow our normal route through the city and Steve laps us twice with Bucky, before I start feeling the urge to compete rise up in me. It isn't unusual that they lap us, but this time every time they do they tap Sam and I's shoulders.

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