That's A Wrap

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After seeing black and not hearing anything for a long while, I finally woke up. I could see the hospital, Yoshinaka's bloody clothes, and the ceiling. I didn't exactly know what happened to Yoshinaka, but I concluded someone moved him, whether alive or dead. I slowly sat up, and looked at my body. Strangely enough, I looked like I did before I starved myself, but felt this terrible feeling inside. My stomach felt twisted and upset, my head felt light, and my limbs felt nonexistent.

I told myself to not worry about it, and stood on my feet. As I began walking outside, I noticed my car was gone.

What? How? Well, whatever. I can walk just fine.

That's exactly what I did: I walked home. Normally, when I walk through town on my way home, people smile and greet me. This time, however, no one seemed to notice me. I recognized some faces and attempted to say hello, but they didn't even give me a passing glance. It was strange, but unimportant. Getting home and eating meant more to me than social interaction at that point in time.

It was a longer walk due to how unpleasant I felt, but I made it home safely. Something odd happened, though. As soon as I closed the front door behind me, my symptoms faded a little for a moment, and then escalated and became much worse. This was a continuous cycle, and I have felt sick ever since. I often feel too sick and tired to move--moving makes it worse.

No one really visits me, either. In the past, neighbors would often come and check on us... they are so kind... but now, they don't pay me any mind. No one does.

...What's that in your hand? A newspaper, hmm? Well, don't leave me in suspense. What is it?


And it says my name?

...I understand... so much for saving myself, huh...? Maybe I should just let go of everything. Maybe then I wouldn't feel like this... maybe I won't feel miserable...

Leave me. Now. If you don't, you too will be death ridden... ahhh...


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