Chapter Thirteen-Missing Pieces

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I wake up again and almost think that the past night didn't happen. I'm wrapped up in Tony's sheets with his smell surrounding me all over again. But when I open my eyes I see that I'm still on his chest, although we are now in his room. I let my head collapse back onto Tony in exhaustion, but keep my eyes open to look around. The Captain and Black Widow are both still here, asleep. I really wonder what I took out of these people by leaving to make them sleep so much. I reach up and scratch the back of my head, finding that Tony had taken off my towel hat. My hair is still a little damp and when I prop myself up to look back at Tony I see that I've left wet marks on his navy shirt. I leave myself propped up and cross my legs under me to keep myself upright.

"Are you alright?" Someone's deep voice startles me and I look up to see the blonde man running a hand through his hair and blinking himself awake. He looks incredibly sexy in the early morning light with messy hair and a lazy smile. Suddenly I feel incredibly privileged to be the one he's smiling at. I give him a smile back and nod.

"I'm fine, thanks. Sorry if I woke you." He shakes his head after I apologize, dismissing it.

"You didn't." He assures me and I nod once in acknowledgement. He stretches and his gaze goes to the man at my side as well as notices my change of clothes and wet hair. His eyebrows pop up, but he doesn't say anything. For some reason, my cheeks heat up and I rush to explain myself.

"I went swimming last night." I blurt out. I lower my voice and continue, "Tony gave me some clothes to change into afterwards." I explain. Steve nods, a small smile appearing on his face once again, although his lovely eyes are still sad.

"Why do you feel like you need to explain?" He asks me, his voice hushed but teasing. I open my mouth and close it again, not sure of why I did it. I shake my head and shrug. He grins at me and I find myself irked by his confidence. I lean back onto Tony to ground me and see the Captain's smile disappear as I smirk. He watches me with hopeful, yet jealous eyes.

"Alright, you two lovebirds. Playtime's over." Natasha says from the floor. I blink in surprise at her words and her presence. I'd forgotten she was there. "I need some food, desperately." She says, standing. Tony's eyes seem to pop open at the word food and he hops out of bed, leaving me to fall onto the pillows. I laugh lightly and watch the two of them run towards the door. Tony stops and looks back at me, asking with his eyes whether I'm coming. I shake my head and wave him along.

"I think I'm going to focus on actually waking up before eating, you go with Nat." I tell him. He looks from me to Captain America, then winks at me and hurries after Natasha.

"I'd like to stay, if that's alright?" Steve asks politely. I nod tentatively.

"Of course, you can, but I may ask you some questions?" The words form a statement, but I end it with a question so he can say no if he wants to. His mouth twitches a little as he nods.

"Ask me whatever you like, but may I ask you one first?" He asks kindly. I nod, and he goes on, "You said Nat, do you remember her now?" I nod, smiling softly.

"Yes, I remember Natasha now." He nods slowly, clearly disappointed. I purse my lips a second, then decide on my first question.

"What Natasha said, about lovebirds, that wasn't just a joke was it? We've dated?" I ask curiously, the remnants of feelings I don't remember swirling around my chest. Steve's face conveys shock, then settles into sadness, but there's still hope shining in his eyes. Something tells me it's hard to put out.

"We were dating when you left. Yes." He confirms it. I shake my head, confused.

"Then why weren't you the first person I remembered? I know Tony, even Nat, but not you." I say, confused. His face is just as confused, but that everlasting hope is still there.

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