Fukumi Akamine

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When my shift ended later that day, I followed Akamine's instructions and headed outside, making my way to the entrance. I stood against a tree and periodically checked my watch.

"Where is she? I don't have all night..."

I took a deep breath, and tried to stay calm. Surely, she was on her way. After all, she had a tight schedule, too.

I waited for a few extra minutes before she ran towards me. She was carrying a large duffel bag over her shoulder, and she was gasping for air.

"Sorry I kept you waiting...! Ahh... Can't breathe..."

I reached out towards her and grabbed the duffel bag. It was heavy, and the weight wasn't helping her breathe.

"Don't apologize. It's your asthma, isn't it?"

"Maybe... they told me I'm basically over it, but I was running while carrying that..."

I nodded and began to unzip the bag.

"What else would you expect? Next time, give me a call and I'll assist you."

After her breath became steady again, she nodded.

"Right. Will do, Doctor."

My eyes were focused on the bag, but I could still see her from my peripheral vision.

Let me take a moment to tell you some more about Fukumi Akamine, so you have a better picture of her.

She was a younger woman. I never asked for her exact age--that is rude, in my eyes--but she was in her late twenties. She was taller, too... approximately 5'7". I still don't understand how she was so tall, but it's better to not question it. Additionally, her eyes were big and gray. She had platinum blonde hair, and she always wore it in two pigtail braids. Akamine was particularly fond of leggings and combat boots. Normally, such attire wouldn't go well with a lab coat, but she was an exception.

Akamine was a scientist, in simple terms. She was a dedicated researcher, and spent her time analyzing every detail to decide how to cater to each individual patient's needs. She'd record her findings and deliver them to the appropriate nurse or doctor. She was a pretty well-known figure throughout the hospital. Sometimes, she invented her own treatments, but never tested them on patients. The risk was too high. But she remembers them.

Akamine gave people odd impressions. When they first met her, she wouldn't talk unless absolutely necessary. Her gray eyes looked cold, and she'd carefully examine people. She would keep cracking her fingers while chewing gum. But she never spoke.

Once I got to know her, though... I realized she had a much happier, lighthearted personality than anyone imagined. She simply wasn't interested in chit chat right from the get-go. Her analytical brain has to examine people and follow a routine before she decides whether or not to initiate conversation. Not only that, but it helped her focus. Distractions were evil in her eyes, and that's why normal conversation didn't always come up... mainly when work was more important.

That aside, back to the story.

"Akamine, what's in this bag? Bricks?"

I heard a small chuckle.

"No, of course not! I brought the equipment we'll need to try this ritual... thingie. I did my research, and did some thinking. Nothing can seemingly go wrong, as long as we do it right!"

I raised an eyebrow at her and crossed my arms.

"What kind of equipment for a ritual could be so heavy?"

"Metal, silly."

"But why is metal necessary?"

Akamine ignored me and grinned. She came over to me and reached into the bag. As she did, she accidentally elbowed me in the side.

I don't know why, but it hurt.


She jolted up and started to shake her head, but I stopped her.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine. So, what are we supposed to do?"

Akamine shifted her feet, and swayed back and forth.

"First of all, we take these metal rods and connect them together. Like this."

She had one rod in each hand, and she slowly brought them together while muttering something under her breath. I was going to ask why, but before I could even try to speak, the rods connected on their own... she had let go, but they stuck together like glue. Then, they started glowing and spinning around. The rods bent and formed a circle.

"What on Earth...?"

"Morishige, you ask too many questions! Look, it's simple. The rods form together to make a circle, and the circle moves up and down. Eventually, the light forms a cylindrical shape, and it acts as a chamber."

"What does the chamber do?"

"It acts as a teleportation chamber, but it works for all dimensions."

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"You need something near and dear to him. You better act fast, the chamber is appearing!"

The rod circle spun faster and faster, and the light glowing started to expand.

I didn't know if I had anything of Sakutaro's with me, but I had to check. I reached into every pocket I had. Luckily, I took one photo from his room for sentimental reasons.

It was him as a child with his grandfather.

Nothing could have been more near and dear to him than this photo. His grandfather was the only family member he looked forward to spending time with.

I didn't hesitate as I reached into the glowing area, and let go of the photo. It floated there, and I almost felt like it was all a dream. All of it seemed so improbable, how could it even be possible? At that point, though, I acknowledged that there was more than meets the eye.

I sat watching in awe for a few moments as Akamine continued muttering under her breath. When she stopped, she stepped back and grabbed a hold of my hand.

"We have to get back, Morishige!"

"Right, okay."

She pulled me further away, and a moment or two afterwards, there was a loud zapping sound, and the light vanished. The two metal rods disconnected and fell to the ground.

I looked at Akamine, and noticed she was smiling. On closer inspection, I noticed she was tearing up a little. I didn't know why she was crying, either.

Before I could ask if she was okay, she suddenly lunged at me and hugged me.

"Akamine! What has gotten into you? Are you alright?"

She laughed and didn't let go of me.

"I'm fantastic! It worked! Go see for yourself."

I wanted to thank her, but her words shook me in such a strange way, I couldn't even remember how to talk. The only thing I could think about was Sakutaro, and how we managed to return him to this plane.

I slowly let go of Akamine and turned to see a tall skeleton lying on the ground. His clothes were tattered, but I could still recognize the Kisaragi Academy uniform.

I walked towards his body and dropped to my knees. My hand--seemingly by itself--took his student ID and brought it near my face.

"Yes... this is him..."

The tears came immediately afterwards.

"Sakutaro... I'm sorry... I'm going to fix it... I promise... We just need to bring Suzumoto back, and then..."

I stood back up and focused on Akamine again.

"Akamine, do you know anyone by the name of Suzumoto?"

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