Chapter Nineteen-Decor

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I wake up without having any nightmares and am surprisingly without a hangover. I open my eyes, ready to pop out of bed and find myself face to chest with Bucky. My head is on his right arm, thankfully, while his left is wrapped tight around my waist. I feel his chin on top of my head and feel his legs between mine, so I must be straddling him. I take a deep breath to keep myself from blushing and get a noseful of Steve.

"Oh." I barely make a noise when I say it. Bucky smells like Steve because he has on Steve's clothes. That's why I'm so close to him. I wiggle a little, but Bucky's grip just tightens.

"Look punk, I don't give a shit about what people think. If you sleep by yourself you'll freeze your tiny ass off and get a cold again. So, stay still and stay here." Bucky mumbles firmly. I still and stare at his chest. Wow. I never knew just how much Bucky cared for Steve and looked after him. Waves of affection for Bucky threaten to drown me and I can't help my smile. I decide to wake him up. I don't want him to think Steve's left him in his sleep.

"Bucky." I say in a normal tone of voice. He doesn't budge or make a sound. "Friday?" I call for her, knowing she'll respond.

"Ma'am? May I just say that I think this is a terrible idea?" Friday says, her voice concerned.

"Noted. Can you tell Steve to come here? Without letting anyone else know?" I ask, knowing she can.

"...yes ma'am." She responds hesitantly. With that done, I go back to trying to wake up Bucky.

"Bucky. Wake up." I wiggle a little more, but still nothing. "Damn it." I whisper. I shift into a ferret and escape his arms, jumping to the floor. I shift back into myself and giggle at the sight of him sleeping, the pillows surrounding him and the empty space next to him where I was. Now, how to wake up an assassin? I think of Steve, and how he might've woken Bucky up when they lived together. Smirking, I lift a discarded pillow from the floor and chuck it at Bucky's face. As soon as it hits him he bolts awake, eyes wide and rocking a great bed head. I can't hold in my laughter. I hold my stomach as he gets up, frowning at me. "I'm sorry, you just wouldn't wake up." I manage to tell him in between bouts of laughter. Once I'm done laughing he's smiling slightly. He's looks really nice like this. Homey.

"I'm surprised you're this awake. I could smell alcohol on your breath last night." Bucky jabs at me playfully. I roll my eyes.

"At least I don't talk in my sleep, Bucky Barnes." I tease right back, but instead of smiling he sobers. I can tell I've hit a nerve.

"What'd I say?" He asks me quietly. I walk over to him and brush down some of the hairs that are sticking up from his head.

"It's fine, Bucky. We had moved closer in our sleep because I thought you were Steve and you thought I was Steve. You just talked to me like I was him. It's fine. It was sweet." I assure him and drop my hand. A soft smile appears on his face and he uses his right hand to fluff up my hair. I grin and slap his hand away. I don't think I've ever made friends so easily and quickly as this. Bucky already feels like a brother to me. "I sent for Steve, are you ready?" I ask him. He takes a deep breath, but smiles.

"Yes." He says just as I hear a gentle knock at the door.

"Okay, could you hide in the bathroom for a minute? I need to prepare him for this or else his head may explode." I say quickly. Bucky nods and jogs to the bathroom, he leaves the door open a crack and now I take a deep breath. I run to the door and open it with a swish, the breeze blowing my hair back. Steve stands just outside the door in a white tank top and grey sweatpants. My mouth pops open a little bit when I see his rosy cheeks and messy hair. It's satisfying to see him look me up and down too. His cheeks even turn a little darker pink. "Wow." I say quietly and the worried look on Steve's face turns humorous.

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