Chapter Five-That's Spangled Alright

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It doesn't take us long to get to the district that's full of shops. Tony takes my hand in his the minute we're out of the car and begins dragging me from store to store. He buys me shirts, shorts, pants, scarves, gloves, shoes, even some heels to which I protested greatly. We're on an escalator on the way to another store and I'm trying to get Tony to stop, or at the very least slow down. He's making me feel guilty by buying all of these things for me when I have nothing to give him in return.

"Tony, this is amazing and I'm thankful, I truly am, but I don't need all of this. I certainly don't need anything more! You won't even tell me where we're going now!" I protest to which Tony grins down at me.

"You don't have everything you need yet. You need something to wear for your date." Tony chides and earns an eye roll from me.

"You already bought me that old-fashioned dress, Tony. Three, actually! That's what I'm wearing on my date. Have you forgotten everything you've bought me already, gramps?" I remind him, then tease him a bit. He gives me a half smile then pulls me along to the right of the escalator. Bright pink catches my eye and I immediately start to drag my feet. "No, no, no. Absolutely not. Tony Stark!" I yell at him and finally plant my feet, making him come to a crashing halt. He turns towards me with a mischievous smile and shrugs.

"First, are you telling me that you have more than enough underwear and bras?" Tony inquires. I feel myself blush scarlet, a rare occurrence, but shake my head.

"No, but I'm more than capable of shopping for those by myself. You don't-" Tony cuts me off as I endeavor to implore him not to do this.

"Come on, Queen. This isn't a big deal. We'll get you what you need, and I'll even help you pick out something for your date tomorrow. Look, I even invited your favorite." Tony adds with a wink. I look to where he's pointing and see Natasha standing there with a couple things draped over her arm. I wave back. Tony starts walking again and reluctantly, I let him drag me over.

"This is so weird. Are you realizing that? Do you know how weird you are?" I ramble on to diffuse the tension in my chest, but Tony doesn't seem to be fazed a bit. Not even by the occasional girl that comes along to stare and giggle at him. I hear Nat snickering behind me, but she doesn't say anything. I'm too nervous to look around so I just stand there as Tony shoves random things in my arms. After I can hardly see over the pile, Tony ushers me to the dressing rooms and sits down just outside the door.

"Show us the ones that you like and we'll tell you if they're any good." Nat says just outside the door and I lean my forehead against the wall in frustration.

"Really? You really want me to showcase this stuff? To you and Tony?" I ask quietly and hear Tony chuckle from the other side of the door.

"Yes, Queen." Tony replies simply. I start to change clothes, not really paying attention to what I'm putting on, but continue to protest.

"Lord Melbourne, this may not be how my body actually looks, but I'm still relatively self-conscious." I recall the name of Queen Victoria's advisor and use it as a nickname for Tony. Finally, I've finished changing and I look in the mirror. "Tony, you are so full of shit." I open the door and stand in front of him with my hands on my hips. Tony bursts out laughing and I can't keep my poker face up. I smile and laugh lightly too. Nat even cracks a smile and raises her hand to hide it. "This is a joke, right?" I gesture to what I'm wearing and Tony falls over on his side laughing. I put my hands back on my bare hips and shake my head. I'm wearing an all-American outfit for sure. A strapless fitted bustier is on my top half, but leaves the skin from my belly button down to my bottoms bare. Half of it is covered in navy blue with white stars while the other half is covered in red and white stripes. The cheeky bottoms are the same and barely cover my ass. Nat clears her throat and I look at her. She looks like she's trying to compose herself again.

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