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Five years is a long time. It may fly past quickly, or it may drag on and on, and feel like it'll never end. Personally, I have experience with both.

A long time ago--which actually isn't so long--time flew by for me. I enjoyed everything life offered me. Work was worthwhile, and I relaxed by playing the piano.

Hmm? Oh, sorry...

Seishirou Morishige at your service. Today is an off day, for once...

Actually, let me be quite honest with you, whomever you may be. I hate going to the hospital now. The mere thought sickens me, and I mean that quite literally. I fall so ill that work is virtually impossible.

After all, a doctor is supposed to help sick patients, not get them sick.

You already knew that, of course.

Regardless, my main point is... time has gone by so slow for five years straight. Every day is slower than the last, and it's downright depressing.

What? That's not how a doctor should think?

Do you really think that matters to me at this point...?

Okay, I'll explain further.

I have a wife, and she's called Kumiko. You don't need to know much about her, though. More importantly, we have--wait, I should say had--a son. Sakutaro, his name was.

"Had? Was? What happened to him?"

He's dead. There, I told you. Now, I suggest you leave before you catch whatever I have.

Huh? You're staying?

I must say, I admire your persistence. You want to know more about this whole thing, don't you?

Alright... But don't expect a happy story.

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